Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 664 - Super Smiling Face

"Hey, captain, you saw through it." Su Jinbao was a little embarrassed.

"Okay, let's go back and practice with the others. We have to work harder this time." Xixiu's words were particularly serious.

"Definitely!" Su Jinbao saluted and left the office with Qiu Shaorong.

Watching the two disappear behind the door, Xixiu had a happy smile on her lips.

Although such a time is dangerous, it is actually not a bad time to live.

After a series of routine inspections, Xixiu led the team back to the ground.

During this mission, except for Yang Jiuqing and Hu Yingyi who were accidentally injured, everyone else in their team returned safely.

When they landed, Xixiu and the others heard that several teams had suffered casualties.

Xixiu and his men stopped where they were, silently mourning for the sacrificed soldiers for a few minutes, and then asked the others to return to their dormitories to rest.

She and Qiu Shaorong still have to report on the mission. Currently, their direct commander is Qing Zhixun, so they must tell him many things.

The two people called a hover car from the ground training ground, jumped on it and sat down, set the coordinates and let the hover car drive automatically.

Xixiu sat with her arms folded and her eyes half-squinted, obviously thinking about something.

Qiu Shaorong didn't speak either.

They were very sad to hear that soldiers had died.

At such a moment, it is neither good nor appropriate to say anything.

The training ground is more than ten minutes' drive from Qing Zhixun's office. After arriving at the destination, Xixiu has recovered as before.

Qiu Shaorong could no longer see the sadness that just flashed across her face.

Only then did I realize that their captain changed his face very quickly, which is worth learning.

Xixiu knew Qiu Shaorong was surprised.

But ignored it.

There is no need to explain everything.

She doesn't have this habit either.

She had already mastered some survival skills in her previous life, and she had already practiced the skill of switching expressions freely.

Qing Zhixun had seen Xixiu and his starship land safely on the surveillance screen at the station.

Knowing that she has returned safely.

Only then did the worries in my heart dissipate.

He felt that he really deserved the abuse. Even though he was so worried, he had to let her fight.

Because, he understood that her character would not want to hide behind others.

Therefore, he could only let her fly.

This is probably the best way for two people to get along.

He couldn't wait to see her.

I want two people to stay quietly.

Hopefully her deputy team will be discerning later.

When Xixiu saw Qing Zhixun, he found that his eyes were dark blue.

Apparently he hasn't had a good rest recently.

Recent events have made many people in the league feel tired.

It is estimated that the various stations are not much better. These officers are afraid that when they wake up, they will hear that bugs have appeared somewhere in the system and how many citizens have disappeared.

It's a heart-wrenching thing after all.

Seeing Xixiu walking straight in, Qing Zhixun seemed to see light.

She always warmed him.

"Sit down, you two have worked hard." Qing Zhixun pointed to the chair.

Qing had already placed the place at the age of three, and thoughtfully put fruits and drinks on it.

Xixiu led Qiu Shaorong to sit down without looking around.

Qiu Shaorong was a little confused about the way these two got along, and felt that the pressure in the air was, well, very big!

He decided not to speak for a while and just act as a paper man or background board.

I would leave all the reporting matters to the captain, and then find an opportunity to slip away.

"Is there anything particularly difficult about this mission?" Qing Zhixun changed his tone, making Qiu Shaorong extremely uncomfortable.

However, now is not the best time to leave, and Qiu Shaorong feels a little melancholy.

"Reporting to the commander, 909 only found that the strength of the team is a bit uneven and lacks training. There are no other problems at the moment. As for the gains from the mission execution, I have written a written document and sent it to your terminal."

Xixiu's words are clear and clear, without any emotional elements.

Qiu Shaorong was dumbfounded. The captain regarded his superior as his superior.

Although he is.

However, even so, you shouldn’t use the official tone.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, everyone." Qing Zhixun answered the question very naturally. It was obvious that this was how the two of them got along.

Qing Zhixun nodded and said: "Yesterday the alliance released a rough map of the insect's activity trajectory, and more than two hundred genes have been incorporated. After ten days of rest, your team will go out to perform another mission."

Judging from yesterday's activity trajectory map, there is likely to be another intensive outbreak of insects.

Mingyun Galaxy is a time bomb.

He has already taken over the mission of the Mingyun Galaxy, and will be dispatched when the time comes. Wang Zichun and Fan Zhengan will form a team to go out to carry out the mission.

Li Yuanting led the rescue team to fall behind.

This mission was carried out by Mingyun Station and Lan Yu Station together, with Yuan Ri assisting.

Firstly, they intercepted those who went to Mingyunxing to watch the show on the road; secondly, based on the distribution and movement of the insects, whether these people finally reached Mingyunxing or not, the insect plague in Mingyun would break out, sooner or later. .

This mission is a must.

"Copy that." Xixiu accepted the task.

I had planned to hone the mecha moves of the team members again when I came back, but it seemed like I had to hurry up.

Judging from the information Qing Zhixun gave her, the insect plague in Mingyun will reach an unprecedented number.

The bug's strength will definitely change.

Let the team members step up their game in ten days, and they should be able to improve their agility a little bit.

It's just that I originally planned to let them have a good rest, but it seems that they have to complete this mission before they can do it.

Qiu Shaorong was a little worried about the current situation. The insect plague was definitely just Qin Hongjun's first step.

What's the next step?

Qing Zhixun saw that Xixiu was a little tired, so he asked them to go back and rest quickly.

Qiu Shaorong left quickly after hearing this. Xixiu slowed down a little. Thinking that these days might be difficult for everyone, he turned around and said to Qing Zhixun, "Sir, you should also pay attention to rest."

Xixiu's polite words earned Qing Zhixun a big smile and a very gentle tone.

"Okay, thank you Xixiu for your concern, I will have a good rest." Qing Zhixun smiled, in a very cold but sad tone.

It sounds like it could leach out honey water.

And that gentleness was like a feather falling on Xixiu's heart.

A little itchy, a little warm.

She stared at Qing Zhixun in surprise for a while, her expression froze for a moment.

This person, ever since the matching result came out, has been uncharacteristically showing a gentle side to her.

She could feel this inner joy and joy.

After all, she was young once.

I once fell in love with someone.

She had also experienced that kind of pounding heart, that kind of heartbeat that would speed up when she saw him.

Whether she was sincere or not, she had already made up her mind.

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