Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 679 - Transfer source place

Qing Zhixun didn't understand the blank body, so he looked at Xixiu doubtfully: "Blank?"

Xixiu nodded, and then briefly explained what Wei Lanshan told her.

The origin of the concept of the blank body and the madness of previous biologists.

The central brain will not allow this kind of thing to happen. Immortal robots are prohibited projects, let alone this.

Once this precedent is set, the future of intelligent creatures may develop into two extremes.

From a long-term perspective, it is temporarily detrimental to the survival and development of intelligent creatures themselves.

This is also the reason why the central intelligence brain has always banned projects. It may be opened in the long future, but that may have to be based on a higher civilization.

This project has very high requirements for the quality of all intelligent creatures and is not the direction that the current civilization of Jingsu should develop.

Because many intelligent creatures have their own plans. There are many people who want to rule the entire alliance, but they will not show it publicly.

But the central intelligence brain had predicted these, so it decisively banned the project.

"Senior said Qin Hongjun succeeded." Xixiu's tone did not convey emotion.

"Then he may be more confident. If you like a mechanical body, you can become an immortal robot. If you like a carbon-based life form, you can choose this."

Qing Zhixun frowned, thinking about the attitudes of the alliance families over the past few hundred years.

The Qing family knew to some extent some of the projects that aristocratic families were working on privately. Many people had come into contact with projects that were explicitly prohibited by the central brain, probably for the sake of eternal life.

Therefore, Qin Hongjun can easily convince so many people to become his supporters.

These people must have tasted the sweetness. There are definitely undercurrents beneath Gaia's calmness.

"Yes." Xixiu was a little tired. These things happened one after another, which was really annoying.

"You should go back and rest first. I will ask someone to check Avlan's information. The issue of purple eyes will be clarified as soon as possible." Qing Zhixun sent Xixiu downstairs to the dormitory.

"Okay." After saying that, Xixiu turned around and entered the transmission device and went directly back to the dormitory.

There was no excessive fussiness or tenderness between partners. The two of them had become accustomed to the previous way of getting along.

When she came back, A-Xian had already laid back on the bed and fell asleep.

Going out to kill insects this time was very exhausting. They relied on energy supplements to support them during the battle. After returning to a safe environment, they fell asleep with peace of mind.

Xixiu went back to the room quietly without waking A-Xian, washed up and lay down.

It was already evening at the station. They came back at three o'clock in the afternoon, station time, and it took a long time to report the situation.

Xixiu, who was lying on the bed, quickly closed his eyes, sleepiness came over him, and he fell asleep within a minute.

It was already nine o'clock at night when I woke up again.

Ah Xian was still lying on the bed, squirming, with no intention of getting up.

The same goes for Xixiu.

Open your eyes and look at the ceiling.

After sensing the change in the two people's breathing, the smart system in the room turned on the lights.

The white halo adds some warmth to the interior.

"This mission feels like it has exhausted all my energy." A Xian said gloomily.

Xixiu felt the same way, "Indeed, fighting insects, even if we are on heavy mechas, still feels very energy-consuming."

At first, Xixiu and Jiudan fought together, but later she and Jiudan fought separately.

The command of the mecha has an intelligent system, and you can still feel the loss of physical strength.

"What, we still have a mission next?" A Xian hit the nail on the head.

"Ten days later, Ming Yunxing."

"Oh, those fools still want to see the goddess. Are they really not afraid of feeding bugs?"

Ah Xian, who has no partner, cannot understand this madness at all.

"They may have been tempted, not their intention." Xixiu revealed Avran's identity.

A Xian opened his eyes instantly, "You mean, Avran has been transformed?"

"At present, this is the only possibility, and there is more than one Avlan. As for whether the two Avrans know each other's existence, we need to investigate further." Xixiu said with his eyes closed.

She felt that this battle was really a consumption she had not experienced since coming to Jingsu.

I don't want to get up at all, and I even plan to take the nutritional supplements in bed.

Wuyuan saw that the two of them hadn't moved before, so he and Qimang took the initiative to bring the nutritional supplements back to them so that they wouldn't miss the dinner at the station.

When Ah Xian saw the nutritional supplements, her stomach was already growling. She was so hungry that she didn't want to get up, so she communicated with Wu Mu and asked him to deliver the nutritional supplements to her.

Wu Mu has become very considerate. He rolled up the nutrients with two vines, handed one to Xi Xiu, and the other to A Xian.

The dormitory was temporarily quiet, and only the sound of two people sucking nutrients could be heard.

Xixiu originally planned to sleep like this until tomorrow morning, but then thought about the task in ten days, and finally got up to make a training plan.

When she came back, others told her that she lacked sensitivity in mecha command, and she had to make up for this with her team members.

Seeing her getting up to work, Ah Xian didn't stay in bed anymore, changed her clothes and connected to Lu Jia's video call.

"Wu Jingxian, you are back from a mission." Liu Jia's beautiful face appeared on the screen.

Axian fixed his eyes and noticed that Liu Jia had fatigue on his face.

"You're back safely, what's wrong with you?" A Xian asked.

Liu Jia knew that his expression could not be hidden from A-Xian, and he did not intend to hide it.

"Some nobles suddenly want to move their origins." Her partners Wu Jingshuang and Jing Xi have been dealing with this matter recently.

"Where to go?" Ah Xian couldn't imagine where else Anvil would be safe in the current situation.

The Land of Origin is divided into several areas, and each race has a different place to live.

Xixiu went to the place where the royal family originated. The conscious babies there usually played together and did not differentiate between races.

However, when they leave the land of origin, they will return to their own land.

"They feel that since Anvil's consciousness is forced to surrender to Qin Hongjun, it is very likely that they will know the secret of the Origin Land." Liujia also knew that everyone's worries were justified.

However, transfer is not that simple.

The Origin Land was built by Anvil's ancestors through all possible means, and several layers of safety protection were designed. Unless this star field is destroyed, the Origin Land is very safe.

"But, where else can be safer than the current Source Land?" A Xian couldn't think of it.

"No more." Ryuga also had a headache.

These nobles usually keep a low profile and rarely participate in discussions on such matters.

But this time, they were faced with such a headache.

"Did they give a location?" Axian asked again. Since these people want to move their future habitat, they should find a good location.

"It's just not there. They want your father to send someone to look for it." Liu Jia rubbed his brows, tired and helpless.

"Why are they so worried that the other party will find the Origin Land? Even if they have the consciousness of the seniors, as long as they change the entry settings and delete all the backups of consciousness that have not returned, they should not be able to enter." What A Xian said to Liu Jia also told others.

But these nobles didn't listen.

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