Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 740 - Heaven fails to fulfill one’s wish

With the help of the central intelligence brain, it is estimated that it only takes a day to determine the origins of these people.

Its database contains all the genetic information and basic information of the escaped Hovian people.

After arranging this matter, Xixiu and Qing Zhixun called the two machines back and returned to the camp together.

But he met Zhang Xiaoxiang who was walking with his team members.

This time Zhang Xiaoxiang greeted Xixiu and Qing Zhixun with a smile.

That way, he was extremely humble.

Rang Xixiu was a little uncomfortable.

Zhang Xiaoxiang greeted Xixiu and Xixiu respectively according to their rank and rank, and there was nothing wrong with their polite manners.

Zhang Xiaoxiang: "Major General Qing, Major Hong, hello!"

"Second Lieutenant Zhang." The two men replied calmly, unable to find anything wrong.

Zhang Xiaoxiang knew that he had been too reckless in the past, and Bi Ru was right. To deal with people like Qing Zhixun and Hong Xixiu, one had to do one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes.

At least they can't be caught in the wrong place.

Qing Zhixun only nodded to Zhang Xiaoxiang, then left with Xixiu and passed him by.

Only by ignoring this kind of person can you feel at peace, not to mention that he is about to leave Yuanri.

The chances of working together in the future are extremely slim.

Not at the same height.

It's not that Qing Zhixun looks down on him, but there is no comparison between the Zhang family and his Qing family.

It's not like he doesn't know how to use his family background to suppress others.

Zhang Xiaoxiang also knew that he had no eyesight before, so how could Qing Zhixun be someone he could offend.

In Gaia, the boundaries between aristocratic families and aristocratic families are clearly defined.

The Zhang family is really not in the eyes of the Qing family.

Before they separated, Qing Zhixun and Xixiu talked about the family.

Those who were resentful about the sacrifice of his own children and planned to spread their fire on Xixiu, he blocked them all.

These people were reorganized and grouped together.

In the future, if they come up with a mission, they have to apply for it themselves and sign the relevant treaty before he will allow them to go out.

If a treaty is signed but not followed, and something happens, the station will only bear a small part of the responsibility.

Otherwise these people are not afraid of death!

It's okay to want to die on your own, but it's not okay to drag others along with you.

Under Qing Zhixun's tough attitude, the family had no choice but to agree.

Because he said that if you don't obey, you will be transferred. This is not a trouble-making camp for "troublesome". The lives of the children of the aristocratic family are lives, and the lives of other soldiers are also lives.

No room for childishness.

The heads of these aristocratic families knew that he kept his word and did not dare to be tough with him.

Temporarily calmed down.

Just dormant and waiting for the opportunity.

When their people take control of Yuan Ri and reach a higher position than Hong Xixiu, even if Qing Zhixun wants to protect his partner, it will depend on the occasion and opportunity.

Xixiu nodded and said he understood.

In fact, she is really not afraid.

However, now that someone has solved it from the front, she is happy and relaxed.

She planned to spend the rest of the time training and put these things aside for the time being.

The two separated at the training ground, Xixiu went back to the dormitory, and Qing Zhixun went to deal with other matters.

When he went back, Axian had already returned with ebony and night soul grass.

The two plants were full and sleeping soundly, with their leaves drooping. Sometimes when loud noises were made from the outside environment, they would roll up their leaves, just like intelligent creatures being disturbed in their dreams.

After Sixi came back, she took the initiative to go to its rest area, leaving Xixiu to talk to Ah Xian.

Xixiu told Ah Xian all the news she got from Qing Zhixun, including the Ye family.

Ah Xian didn't expect that what was supposed to come would eventually come, "What are you going to do?"

Xixiu took a sip of boiled water, put down the cup, leaned on the sofa and said, "I plan to wait until the training is over before receiving Ye Yunhan's message."

During this period, she will turn off the terminal's external connection function and will not turn it on even during open hours.

Complete this training with peace of mind.

Put aside these unimportant things for now.

"Where are the other two experimental subjects?" A Xian asked again.

Xixiu closed her eyes and replied, "It depends on how they talk to me. If the tone is friendly, I will reply to them. On the contrary, it is not necessary."

She didn't want to admit to a few sisters with bad attitudes and weird thoughts.

It's not like she was full.

I want to find something to do for myself.

However, judging from the information of these two people, Lin Rumei is relatively content with the status quo and has no intention of getting involved in the Ye family's affairs.

That Prajna Orchid thought, maybe more, had already begun to contact Ye Yunhan.

I don't see any bad intentions at the moment.

However, people change.

No one can predict what will happen in the future.

"There are only three, where is one more?" Ah Xian found that the number of these children was wrong. There were five in total.

Xixiu shook his head, "No one knows, there is no news about her."

It's like the world has disappeared.

The scientific researcher who took her away was the one named Song Wei.

His information was found.

However, after he left Tianning Star and separated from Lin Zeye and the others, he completely disappeared.

No trace has been found so far.

Lin Zeye and the others didn't find him either.

Xixiu opened her eyes, looked out the window, and whispered: "Don't worry about it in advance, what is supposed to come will come."

Before, she thought that as long as she didn't join in the excitement of the Ye family, she could get along with them.

Because Jingsu is really too big.

The chance of meeting someone by chance is very slim.

However, God did not fulfill his wish.

There was a lot of Qing Zhixun's information that she had to filter and process before sending it to Wan Youlin.

Let them know.

Xixiu didn't rest anymore, opened the terminal and got busy.

A Xian did not disturb her and went next door.

Flora and He Yinlei had finished chatting with their partners and were eating snacks and chatting about their own thoughts.

He stopped talking when he saw Ah Xian coming over.

A Xian is not interested in these things.

"Captain is busy again?" Flora knew that Axian would not leave Xixiu for even half a step without special circumstances.

A-Xian spread her hands: "Yes, she is a hard worker."

He Yinlei handed her a pack of snacks: "Try it, new flavor."

A Xian opened it and dropped a small piece into his mouth, "Not bad, very fragrant and crispy."

The three people sat and talked about some preparations for aerial training.

Flora and He Yinlei asked Axian many questions, and Axian answered them in detail.

Including techniques for suspended combat.

Wearing a mecha, you can hang in the air, but it's not as stable as a heavy mecha.

It all depends on the dexterity of one's body.

Flying, leaping, turning sideways, etc. all require practice.

Not to mention fighting in the air.

Flora and He Yinlei listened attentively, silently memorizing the key points in their minds, and also recorded Ah Xian's experience using a terminal.

Ah Xian told them not to be afraid when training, and they must do the movements several times.

Until you become proficient.

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