Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 701 - There are some evil ways

"Okay, I'll remember your instructions." Yu Ruoruo brought her child to kneel down and bow to him, and it felt like a servant to his master.

If other people in Jiuxing saw this situation, they would definitely find it incredible.

Although there are many etiquettes in the alliance, most of them are equal. Only the etiquette of the garrison may be stricter.

There will not be kneeling and bowing like Yu Ruoruo and others.


At this moment, in the starry sky.

After Xi Xiu and Qiu Shaorong met up, they accelerated their driving speed.

After traveling through the vast sea of ​​stars for six hours, they successfully arrived at the edge of the Mingyun galaxy.

According to the coordinates sent by the Mingyun garrison before, the starship was parked at the coordinate position.

Several garrison starships have already stopped there, including the Jinke garrison, Lanyu garrison and Liuzhao garrison, which are close to Mingyun.

After the starship stopped steadily, Xi Xiu sent identity confirmation information to these three garrisons.

They also received their identity confirmation information, exchanged names, and the current monitoring situation.

Then it was waiting.

And collect information ahead.

Su Jinbao and Talash organized the team and began to collect information from all parties.

Xixiu and his team's mission is the second wave of interception, and the first wave has already begun.

The garrisons of each galaxy intercepted the outbound starships of their own galaxies.

However, because the citizens of the alliance enjoy absolute freedom, and there are no bugs in the Mingyun galaxy at present, their reasons for interception are not sufficient to use force to solve the problem.

The effect is minimal.

Some people who can still regain their sanity were persuaded back by their partners.

Those who are stubborn are not so easy to talk to, and they say that their freedom has been interfered with.

They made very fierce remarks on the star network, and the garrisons of these galaxies had to ask the elders for instructions.

In the end, the elders let them go.

These people who have lost their sanity and basic judgment seem to be able to calm their restlessness only by seeing the goddess Averlan.

Now, those who have not been intercepted are flying in the starry sky at the fastest speed.

Rushing to Mingyun Star.

It is estimated that at the latest there will be three hours before they reach Xixiu's current location.

Talasha and Su Jinbao contacted Liang Jingxian on Tianwei Star.

He learned about the first wave of failures. Qiao Yasser, who led these people to the Mingyun Star System, was really good at talking.

He directed the leader of Tianwei Star from behind, and listed everything from laws to personal freedom of citizens.

The colonel who asked Tianwei to command this mission was speechless.

He had to let them go.

When they left, Tianwei asked them to sign a security agreement on the star network.

It clearly stated that if anyone went to Mingyun Star with a purpose, they must bear absolute responsibility for everything that happened afterwards.

In addition, there was an additional clause that anyone who carried insect eggs to Mingyun Star on his body or from other channels would face life imprisonment and exile to his planet once discovered, and his contribution points would be reset to zero.

No matter how great their contributions to the alliance were in the past, they would not be given a break.

Although these people had lost their rationality emotionally, they still had the ability to judge punishment.

They were not that stupid.

The casualties caused by the bugs in their own galaxy are already great, and they hate the bugs. They will not bring the bugs to their goddess' planet. If the goddess is hurt, it will be a great sin.

They are too eager to see the "goddess" and don't want to wait for a second.

These people signed without hesitation.

Tianwei Star will let them go later.

This security agreement will be put into their files. It's good that Mingyun is fine. If something happens, they will be able to find all the information of these people quickly.

Several other galaxies also do the same. This is the news from the front.

Xi Xiu swiped the information, and her interface was Qiao Yashe's information.

It was given to her by Qing Zhixun before.

However, it didn't say that Qiao Yashe was so eloquent, and he was also proficient in various rules and laws of the alliance.

Although he must be a powerful person, I didn't expect him to be so powerful.

"Captain, Liang Jingxian and others said that their team is of extremely high quality. This activity is like marching to fight." Su Jinbao sent a message to Xi Xiu.

"I can see it, but their method seems a little weird." Xi Xiu always felt like a sacrifice.

Others may not understand this.

However, for Xi Xiu, who has seen all kinds of fantasy or visual blockbusters, their behavior seems very strange.

What exactly is the hint given by Aiflan? Scientists and behavioral scientists have not been able to give an accurate answer.

Everyone feels strange, what conditions are needed to trigger the "admiration" for Aiflan.

"Weird?" A Xian came over.

"Yes, weird." Xi Xiu affirmed.

"That is, what does it mean?" Flora didn't understand.

Xi Xiu had to explain, "It's similar to weird, but it's higher than weird, and it's a bit weird."

There is no word "weird" in the common language of the alliance, Xi Xiu can only say it from other aspects.

"Oh, it means that this person is wrong, very wrong." Flora felt that she seemed to have understood the essence.

"Didn't you find that their expressions are too pious?" Xi Xiu explained again.

Flora clapped her hands and said, "Yes, our respect for the God of the Starry Sky appears on their faces."

After finishing speaking, others suddenly realized something, no wonder they felt something was wrong.

This is where it turns out to be.

Now think about the expressions of the men in the video, it is not the piety when they pray to the God of the Starry Sky.

"They treat this woman as a god and are obsessed with her?" Ah Xian felt a little incomprehensible.

The God of the Starry Sky is divine and holy.

It cannot be compared to a clone. The God of the Starry Sky is their belief.

Belongs to everyone in the Jingsu Alliance.

"To a large extent, yes." Xixiu enlarged the captured images from the video one by one.

Especially the eyes of these people, the emotion flowing in them is indeed piety and admiration.

The kind they only have when they pray.

A Xian stared at the eyes in these pictures, felt them carefully for a while, and agreed with Xi Xiu's statement.

Su Jinbao was puzzled again, "But we don't have this understanding at all when we see her. Why is this?"

They are also men.

Although he would be surprised when he saw Aiflan, he would not be attracted by her.

"I guess no one can answer this question yet. I just suggest that if you meet her, try not to look into her eyes." Xixiu stared at Avlan's purple eyes for a full minute.

"Then if we enter the Mingyun Galaxy, turn on the purple filter on the protective shield." Qiu Shaorong immediately sent this message to the team members.

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