Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 738 - A vivid lesson

His behavior was completely opposite to that person, but she just felt that something was wrong with him.

Also, something is very wrong!

Qing Zhixun thought he had passed the test for the time being.

But he didn't expect that Xixiu's suspicion of him would become even deeper.

The central brain looked at the two of them who had been testing each other, and felt a little bored. He waved his hand and said, "You guys take your time and chat, I'll go back to Huhu."

Xixiu turned around and said back, "A smart guy like you wants to sleep?"

Central Intelligence: "Why, the system doesn't have the right to sleep? I regard myself as a human being."

After saying that, it returned control to Sixi and returned to its base camp.

I really went to sleep...

It can be said that Qin Jian's incident taught him a very vivid lesson.

This is the first time that the central brain has understood the complexity of human beings so thoroughly.

It and Qin Jian walked together from the long journey to the stars to the end, and he made so many efforts for humans to settle down in this star field.

Why did it fail to leave a happy ending in the end?

Has it changed?

Either Qin Jian has changed, or this is Qin Jian's truest character.

In the past, I didn’t have the ability to think, so I wouldn’t think deeply about too many issues.

As long as the calculation results are correct, it doesn't care about anything.

But now it seems that although having the ability to think is not bad, it is tiring.

After the central intelligence brain left, Qing Zhixun, Xixiu, and two machines were left behind.

Qing Sansui was very discerning and took Sixi away, leaving their respective masters alone.

Sixi didn't want to leave at first, she was worried that Xixiu would need her.

Xixiu gave her a reassuring look, and she could read her meaning from Xixiu's eyes.

Then he left with peace of mind.

The two sat quietly for a while.

Xixiu was sure that there was nothing else to do and planned to go back to deal with the team's affairs.

The aerial training plan lasts for twenty days in total. She also has to improve her own strength and will be very busy by then.

So plan your time well.

Set aside some coaching time.

This was probably the last group training before the war, and everyone was a little nervous.

Qing Zhixun didn't intend to let her leave so quickly. Xixiu heard a nice voice coming, "You and Xie Qingzhu's team are joining forces for this aerial training. Is there anything you need my help in coordinating?"

After thinking for a while, Xixiu answered: "Not yet, but there is one thing. My team has more people than hers, so it takes two rounds to complete the one-on-one matching."

She actually hopes that Xie Qingzhu will join a team again, so that her people can face different people.

It’s okay not to increase the number. According to the previous plan, one of her team members will fight against two people, and it can be completed by crossing over.

This way, some people will get a bye and only play with their own team.

"I will arrange it and let Uriah lead the team and combine with Xie Qingzhu and the others. In this case, each of you can fight one-on-one, and you can also fight with a few more people."

Uriah had mentioned this to him before and asked him to pay attention to it.

In the future, their battlefields will basically be on the ground, and cruisers and other fleets will be responsible for wars in the stars.

These warriors who serve on the ground are rarely asked to participate in battles in the stars.

Unless cruisers and other fleets are seriously short of manpower, soldiers will be dispatched from the ground to fill it.

Xixiu agreed without thinking. Uriah's team was all veterans and had a balanced strength.

Her team is mostly young warriors and does not have an advantage.

The young ones urgently need to learn from the experience of the old warriors.

The battlefields we will face in the future will not be that simple, they will all be battles of life and death.

Xixiu hopes that his team members, as well as himself, can have enough time to train and prepare for war.

Therefore, since Qing Zhixun takes the initiative to speak, she will not refuse if it is beneficial to the soldiers.

Qing Zhixun understood Xixiu's mentality as a captain and superior, so he added: "In addition, the entire station will enter a state of war preparation, and you can also cross-train with other teams."

"Okay, thank you." Xixiu nodded in thanks.

"If you need help, just ask. We are on the same boat and a family." Qing Zhixun rarely said such emotional words.

Xixiu knew what Qing Zhixun meant, but although the two were tied together in name, in reality they hadn't reached that point yet. There was always a process.

Qing Zhixun compiled the wars that Qing's family had participated in since the history of the Jingsu Alliance was recorded, and gave a copy to Xixiu.

A very large packet.

It contains the fighting methods, decisions, and strategies of the Qing family in every war situation.

All kinds of war data in the starry sky, on the ground, and against the starry sky beasts.

This information is extremely rare.

Xixiu only has data on some of the alliance's most famous wars, and has studied them many times. She only has nine-star data from a family's perspective.

For a human being born in a peaceful era, war is not far away, but she has never experienced it personally, and her understanding of war is far from enough.

What she lacked in this area, she had done her best to make up for.

This information about Qing Zhixun is still very precious to her.

Xixiu looked at Qing Zhixun sincerely with her eyes, and thanked him solemnly: "Thank you. If you can use me in the future, just say so."

After a pause, she added: "I will tell you the news from Jiuxing as soon as the seniors get it back."

Qing Zhixun wanted to reach out and rub the top of her hair, but then he did just that.

Xixiu stood there, her breathing stagnant. She didn't expect that Qing Zhixun would suddenly "strike", but she couldn't avoid it.

The satisfied Qing Zhixun smiled and said: "There is no need to thank you again and again. I do these things as I should do, just for you."

Xixiu lowered his head, and there was a hint of redness at the base of his ears. This, this action was too intimate.

She had never been touched like this on the top of her head. She only remembered being patted like this lovingly by an old man when she was very young in her previous life.

Qing Zhixun was a little surprised. He seemed to also see the reddish tint at the base of Xixiu's ears.

It was particularly noticeable on her fair skin.

This made him somewhat ecstatic.

She shouldn't dislike him completely.

At least, there is no longer the alienation as before.

This is a very good phenomenon.

Xixiu regained her composure after a while. She raised her head, with only calmness in her eyes, "Okay."

No matter what his intentions are, as long as they are good, she will coexist peacefully with him for now.

As for those doubtful points, she believed that Qing Zhixun wouldn't be able to hide them for long if she kept in touch with them.

Qing Zhixun: "One more thing. If there is no big war on Yuan Day, I might be transferred out of here. Do you have any plans?"

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