Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 665 - First Simulation

Coupled with the previous simulation, the guess in her mind became stronger and stronger...

Qing Zhixun became even happier when he saw her expression, and showed careful concern: "You must pay attention to safety when performing tasks outside. Don't go to dangerous places. Return safely. I will solve the problems in the rear. You don't have to." Worry."

Xixiu lowered his eyes.

I was somewhat touched in my heart, but mostly with emotion, and the rest was not obvious.

After only two seconds of silence, Xixiu raised his head and thanked Qing Zhixun. His expression had returned to normal, and no trace of fluctuation could be seen.

Qing Zhixun knew her character and temper, so he just gave her a doting smile in return.

When Xixiu was about to leave, Qing Zhixun walked quickly to her side and stood side by side with her.

Are you planning to send her back to the dormitory?

Xixiu looked at the office. Qing Sansui was squatting in the corner and drawing circles. His mechanical eyes were filled with "Fuck, shit..."

And Qiu Shaorong has long since disappeared.

This guy's ability to observe people's emotions has always been very strong. Qing Zhixun had been sending out signals just now, urging Qiu Shaorong to find an opportunity to leave.

Qiu Shaorong, who understood this signal very well, ran away without Xixiu noticing.

"Let's go, I'll take you back. I've asked Qing Sansui to clean your dormitory for more than ten days, so you can rest when you get back."

He is very considerate, takes all the responsibilities and obligations of a partner, and is absolutely obligated to do them properly for his wife.

Hearing Qing Zhixun mention himself, Qing Sansui raised his head with a pitiful expression.

As if waiting for praise from the master.

"Well, thank you San Sui." Before going out, Xi Xiu patted Qing San Sui's metal shoulder and took a box of energy blocks from the Space Nugget.

Qing can change them by herself when she is three years old. These were all given to her by Enwit before.

Usually Sixi, Wuyuan and Qimang use this kind, and the battery life is very good.

"Ah, it's for me, thank you, thank you, mistress." As soon as Qing San was happy, she called out her future title in advance.

"Ahem." Hearing his master's reminder, Qing only realized that he had used the wrong title when he was three years old.

It wanted to roll its eyes, thinking that Mr. Xun was really contradictory. This was already a done deal, so there was nothing wrong with calling him in advance!

However, Qing returned to his seriousness in an instant at the age of three.

He thanked Xixiu again seriously: "Thank you very much, Captain Hong. Sixi is not here, I just do what I can for her, it's not a big deal."

Since Si Xi had always regarded herself as a female, Qing also treated her as a female after being beaten by her at the age of three.

Xixiu looked at Qing's three-year-old appearance and imitated Qing Zhixun's tone.

Sure enough, there is a robot with a certain personality for every kind of person.

"You're welcome, I'll bring you something with higher purity next time." Xixiu said softly.

Ming Weiman had successfully returned to Shang Yuexing before their mission, and Long Xingxue also returned there with the Snow Dragon Group.

After they have packed the extracted energy, some will be sent to Jiuxing's starship, some will be sent to Yuanri, and the rest will be put into Shang Yuexing's warehouse.

If necessary, send a starship for transportation.

Therefore, she currently has more energy.

Also rich.

Qing Zhixun knew something about what she was doing secretly before. After all, she had never left his sight since he recognized her.

The two of them left the office, leaving Qing Sansui to look after the house.

Qing Zhixun kept talking on the way, trying his best to ease the awkwardness between the two people.

In fact, since the first simulation ended successfully, the relationship between Xixiu and Qing Zhixun has improved somewhat.

This will be somewhat less unfamiliar.

Xixiu's perception of him has also changed a lot.

In the virtual scene, Qing Zhixun is a responsible and loving friend.

It was completely different from her previous impression of him. That coldness seemed to be only for others.

After Flora learned about the project that Xixiu was going to simulate with Qing Zhixun, she was afraid that her captain would mess it up, so she gave "serious and thoughtful" instructions several times.

Even He Yinlei, who doesn't like gossip very much, gave Xixiu a whole sheet of simulation notes.

It’s true that there are not many couples who choose to have children in the first simulated scenario, but they are rare.

Based on the scenes he chose, Xixiu added various bizarre tests.

The two of them were still a little panicked when they entered the simulation scene. This experience was the first for them in their previous lives.

Xixiu is novel.

As for Qing Zhixun, he was more worried that Xixiu would not be completely satisfied with his answers.

in virtual world

At six o'clock in the morning, Xixiu moved his body and woke up in the still hazy morning light.

She could feel someone else inside her room, and she heard breathing.

After being stunned for a few seconds, he recalled that he and Qing Zhixun were in the virtual world at the moment.

"Xixiu, good morning." Qing Zhixun's voice sounded in her ears.

Hearing the noise, Qing Zhixun came to Xixiu from another bed.

"Good morning." Xixiu replied to him.

"I've already made breakfast. You go and wash up first." Qing Zhixun handed Xixiu clothes, and he chose a convenient skirt.

Because they will have to go to the medical hospital later.

Xixiu took it silently.

After that, Qing Zhixun left and went to the living room.

Xixiu looked at the room in the virtual world. There were two beds, one for her and Qing Zhixun.

The layout of the room looks very cozy.

It's her favorite warm color.

It doesn't look too tough and has a homey feel everywhere.

This will probably be the style she will choose for her house on a stable planet after she retires.

Looking at the skirt in her hands, she still couldn't get used to it.

After washing and changing her clothes, she put her hair up.

In the virtual world, there is a gap between her image and her real appearance.

Now she is a charming beauty with thick and big waves. She lacks the sharpness of the real world and is more peaceful and soft.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong, Xixiu opened the door and entered the living room.

On the dining table in the living room, there is a complete set of the best breakfast that can be purchased on the virtual network.

Hearing the sound, Qing Zhixun, who was placing the dishes and chopsticks, turned around and was shocked again when he saw Xixiu's outfit.

The dress he chose for her was a lavender plaid dress. The waist was tucked in very snugly, showing off her exquisite curves.

The virtual world and the real world are restored one to one, except that you can set your own appearance and change some obvious characteristics.

The body parameters are no different from those in the real world, so Qing Zhixun can see Xixiu's figure at a glance.

After seeing her, the corners of Qing Zhixun's lips raised, with just the right arc, allowing people to feel his pleasure at the moment.

"Let's have breakfast and see if it tastes good. If it doesn't taste good, I'll find another one next time."

Qing Zhixun walked towards Xixiu, took her hand skillfully and brought her to the dining table.

He placed a chair for her and pushed the food in front of her.

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