Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 736 - Don’t do this

When the time comes, let Qing Zhixun find a way to capture the consciousness of these people.

In its virtual world, as long as it cooperates with him, these people will definitely not notice it.

By joining forces, they can catch these people silently.

Through their consciousness, you should be able to find some information that will be helpful to the alliance.

Just like Everland's.

Qing Zhixun thought for a moment and agreed, "You use algorithms to generate avatars and scatter them everywhere, and we will fish these people out."

After the virtual network was closed, in order to prevent the other party from suspecting, the central intelligence brain was actually still maintaining its daily operation.

However, the people inside are all created by it using data.

No longer a citizen of the Alliance.

It uses the data of the last time Alliance citizens logged into the virtual network to create a large number of "dummy people". The data of these people are so realistic that Q and these people cannot detect any abnormalities for the time being.

"Okay, I can do a lot using the data of you, Xi Xiu, and Wu Jingxian." This was very easy for it.

What Xixiu was thinking about at this moment was the possibility of Ye Zhenwei and Qin Hongjun cooperating.

Ye Zhenwei's character is indeed not very good, but this path is opposite to the alliance education she has received since childhood.

If she had any brains, she would probably not take this path.

In the hearts of the Alliance people, she still has quite a reputation and status.

There is no need to stand on the opposite side of the alliance.

Unless she gives up completely.

The alliance has been looking for ways to treat her, and Fu Chen already has some ideas.

Just a few more experiments should be able to slow down the rate at which her body collapses.

In this way, combined with other treatments, once she has consolidated the strength of her body, her mental strength and body will be able to coexist.

The body ignored it and collapsed again.

"Ye Zhenwei's thoughts are different from ordinary people. She has not lived by the rules before. She feels that she is aloof from the world and feels that the alliance owes her." Qing Zhixun still knows Ye Zhenwei very well.

After all, he had helped Qing Shihao block her many times.

Qing Zhixun then added: "One more thing, she is not the kind of person who will risk everything for the alliance."

"That's true." He completely agreed with this view.

Xixiu also understood that Ye Zhenwei's character had an extreme and conceited side.

If she really chose Qin Hongjun, she wouldn't be surprised.

It's okay for such a person to be restrained and follow the right path. If no one restrains her, she will go in the opposite direction.

Qing Zhixun played a video, "Her battle at Tianwei Station seemed to have more of an acting component."

Xixiu turned her attention to the video. She had studied it with Axian before, and the conclusion she came to was similar to Qing Zhixun's.

Ye Zhenwei's body has reached its limit. She might be able to survive her peaceful recuperation for a while longer.

However, she chose to fight with all her strength.

He even risked his body collapsing to fight alone.

No rescue was requested.

Without waiting for the others at Tianwei station to recover, she went to the front line.

She stopped the soldiers from going to save her.

Given her character, this is not something that would happen to her.

This is abnormal.

Xi Xiu frowned: "Does the Council of Elders think so too?"

Qing Zhixun enlarged the scene of Ye Zhenwei's battle: "The Qing family and the Chu family, the Fang family and the Li family, and the Boyuan family all agree with this conclusion."

Xixiu saw Qing Zhixun's enlarged picture, and Ye Zhenwei's every move was strange.

This is where she and A-Xian discovered something was wrong. How could anyone fight like this?

This is no different from sending someone to death.

As a result, Ye Zhenwei was indeed not far from death.

Although her consciousness is still fluctuating, her body is no different from dead.

Every organ stopped except for the brain, which was still moving because her consciousness was not damaged.

Xixiu pondered: "So, when she disappeared last time, something did happen that the alliance didn't know about."

I think Qing Zhixun should have gotten some useful information, otherwise he wouldn't have come to this conclusion.

He is a cautious man.

Qing Zhixun said briefly: "People from the alliance have analyzed that star field, collected the remaining energy fluctuations, and used the data model to reconstruct a transmission channel."

Finally, where their channel led, traces of the original flood were found.

In this way, Ye Zhenwei must have met Yuan Chuhong before "comatose".

Also, they tried to use data to simulate the memories of Yuqi La and Zhang Jixing.

From their consciousness, the alliance's scientific researchers found a flaw.

Before Yokila and Zhang Jixing fell into coma, they saw an intelligent creature whose whole body was hidden under a mechanical body.

Qing Zhixun tried to ask Xixiu to recall: "Do you still remember the robot who made a speech in the square when we were on Yuanri Prime?"

Xixiu nodded.

"That's the person Yuqila and Zhang Jixing saw." This was the news that the Elders Association had just confirmed not long ago.

Primordial Hong left Gaia several times just to deal with these matters.

Among them, he stayed in Yuanri the longest and did the most things.

The Council of Elders followed this line and checked all the tracks of Yuanchu Hong.

They found that even so, Yuanchu Hong failed to become a member of Qin Hongjun's core team, and not much information was revealed about him.

He's been doing some peripheral stuff.

Therefore, even if he is caught, no more information can be obtained.

He is a child created by Qin Hongjun. His talent is not very high, and his strength is the result of potions.

After his strength reached the master level, he was reluctantly assigned some tasks by Qin Hongjun.

What Qin Hongjun values ​​​​is spiritual power.

Yuan Chuhong obviously did not break through the 3S barrier, even though he used so many medicines and methods.

Yuan Chuhong's starship pretended to have a malfunction.

Stopping on Ye Zhenwei's only way back to Tianwei, he knew the trajectory of Ye Zhenwei's actions.

Ye Zhenwei also saw his emblem. She also took the initiative to contact Yuan Chuhong and learned that their starship was missing a critical part.

So, she stopped the starship and took Yokila and Zhang Jixing to his starship.

No more information was obtained about what happened after that. Yokila and Zhang Jixing knew nothing about what they said and what decisions they made.

Because the two people of Yuanchuhong were knocked down by Yuanchuhong, they only briefly saw the appearance of Yuanchuhong.

His appearance was so strange that they subconsciously remembered his features.

Wei Lanshan and the others failed to discover this the first time because there was a layer of restriction in their consciousness.

Just like Avlan was able to give hints to her "fans", Yuan Chuhong's men interfered with the consciousness of Yokila and the others.

This matter has made progress recently because Yokila and Zhang Jixing broke through this layer of interference.

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