Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 663 - Make people love you

Xixiu won't be tempted at the moment, so even if Qing Zhixun wants to give out sweets, he can't!

Looking at Su Jinbao's appearance, is he worried that she will be unhappy after hearing Qing Zhixun's name?

Xixiu was a little helpless.

Although the relationship between her and Qing Zhixun was not as sweet as that of ordinary couples, at least they were on the right track.

A Xian couldn't hold back his laughter, just to see Su Jinbao's confused look.

Su Jinbao was glanced at by Xi Xiu, and his scalp was numb, but he still bravely glanced at his captain, and saw that she was smiling. It was obvious that she was having a good time with Qing Zhixun, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Xixiu stopped teasing him and told him the information returned by Qing Zhixun: "The identity of this Avlan is yet to be determined, because she once lay in the nutrition cabin for ten days and did not show up."

No one has seen her, so the Senate cannot be sure whether the person who came out of the nutrition cabin is Avran herself.

Qiu Shaorong ignored Su Jinbao and continued to ask: "Where is the nutrition cabin?"

Given Avran's age at the time, she should have only had access to the nutrition cabin in the medical room.

If her family is rich, she may have one in her own family. In this case, no one has contacted her for ten days.

But what Xixiu said was that she stayed in the school's medical room for ten days.

"How could there be such a big loophole in the school?" Su Jinbao didn't believe it.

"Don't forget, Jing Huixing, this is the territory of the Tang family. The Tang family once controlled all educational resources."

Xixiu's words reminded everyone of the information that the Tang family was dealt with because the Tang family secretly created Ye Zhenwei.

Ye Yunhan also turned against Tang Yongyu because of this.

This matter was only briefly discussed, and the more specific details were only found in the information Xixiu gave to Su Jinbao.

Therefore, Qiu Shaorong and Su Jinbao can know the key issues.

Based on Qin Hongjun's thoughts, he must have had a plan long ago.

As a girl, Aiflan was extremely beautiful.

That kind of beauty makes people feel loving.

I want to protect her from the wind and rain.

Don't let her suffer anything.

As a girl, Avran was even more ethereal than as an adult.

It should be her temperament that attracted others' attention.

Perhaps, it was because of her excessive beauty that she brought disaster to herself.

A-Xian didn't know how to describe his feelings at this moment. He felt both pity and anger.

"Can Axun find out what happened to Avlan?" Axian wanted to know what Avlan was like in the past.

Only in this way can they judge this matter more rationally and what role Avlan plays in this.

Because they had no idea what happened to Avran in those ten days, who treated her, and whether there were any abnormalities after her recovery.

How to determine that she is not voluntary.

"He didn't say anything. I guess the Senate is also investigating." Xixiu shook his head.

News can't come that fast.

The Tang family destroyed a lot of key information at the beginning. They probably expected that things would be exposed in the future, so all the files were in paper version.

It is not recorded through the central brain.

This makes it very difficult to collect information, and the Elders can only find answers from Avran's family.

Analyze whether there are any changes in Avran's personality after recovery compared to before, as well as his behavior, etc.

Then build a model and have it evaluated by professionals. It is estimated that it will take more than ten days to get the results.

"Captain, Mingyun Galaxy and Yuan Ri are next to each other. Will they have Yuan Ri's ideas?"

Su Jinbao scratched his head and found that he couldn't figure out the twists and turns, but he was worried that Yuanri would be affected.

"I don't know, but most of them probably won't. Except for the station, everyone else on Yuanri is already a robot."

Xixiu felt that Qin Hongjun would not be so boring. This wave of insects might just be to attract their attention to him and remind everyone of his existence.

It means like saying hello to you, but the way is so special that it will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

In his opinion, this is his "sincerity".

I really don’t know when this “surprise” will end.

Su Jinbao felt a little sad. He felt that he might not have developed well as a child, otherwise why would he not be able to see through these things.

It's really sad.

Even if he looked at the data, it was just data, and he never thought that he could analyze more problems from it.

He felt that his view of the problem was still too one-sided and could not grasp the key points.

The captain gave him the task of collecting information. He should be more keen.

After returning home, he will replenish his professional knowledge and learn more from Tarasha and Liang Jingxian, who used to join Qi La's team.

Qiu Shaorong also felt that it was the captain's analysis that Qin Hongjun had a very bad taste and did not play his cards according to routines.

"Captain, will we go on missions after we get back?" Su Jinbao sat on the sofa, took a fruit-fed drink, and asked curiously.

Xixiu clicked on the number of teams of soldiers in the station. "Based on the number of people, it will take three months for all the teams in the station to go out for one round."

With the alliance's efficiency, three months is enough to resolve this insect crisis.

So after they return this time, they don't need to go on another mission unless the situation worsens.

"Then, let's continue training after we go back. I think my control of heavy mechas in this battle is still not flexible enough." Su Jinbao was a little anxious and didn't want to delay.

"In this case, let's organize a week of heavy mecha training for everyone after we return." Xixiu made a decision immediately.

She discovered some problems from this mission. The new soldiers who joined 909 were still a little reluctant to fight.

It may also be that after seeing the insect attack, he was not confident in his own strength.

I have to correct all of this when I get back, and then supervise their training.

She herself couldn't let up.

Accidents may happen at any time on the battlefield, and you must have enough ability to save yourself.

The encounter between Yang Jiuqing and Hu Yingyi is enough to illustrate the problem. If they are not particularly trustworthy companions, they may suffer irreversible damage.

"Okay, I want to practice agility." Su Jinbao made his request.

After he was tired from the battle, he turned on the ground monitor while resting in mid-air, and has been studying the captain's fighting movements.

That kind of cleanliness and agility, as well as speed, were beyond his reach.

Don't seek to surpass, you can at least reach half of the captain's level.

"When you practiced sewing clothes with mechas, you definitely didn't care." Xixiu thought of the project that Li Shuqi asked them to practice with mechas.

She practiced very seriously at the beginning, and even went to the virtual network to take additional classes. She and A-Xian practiced in private for more than a month.

There were other training methods that could improve agility. As for whether other people trained like this, she didn't care too much at the time.

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