Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 739 - Branches of Humanity

The Alliance will not let the two of them stay in a station where fighting is not frequent. They will either leave together or separate.

He would definitely not agree to separation.

Therefore, he planned to ask Xixiu for his opinion.

Xixiu thought for a while, "I follow the alliance's arrangements, but if I leave Yuanri, I want to take my team members with me."

She is now a major and can leave with her own team.

Likewise, people coming to Yuanri can also bring their own teams.

Qing Zhixun breathed a sigh of relief, "As usual, the core team members can be taken away."

This is a way for the alliance to allow capable generals to have capable subordinates when they go to new stations or fortresses.

Although there are some flaws that make it easy to exclude others, relatively speaking, the flaws are minor.

Because the alliance is broken up and mobilized every ten years, major generals will leave their previous places of service.

They have no chance to support themselves.

"Well, I will submit my application when the time comes." Xixiu knew that he had to report to the alliance when he left and took the team with him.

Although I leave one place, I rarely go to another place without my own team.

But there will still be situations like this.

Just in case, she had to submit the application immediately after learning about the transfer order.

Xixiu mentally calculated which station or fortress he would go to if he left.

There is Qing Shihao in Hai'an.

There are many people like them in Tian'ao Fortress.

Only the three fortresses of Liuning, Yuanjing and Mingning were not guarded by powerful people.

There is the border, where Liuning Fortress is a mixed bag, and most importantly, it is close to the Hovian System.

The intelligent creatures in the Hovian galaxy are humans, and they are a branch of humanity.

The fighting strength is similar to that of humans.

The only drawback is the number of people.

Also, because the technological development of the five star systems has not kept up with the Jingsu Alliance in recent years, the overall strength of weapons research and development may be slightly behind.

But when it comes to fighting alone, humans and Hovians are equally matched.

Xixiu was familiar with the information on these five galaxies and had no favorable impression of the Hovian people.

Although they have the same origin.

Originally, the Hovian people were dissatisfied with Jingsu's various laws and regulations and chose to leave.

After his own galaxy did not have enough energy, what he thought about was not to buy with Jingsu, but to get something for nothing and plunder directly.

Burning, killing, raping and kidnapping were all done.

Like the Alliance's most notorious star thief, they are the creatures most hated by the Alliance people.

The Hanhai are not of the same origin as humans, and they will be hostile to humans and other intelligent creatures in Jingsu. This is expected.

Since the establishment of the Jingsu Alliance, Hanhai, like the Inquilla people, has tried countless times to cross the fortress and take the alliance's star system as their own.

They were all repulsed.

Hovian is different.

The Hovians pretended to be members of the Jingsu Alliance and obtained a lot of resources and information.

Then, it was sold to Hanhai and other galaxies.

It can be said that the Hovian people do all kinds of evil and only have interests in their eyes.

The first thing Xixiu thought of was Liuning Fortress: "Have the Hovians made any movement recently?"

Qing Zhixun: "They responded to Hanhai's call and have begun to gather."

This time, it is estimated that they will use their entire family's strength to deal with Jingsu. They must get some benefits from Jingsu, or occupy Jingsu's galaxy for themselves.

The Hovian people originally chose the star field of Hovian to live because of its beautiful environment and abundant energy.

However, he did not expect that after thousands of years, Hovian not only encountered a bottleneck in technology, but also ran out of energy.

Over-exploitation and enjoyment caused the energy that could have supported the Hovian people to last for millions of years, but all was consumed in a few thousand years.

Without energy, they set their sights on the Jingsu Alliance, which they had once looked down upon.

In their eyes, Tianwei and Aola's energy was actually more than Hovian's!

When their ancestors found Hovian and moved here, it was because of the countless energy sources.

However, the end result is that they have no energy available even before they reach ten thousand years.

The descendants of those who moved to Hovian believed that the Jingsu people had tricked their ancestors into settling in Hovian so that they could free up energy for those scumbags in Jingsu.

Jingsu calculated that Hovian's energy reserves were far greater than those in the Tianwei Galaxy.

With their number, if the energy is used rationally, it will be enough for millions of years.

After Hovian attacked Jingsu, Jingsu sent people to find out the reason.

Only then did I realize that their waste of energy was outrageous.

And more importantly, they live a life of luxury and luxury.

If anything can be solved with energy, nothing else can be used.

Because they feel proud.

Can afford to smash it.

Various buildings, daily facilities, and even the bricks on the ground in the Hovian galaxy are all designed with places to load energy stones.

I wish I could tell the whole world that apart from energy, they only have energy.

When Xixiu saw Huo Wei'an's report, he discussed with A Xian how there could be such a stupid race.

Energy is non-renewable.

Once it's mined, it's over.

Even though Jingsu has two energy galaxies, Tianwei and Aola, it has been looking for new alternative energy sources for so many years.

Unlike Hovian, he ran out of energy early.

I want to come and take advantage of Jingsu again.

Xixiu frowned and pondered: "Will they also discover the secrets of those wild stars on Ningkui Star?"

There is news that the Hovians once appeared near the star of Ningkui.

Could they be here to inquire about the situation?

The reason why Xixiu discovered something was wrong with those zodiac stars was partly due to luck, and partly because the time for energy formation had come.

She missed the mark.

Qing Zhixun knew that she had bought several planets and extracted energy.

Although the energy purity is not comparable to that of Tianwei and Aola, it is already very good.

Qing Zhixun asked very carefully: "Is there any news leaked from you?"

Xixiu frowned and analyzed this possibility, "Jiuxing's confidentiality work is still in place. The problem may be that the Hovian people happened to go to Ningkui Star during the mining."

There is the border there, and there is no difference between Hovians and humans. Most of the creatures living on Ningkui Planet are humans.

Therefore, even if they appear nearby, it is difficult to distinguish them.

Qing Zhixun thinks this is more likely. Ming Weiman is talented in business and will only be able to do this without leaks. It is impossible to leave such a big hole for others to drill through.

Xixiu contacted Ming Weiman and asked him to check Jiuxing's monitoring of the Ningkui star's operation.

Mainly to investigate suspicious persons.

After she gets the data of these people, she can let the central intelligence brain help screen them to see if these people are from Jingsu.

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