Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 67 - Artificial Satellite 9

Xi Xiu and her friends arrived at Weijiu after half a day's flight.

Looking out from the space shuttle, this planet is no different from other planets.

After arriving at the star port and taking the shuttle bus, Xi Xiu and her friends went to the sky track to take the suspension car.

In midair, you can see that this satellite has rivers and lakes, and it looks lush and green.

Surrounded by the atmosphere, the environment is similar to Anville. If it weren't for the previous popular science, Xi Xiu would never dare to guess that this is an artificial planet.

The Anville people are really strong.

While sighing, she carefully read the information given to her by Axian. After reading it, Xi Xiu said in her heart that this world is really against the sky.

I didn't expect that it took Anville only three alliance months to build such a huge satellite, which is less than six months.

Not only the air and water circulation system is well done, but the greening is also the same as Anville main star. This place can be said to be a smaller version of Anville main star.

However, Weijiu has moved all the famous attractions in the entire Anville galaxy here.

Many travelers, if they don't have enough time, can come to Weijiu, where they can see the most beautiful scenery in the entire Anville galaxy.

Although it is man-made, it is a one-to-one replica, and with the existing technology, the restoration degree is close to 100%.

This is also the reason why Zhen deliberately added Weijiu when making the strategy.

They plan to stay in Weijiu for ten star days. During these ten star days, they have to complete a special task.

This is the task they just received from the Children's Management Office, which was sent directly to their terminal. This is also the assessment content of this experience.

The central intelligent brain needs to judge the growth of children and their comprehensive abilities. Some basic survival skills must be learned in childhood.

Everyone's performance in these assessment projects is directly related to future work allocation, suitable positions, salary, etc.

Xi Xiu and her team received the task of going to Weijiu's forest and surviving together for five days.

They have one day to collect points, decide on plans, draw maps, and prepare the necessary items. At that time, the central intelligent brain will give scores based on the content and reports they uploaded.

They can only rely on themselves, solve the dangers they encounter, and deal with emergencies by themselves.

Xi Xiu and the others knew that there would definitely be people secretly following them, so they didn't worry about any accidents in this mission. Even if there were any accidents, they should be able to deal with them.

They knew that this was just the simplest survival mission. When they entered a higher-level school, it would not be as simple as surviving alone for three days.

However, Xi Xiu and the others actually had expectations. They regarded this wilderness survival as an adventure.

After landing, the four of them arrived at the reserved hotel. 08 followed them silently. This time, they were surviving in the wilderness together, and 08 could not follow them.

Because the alliance had made regulations, 08, a care-type robot, had too many survival skills in its program.

Axian didn't want to be separated from Xi Xiu and the others for three days, so when Xi Xiu and the others received the mission, he submitted an application to the Children's Management Office and became Xi Xiu and the others' supervisor in Anville.

It only took an hour to complete the procedures on the Star Network, and Axian officially became Xi Xiu and the others' supervisor in Anville, and was also responsible for Xi Xiu and the others' safety.

"Hey, from now on, I will be your supervisor in Anville. You three must complete this task seriously and strive to get the best results."

Axian recorded this video and submitted it according to the requirements of the Star Network. After receiving a reply, Xixiu and the others can start making plans and collecting points.

"Xixiu, where should we choose?" Xue Fanhui frowned as she looked at the map. There are many forests in the entire Anville galaxy, so there are also many forests in Weijiu.

Because almost all the attractions in Anville can be found here, many forests in Anville are dangerous.

Not only are there many trees, but the plants have territorial awareness. Some plants are very ferocious carnivorous, and the animals in the forest are all species with thick skin and flesh that are difficult to deal with.

So choosing which forest becomes the key. If they choose the right place, they can save a lot of trouble, will not encounter too many dangers, and can have fun.

Axian watched the three girls busying themselves, just like she and her sisters in her childhood, it was really beautiful.

After reading the introduction of dozens of forests, Xixiu and the others chose the Xiurina Forest, which is the farthest from the central area of ​​Weijiu.

The area there is very large, but the tree species are very simple, and there is an artificial river passing through it. The introduction on the star network says that there are no ferocious animal species there.

There are local soldiers of Anville stationed around Xirina. If they encounter dangers that they cannot solve, they can get rescued in the first time.

Ah Xian was very happy when he learned that they actually chose Xirina, because this might lead to an adventure. Weijiu is not only a defense satellite, but also a paradise for alien plants. This is a secret that Anville does not reveal.

After submitting the plan and destination to the central intelligence brain, the four people went to the tourist shopping spot, where they could buy what they needed.

Space Newri tents and various tools, Xixiu has a full set, which makes Xue Fanhui and others puzzled-cooking tools.

Nutrients are so convenient. Who would be willing to spend that interstellar time to cook? It is not only tedious but also tiring.

Xue Fanhui and others don’t understand Xixiu, who came to the interstellar from the foodie era, but Xixiu herself thinks that if she wants to prepare all these things, she will definitely use them.

Although they have prepared enough nutrients for this wild survival, they can always change their taste when they get bored.

Put all the items on the list into the space button and organize the required items. The time is already 19 o'clock on Wei Jiu.

Xixiu and Ah Xian went to the fourth floor roof of the hotel, sat on chairs and looked at Wei Jiu's sky at this time.

Anvil Prime looks like a big, bright, beautiful blue plate from Moon 9. There are various colors of spices on the plate, forming a very dreamy picture.

The dazzling star Anwil, the colorful main star Anwil, and a few stars all hung together in the dark sky at this time.

She couldn't get enough of this scenery for a long time. She took the nutritional supplement and sucked it for a while to satisfy her needs.

A-Xian sat aside, looking at this 12-year-old girl, thinking deeply. She seemed not to know that she was special.

"Sister A-Xian, I'll work hard on you tomorrow." Xixiu turned her head and smiled sweetly at A-Xian.

"Hehe, I'm the one who relies on you, the supervisor is not that hard." A Xian felt a little embarrassed.

"Sister A-Xian, do you have any questions?" From the moment A-Xian suddenly appeared to the time he followed them, Xixiu knew that A-Xian wanted to figure something out.

"Ahem." The exposed Ah Xian almost didn't inhale the nutritional supplement into his nasal cavity.

"Sister A-Xian, slow down." Xixiu couldn't help laughing. Although A-Xian was seven years older than Xue Fanhui, the eldest among them, her thoughts, emotions and anger were all on her face. She was an innocent person.

Maybe I was always the protected one at home.

"Yeah, Xixiu saw through it." A Xian said nonchalantly, "I'm just curious. Xixiu's mental power is unexpectedly strong, but he can remain invisible. What method did you use?"

Xixiu was shocked. She had restrained herself very well over the years, but she didn't expect Sister Axian to see through it at a glance.

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