Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 680 - They can’t afford the gamble

There was no such difference of opinion in Anvil during the last crisis, but when the entire alliance was about to face a greater crisis, the various ethnic groups were at odds with each other.

Wu Jingshuang has tried his best to ease this conflict, and Wu Jingxi is also discussing with the leaders of other nobles.

At present, it is not the best time to send soldiers away to find another habitat.

The battle between Jingsu and Qin Hongjun will break out at any time, and the people of Anvil must shoulder their responsibilities.

As for the safety of the source land, it is actually not the most important.

The conscious baby inside is not that weak.

They are now in a spiritual state, and only special instruments can capture them.

As long as the source land is not breached, the babies will be safe.

As for the "metal, wood, water, fire, and earth" that broke through the source of the source, the fire has now disappeared. No one has seen what earth is, and neither gold nor water will do it against their own will.

As for the wood, Anvil's consciousness is naturally close to alien plants, and alien plants will not harm Anvil people.

Those seniors no longer have the consciousness of the Anvilian body. There is an essential difference between them and Jin.

Although the people of Anvil grow their consciousness first and choose their body later, one thing is that since Axian was born, it proves that the Origin Land will be absolutely safe.

When she is here, the Source Land will be there.

These noble leaders should know this secret.

With Ah Xian's current strength, unless Xi Xiu tried his best to capture her, she would probably fail.

Otherwise, even if she and Wu Jing suddenly wanted to take down Ah Xian, it would be impossible.

No one in Anvil is her opponent.

Jingxi's words gave these nobles some peace of mind, but they still didn't let go of their desire to divert the conscious babies inside.

However, they kept this matter in the dark and sent their own family's warriors to take the battle robots to the border of the Anvil system.

Wu Jing suddenly didn't stop him.

Wu Jingyang actually had a solution. He had mentioned it a few times to the nobles before, but they were still afraid of those clansmen who had not returned.

Once the secrets of their clan are leaked and Qin Hongjun seizes their lifeline, their clan will disappear completely from Anweil.

They can't afford to gamble on this.

Although no one can find the two elements of earth and fire at present, judging from various previous information, what Qin Hongjun has in his hands is the consciousness of Anweil ​​holy warrior.

These warriors might know where to find earth and fire.

Also, Huoli itself belongs to the Foxtail Galaxy, and Qin Hongjun’s Qin family lives in Foxtail.

They probably have clues about fire cats, or they may have raised fire cats.

Only the earth element is more mysterious.

It must be recognized by the source land.

Even if they find something that is considered an earth element and the land of origin doesn't recognize it, they can't destroy it.

Although they are well aware of this, holy warriors themselves are powerful beings.

Secondly, they were worried that the land of origin would recognize the earth element found by the holy warriors.

Wu Jing suddenly knew their worries, so he didn't stop them from sending people out.

In Anweil's records, the Land of Origin never once actively recognized the earth element.

Ever since some of our ancestors went on a long voyage.

The land of origin has become safer.

In the past tens of thousands of years, there had been no abnormality in the Origin Land, and Wu Jing was suddenly not sure whether this variable would cause this crisis.

"Don't worry, it's just that the nobles have their own considerations. Your father and the others have already made preparations." Liujia also knew that Wu Jingsudden was considering the whole Anweil, so he did not stop the nobles from sending people out.

It's just that I have been discussing various defense matters with the nobles recently, and I am very worried about Jingsu's condition.

Everyone is worried about the place where the source of worry lies, which is the last retreat for the people of Anvil.

Speaking of this, Ryuga's expression has softened.

"Well, don't worry too much. They are probably afraid that something unexpected will happen this time." After thinking about what the nobles were doing, Ah Xian comforted Liu Jia.

The nobles of Anvil are still very reliable and loyal to this star field.

There will be no betrayal by other intelligent creatures. The kind of madness that can be done at all costs for one's own interests cannot be found in Anweil.

Unless, it is controlled by someone.

Otherwise, based on their own conscience, they would not have made the decision to destroy the alliance.

Not to mention betraying Anweil.

The meaning of their existence is to protect this star field.

"I understand, don't worry if you and Xixiu are outside..." Liujia hesitated, but she saw that Xixiu was busy with something.

Ah Xian guessed what she was thinking: "Don't worry, the current progress is not very smooth, but the results of the first simulation are 100% consistent."

Therefore, the Central Intelligence Brain will not accept Xixiu's rejection application.

Xixiu might have discovered something, so he didn't pay much attention to Qing Zhixun after the first simulation.

Ah Xian didn't dare to ask this question, so he could only guess, and the secret would be revealed if he asked.

She didn't want to expose herself.

It's better to leave Qing Zhixun to lose his vest.

Liu Jia was also surprised when he heard A Xian talk about the simulation results.

In Anweil, the compatibility between partners cannot reach 100%.

She and Wu Jingshuo only had 90% at the beginning, while Jingxi and Qing Heming had 92%. They were already the highest among Anweil's partners.

Luka smiled lovingly and was happy for the two children. A high degree of compatibility meant that the two of them would have fewer conflicts in the future.

You can achieve mind-to-heart communication.

Rest embroidery won't be that hard.

Axun will get a good partner.

Children will have a happier future.

She won't have to worry about it anymore.

Wu Jingxu and Wu Jingya are the only two in trouble. Axun and Xixiu have already found life partners, but they have no plans to find them yet.

Really, she was so worried!

Liujia hung up the video call, thought of Axian's words, and hurriedly called the robot butler over, asking him to prepare some clothes and food for Xixiu and Qing Zhixun.

After she finished doing this, Wu Jingxi and Qing Heming returned to the palace together.

"Mom, what are you so happy about?" Jingxi saw Liu Jia wipe away the sadness from the past few days.

"The simulation results of Xixiu and Axun are 100% consistent. I am happy for these two children." Liujia's tone returned to her usual tone. She would be very happy as long as Xixiu was mentioned.

"That's really a happy thing." Qing Heming responded to Liu Jia's words first.

Ryuka glanced at him. Although she had forgiven this human being for kidnapping her daughter, she still didn't want to give him a good look.

If it hadn't been for him, he wouldn't have been separated from his daughter for so many years.

If it weren't for Axun's sake, I would really want to give him a hammer.

"Well, how's it going outside?" Ryuka skipped the topic and planned to listen to the movement in the starry sky.

After Jing Xi and Qing Heming came back, Xingkong's first line of defense was handed over to them.

"So far, it's quite peaceful. The bugs have been stopped by us. Anvil has not lost any compatriots in this bug plague. However, many people from the alliance will go to Mingyun to watch the live meeting."

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