Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 68 - Entering the implantation nest

When Wei Lanshan left, she gave Xixiu a book dedicated to practicing mental power. She studied it for a long time and finally decided to use it in conjunction with her previous meditation skills. The effect was surprisingly good.

She was confident that even people with a higher level of mental power than her would be unable to see through it. Xixiu didn't expect A-Xian to notice it when they first met.

"A method taught by an elder." Xixiu simply answered A-Xian's question, and Jingxin decided that she would only give it to Wei Lanshan. This would be an eternal secret between her and Wei Lanshan.

"Xixiu has a friendly aura that we like very much, so when I first met you, I wanted to find out." The side of A Xian's face was slightly red, and Xi Xiu guessed that she might also feel a little uncomfortable. Sorry.

"Is there any? Why can't I feel it?" Xixiu was puzzled. What is the friendly atmosphere that the people of Anvil like?

"Yes. You can't sense it. Only we can." And only Anweil ​​nobles above level 16 can sense it. This Axian didn't say.

"Is that so? Is that why Sister Axian is looking for an opportunity to follow us?"

"Well. You don't have to be afraid. I don't mean any harm. I'm just thinking that the source of this aura on your body may be able to save Anvil from the crisis that will arise soon."

The corrupt atmosphere coming from the edge of the Anvil galaxy has been captured by Anvil nobles above level 15. This will be a disaster for the Anvil people.

This corrupt atmosphere had not appeared for five thousand years, so the nobles became anxious and sent soldiers to the depths of the star sea.

This was also the reason why she was allowed to go out. All the people of Anvil went to other places in the Star Sea to look for opportunities to solve this problem.

Unexpectedly, she met Xixiu as soon as she left the Origin Land and was attracted by the aura on her body.

Her intuition told her that following Xixiu would be her chance.

"Sister Axian, did you just talk about the crisis in Anweil?"

"Well. It's a long story. I'll tell you when I get the chance after I get back from surviving in the wild." A Xian said with a smile, not taking the crisis to heart.

Their family firmly believes that the Star Territory will not let them die like this. If the Anweir people die, this Star Territory will not only be turbulent, but may also be completely destroyed.

After all, the strength of their Anvil people supports this star field.

However, it is still possible to be seriously injured.

"Okay, there are many mysteries about Sister A Xian, and the Anweil ​​people are very mysterious." Xixiu looked at A Xian, who gave off a pure aura around him, and felt that the Creator is really amazing. There are existences like elves in this world. .

"But sister A-Xian, I'm still a child. Don't you think it's too profound for you to tell me this?" Xixiu looked at A-Xian speechlessly.

"Are you sure? I know that your soul is extremely powerful, and that is not the energy that a child can possess." A Xian looked at Xi Xiu with a smile, which means, you make it up, and I will see how you make it up.

Xixiu has nothing to say...

She didn't plan to tell anyone where she came from. Wei Lanshan saw through her specialness because Wei Lanshan had been observing her since she was born.

As a medical scientist, she knows how babies will behave and how each stage is different.

She has been an adult for too long, and she can no longer imitate many of the things a baby does and the thinking of a child.

After Wei Lanshan discovered the difference, it was too late for Xixiu to hide it anymore.

She tried hard to pretend to be innocent and childlike, but her soul was that of an adult who was over 30 years old.

"Okay." Xixiu touched his nose.

"Don't worry, Sister Axian won't trick you. Once we understand the source of this peaceful aura in you, the crisis for the Anweil ​​people can be solved. From now on, you will be a great benefactor to the Anweil ​​people. "Axian explained softly.

"Isn't this too exaggerated?"

"No, when the time comes, you will understand. The Anvil race is in a terrible crisis."

"Okay." Xixiu decided that just because of Wu Jingxian's gentleness at this moment, if it was really within her power, she would definitely help.

Xixiu and A-Xian went down to the fourth floor and returned to their room together, said good night to each other and fell asleep.

In the early morning of the next day, 08 stayed at the hotel, and A-Xian, as the supervisor, took Xixiu and the others to the former Na Forest.

When the hover car landed, Xixiu and the others only saw a patch of green. They were not so shocked even when viewing the map online.

The trees are truly towering, towering into the sky.

Xixiu visually estimated that these trees are all above 300 meters in height, and only five people can embrace them.

Considering that Weijiu was built more than 1,000 years ago, these trees were probably planted during the construction of Weijiu. They are thousand-year-old trees.

"The youngest trees here are 800 years old." Ah Xian said, looking at Xixiu and the others' open mouths.

"They have always grown here and are the air guardians of Weijiu. They are responsible for purifying the air. They are the original air circulation system of Weijiu."

Xixiu looked at these behemoths and admired the wisdom of the Anvil people.

"The order in which they are arranged is regular, right?"

"Hmm, Xixiu is so smart. Their positions are a reduced map of the distribution of all the planets in the Anvil galaxy."

The light cast by the gems inlaid in Anweil's previous palace showed the entire Jingsu Alliance, and these trees represented the entire Anweil ​​galaxy.

"Then, let's enter the forest now. Girls, you will have a big, big surprise." A Xian gave up.

She didn't expect Xixiu and the others to choose Xianna, the most interesting forest in Weijiu.

Although the plants inside are single, they are all powerful. They are probably very playful because they have lived for so many years. I hope they will not scare the three girls. It can be said that all the trees here are exotic plants.

Xixiu and the others chose an open area not far from the man-made river to set up their tent.

After thousands of years of evolution, Weijiu has its own water and air circulation system, so the water in the artificial river is also flowing and easy to access.

Xue Fanhui took out her little design, set various parameters, and threw it into the air. The originally dark forest suddenly became brighter.

It took less than 30 minutes for the three girls to set up camp and set up two tents. After resting for a while, Xixiu began to mix nutrients and nutritional ointments.

They had previously purchased several nutritional supplements with their own favorite flavors. Sitting in front of the tent, the four girls talked and laughed without any fear.

Through the child management office's tracking program, Dora saw the deft movements of the three Xixiu girls. The three girls, whose average age was less than fourteen years old, were very capable and well-organized.

Dora added another point to Xixiu and the other three.

She was now less than three thousand meters away from Xixiu and the others, in a tree house in a big tree.

Ah Xian is a responsible supervisor. He records Xixiu and their actions and things one by one, uploads them, and gives them comments.

There was a faint sound coming from the depths of the forest. A-Xian's ears twitched and the corners of his lips curved slightly.

Oops, some eager little cuties have appeared. I just don’t know if they will show kindness, but don’t be too cruel.

There will be only one update tomorrow, and from next month there will be two updates every day. Tentatively, one chapter will be at 6:15 a.m., and the next chapter will be at 6:20 a.m.

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