Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 737 - Long Song of the Past

Yokila discovered that her memory had been processed, and took the initiative to report the matter to the Tianwei garrison.

The highest officer of the Tianwei garrison urgently contacted the Elders Council to deal with it, and the Elders Council sent professionals to Tianwei.

Through the memories of Yokila and Zhang Jixing, the scene was restored, and the information about the meeting between Ye Zhenwei and Yuan Chuhong was obtained.

At the beginning, the Elders Council did not know who the person Ye Zhenwei met was, and Qing Wenxu sent the restored picture of this person to Qing Zhixun.

Qing Zhixun recognized this person, he was the same as the person who gave a speech in Yuanri Square.

Both were wearing metal shells.

Did not dare to show his true face.

Because Ye Zhenwei was on Yuan Chuhong's starship, the alliance's technicians compared various body data and determined that the person wearing a metal shell was Yuan Chuhong.

"In this case, Yuan Chuhong deliberately waited for her there." Xi Xiu understood his plan.

Qing Zhixun, based on Ye Zhenwei's personality, thought that this was something she had discussed with Yuan Chuhong a long time ago, and going there was just a formality.

Otherwise, why did Ye Zhenwei only bring a team and leave the others behind?

Only Yu Qila and Zhang Jixing, a few people she trusted, were allowed to board Yuan Chuhong's starship.

Don't underestimate Ye Zhenwei. After so many hardships, she may have grown up.

She restrained all her pride and would not show it on the surface if she wanted to do something.

Qing Zhixun: "From her performance after waking up in Tianwei Station, she learned to hide her thoughts and was very smooth."

Even if the person she was facing was Wei Lanshan, her answer could be flawless.

It can be seen that Yuan Chuhong and his team were very successful in educating Ye Zhenwei.

The two digested all this information, and several doubts in Xi Xiu's heart were solved. She felt that they had to watch Ye Zhenwei in the future.

If she woke up.


Although the two were on a date, they were talking about some important information about the alliance at present.

The central intelligent brain was also impressed by these two people.

When other couples meet, who doesn't get sick of each other!

These two don't look like they are on a date at all.

They are just talking about business!

Xi Xiu spent more than ten minutes recording this information. After filing it, she suddenly asked Qing Zhixun: "Do you know why Marshal Xu Jiusong didn't find a partner?"

After thinking for a while, she felt that Qing Zhixun would not know this question, and waved her hand and said: "Forget it, it's not an important question."

"I say, why don't you just ask me this question directly? Why ask him, he will know?" The central intelligent brain was not very happy.

Feeling ignored by Xi Xiu.

Xi Xiu glared at it: "Who has been avoiding and not answering my questions before? I dare to ask you?"

Her words made the central intelligent brain feel a little embarrassed: "Ahem, I was on a mission outside, so it was not convenient to answer. Later I replied to you."

Xi Xiu snorted with her nose. That was perfunctory, what kind of reply was it.

The central intelligent brain was afraid that Xi Xiu would really ignore it in the future, so it moved over and sat down next to her, "What about Xu Jiusong? Because there is always someone in his heart, he failed to match successfully."

"Who?" Xi Xiu stopped when she saw the good.

The central intelligent brain didn't keep it a secret this time: "Wei Lanshan, who else could it be." Xi Xiu had a look on her face that said, "As expected." "You, why are you asking if you already know?" Seeing Xi Xiu's expression, the central intelligent brain knew that it was unnecessary to answer. "I just want to confirm, is it not okay?" Xi Xiu glanced at it. The central intelligent brain was afraid of her look and quickly said, "Yes, of course!" "Then, what about my aunt Lan, and why?" Xi Xiu asked again. The central intelligent brain paused for a long time, and it had to look through the information at that time before it could answer. "Wei Lanshan applied to me to postpone the submission of the matching application because she was busy dealing with your mother's affairs." Thirty seconds later, Xi Xiu heard the answer. "You mean, my aunt has never submitted the application? You actually missed such a big thing!" Xi Xiu was a little unconvinced. "Ahem, that's true. Later, when she wanted to submit the matching application, she found that Xu Jiusong had rejected the matching application." The central intelligent brain added a sentence. Xi Xiu thought about it for a while and figured it out.

Wei Lanshan must have liked Xu Jiusong very much when she was young. After all, they had been partners for such a long time.

However, Xu Jiusong rejected the matching application, saying that he already had a loved one.

She naturally thought that there was no chance for her and him, so she gave up on this matter.

After the age of 35, the central intelligent brain would no longer urge these people to submit applications.

The alliance has a precedent of finding a partner after this age.

As long as the gene engraving is done well during registration, it will allow it if there is no problem.

So, it is sometimes very humane, it is really a good machine.

"So, now, is there a chance?" Xi Xiu thought about the future.

Wei Lanshan almost put all his energy on her, and she thought about what she wanted to do in the future, and she would leave her sooner or later.

In the future, there must be someone who understands her and can be in tune with her.

Raising a few more children should be the life she wants in the future.

Xi Xiu can feel the softness in her heart.

She will be a very good mother.

The central intelligent computer looked up at the peaceful sky and said, "Well, that depends on what they want to do."

After listening for a while, Qing Zhixun also understood Xi Xiu's idea, "Find a way to let one of them break this window paper."

Decades of time have been wasted. If they don't grasp it well, will the two of them let this emotion become a regret of the ashes level.

Xi Xiu nodded, "We have to find a suitable time."

She was worried that Wei Lanshan's ideas would be different from others. At that time, she would be relieved, and it would be difficult to let go completely.

It's not impossible.

"They are together every day now. Xu Shuai may be afraid of being rejected." Qing Zhixun instantly turned into an emotional master.

Xi Xiu looked at him meaningfully.

Just this one look made Qing Zhixun tremble with fear.

He thought Xi Xiu had discovered something.

That's why she looked at him with such eyes.

Luckily, fortunately, Xi Xiu acted as if nothing had happened after a while.

"In this case, what should we do?" Xi Xiu pretended not to understand.

She wanted to see what tricks this person who she thought was cold and heartless could come up with.

"This, this I don't quite understand, how about I ask someone else?" Qing Zhixun was a little nervous.

He really didn't understand.

In his previous life, Xi Xiu was the one who revolved around him.

It was Xi Xiu who took the initiative.

He had never responded due to his inferiority complex.

So he really had no experience.

"Well, okay, that's troublesome." Xi Xiu lowered her head and thought after she finished speaking.

She found that Qing Zhixun was actually a little cute?

He was really afraid that she would be unhappy.

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