Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 700 - Return to own galaxy

For these people, if persuasion doesn't work, Mingyun will not take tough measures to let them return to their own star systems.

Because there is no rule that prohibits them from watching the live show, and Mingyun officials have not made a clear statement to suspend this performance.

They also know that with the current development of the situation, even if they force Aiflan to suspend the performance, these people will still flock to Mingyun Star.

The elders will know this, and Mingyun officials are also aware of it.

Seeing that Qing Zhixun and other station leaders and soldiers are working hard to maintain this star field, Li Jinglan is quite moved, "We are very pleased that you young people have such a responsibility."

Although they were also dangerous when they served in the past, they did not face as many problems as Qing Zhixun and his generation.

In the past, at most, the five star systems of the Hanhai came to the alliance to make trouble and rob energy, or some star beasts suddenly attacked various star systems.

There won't be so many incredible things.

The burden on the young people of this generation will be very heavy.

Li Jinglan has been urging Li Yuanting to improve his strength, because he is worried that the strength of this generation of young people is too low, even if the Hanhai people come, they can't deal with it.

"This is what every capable citizen of the Alliance should do. It is a responsibility." Qing Zhixun's answer satisfied Qing Wenxu and Chu Xuliang.

The Alliance has a future only if the younger generation is brave enough to take responsibility.

Therefore, the Alliance spends a lot of energy on education every year.

Children with outstanding talents are particularly valued.

Lu Shouyi somehow thought of a question and quietly asked Qing Wenxu, "Has your youngest grandson found a partner?"

According to the tradition of the Qing family, their children will not marry late.

Basically, they will be matched with a partner before the age of 35. However, Lu Shouyi heard Qing Wenxu nagging that Qing Zhixun had no intention of finding a partner.

That's why he asked this question.

"It's really amazing. His matching partner is a soldier from the Yuanri garrison. You know him." Qing Wenxu kept it a secret.

"Oh? Which outstanding soldier is it?" Lu Shouyi was very curious.

The Qing family members are not low in talent, so the partners they match will not be too bad.

Among the people he knows, the only people with talent comparable to Qing Zhixun are probably the Anvil people or the soldier named Hong Xixiu.

"It's just that we made a bet before, who would be stronger if they met."

After Xixiu and his classmates left the First Military Academy, Qing Wenxu made a bet with Lu Shouyi, letting Qing Zhixun have a chance to fight against Xixiu in the future to see who was stronger.

Now it seems that there is no need.

"How can you be so lucky!" Lu Shouyi was a little jealous!

"Hehe, I also think that Ah Xun is very lucky." Qing Wenxu knows the temperament of his family members very well.

Before, he was grateful as long as Qing Zhixun successfully submitted the matching application, and never thought about what kind of partner he would have.

After he submitted the application, he didn't care anymore, nor did he ask who his partner was.

He was afraid that the child would be rebellious and quit directly.

He also wanted to see the birth of his great-grandson...

According to the convention, he prepared some things for him to use to get a partner, most of the star coins, and some industries.

Enough for the young couple to live a rich life.

Until Qing Zhixun took the initiative to report that he had matched with Hong Xixiu.

Qing Wenxu was shocked.

He thought it would not go so smoothly, but he didn't expect to get a big hit the first time.

He hurriedly discussed with Qing Heming how to conduct the partner ceremony, as well as the gifts for the woman, etc.

Although the partner ceremony of the alliance is already very simple, as long as the two people register.

However, the Qing family has always been very sincere in treating partners, regardless of the other party's identity.

After learning that Qing Zhixun's partner would be Hong Xixiu, Qing Wenxu decided to add something more.

She has Jiuxing behind her, Ming Weiman, the richest man in Mingzhao Star, and Wei Lanshan, and most importantly, behind her is the entire Anweier.

The Qing family adheres to the principle of treating everyone equally. Every child who enters the Qing family, whether male or female, will get a property, which Qing Wenxu has prepared before.

After learning the result, the family decided to take a part of Qing Zhixun's property and transfer it to Xixiu's name.

In this way, Xixiu will take control of Qing Zhixun's financial power.

Let this granddaughter-in-law keep Qing Zhixun under control, otherwise Qing Zhixun will definitely not want to find a partner with his temper.

Therefore, their family has very high expectations for Xi Xiu.

Qing Zhixun heard some of the whispers of the two old friends.

He was not dissatisfied with the grandfathers' ideas. Anyway, all his efforts in this life, from the moment he knew Xi Xiu's identity, were all for her.

He had no goals before, and only thought about going to the starry sea after retirement. Now, he has one.


Qin Jian returned to his residence, and Yu Ruoruo and the others came to him timidly, waiting for his instructions.

Seeing that his face was very bad, Yu Ruoruo and the six children did not dare to speak.

Until Qin Jian himself pondered for a long time, he spoke slowly, "What news have you got here these days?"

Yu Ruoruo handed over the news he had obtained, and a lot of densely written on a piece of paper, and the five children did the same.

Qin Jian took it and read ten lines at a glance.

He found that since the seven of them came to this zodiac planet, the communication between these people and them had been all dispensable information.

Although Yu Ruoruo and the others were trained by him, they have never seen the world before, and the gap cannot be bridged.

"In the next few days, you can play by yourself. There is no need to approach them. In a few days, we will go to Gaia."

That was his Qin Jian's territory.

He also wants to look for opportunities to get back what belongs to him from the central brain.

However, it didn't appear just now.

No, this is not possible.

It must have appeared, but it refused to communicate directly with itself.

This thing that betrays its master.

After he returns to Gaia, he must find a way to modify its program.

Make it more obedient.

What he doesn't know is that the current central intelligence brain is no longer under his control.

In particular, it completed data exchange between Anvil and Minen, making up for some of its own loopholes and deficiencies.

The original code is now in the central brain and has become feelings.

If it doesn't want to pay attention to it, Qin Jian can't do anything to it at all.

Qin Hongjun can no longer use the initial code to block it. This star field and the places connected to the star network are truly controlled by it.

Hearing Qin Jian's words, Yu Ruoruo and the other six felt uneasy, and they also knew that their efforts these days were ineffective.

Worried that he wouldn't take them away.

However, he just said that they would go back to Gaia together, so they would not be abandoned by him.

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