Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 761 - Ye Zhen Wei wakes up

Heavy mechas have weak flexibility and large targets, and are easily captured by the opponent's tentacles. Therefore, cooperation is particularly important. Xi Xiu's plan is to find a way to drive them all to one area. Then, let the heavy mecha shoot from a long distance and kill them directly. They have already obtained the samples, and keeping these things will only cause more accidents. Sida is worried about the safety of the soldiers. Xi Xiu is also worried that her team members will be controlled by the opponent, so they must be eradicated and cleaned up thoroughly. Sida thought for a while and agreed. He knew that there were very few feasible solutions at present, and the Modar people had no better solution. Xi Xiu looked at the data in the system that was constantly being disassembled and reassembled. The central intelligent brain had not been able to solve this problem for so long. It seems that things have exceeded the original estimate by a lot. Sida projected the current situation of these creatures onto the light screen, and saw that these guys were eating nutritious meals again. They actually have a large number of space nodes, which are full of that kind of transparent substance. Watching them eat, the soldiers got goose bumps all over their bodies, and no one didn't feel disgusted. This thing is not a nutrient made of vegetables, fruits, and meat mixed in proportion, but the brain of an intelligent creature.

Xi Xiu found that the interval between their meals was very short.

In the absence of intense fighting, their meal intervals would be longer.

If they kept fighting, they would have to stop and eat once an hour to replenish their energy.

Sida also found this problem, "Major Hong, can we use the time difference?"

These things will definitely slow down if they don't get nutritional supplements.

"I'll try it first." Xi Xiu's previous battle with the creature was too short, so he didn't find this loophole.

The other fighters' battles were of the required duration, but the battle was terminated.

If it wasn't terminated, they might suffer casualties.

So, no one noticed that this thing had to eat a lot every once in a while.

"Let Moda's robots go, go more, and find more to test." Sida didn't quite agree with Xi Xiu taking risks at this time.

"That's fine." Xi Xiu decided to let Qi Mang go with Moda's robots.

She sent a command code to Qimang, asking it to record all the data of this creature and the battle time must reach two hours.

In the real-time picture just now, these creatures can't wait to eat before leaving the battlefield after the battle.

It can be seen that they are already very hungry.

Another point is that they are very vigilant when eating.

Their mental state is a thousand miles away from when they are full.

As long as this point is grasped, the next battle will have a turning point.

Qimang set off with Moda's robot army, Sida was waiting for the experimental results, and Xixiu was waiting for the support team of the garrison.

Others were resting.

And summarizing the battle experience.


After they went on the mission, the internal system of Yuanri garrison made a small adjustment.

Zhang Xiaoxiang left Yuanri and went to Tianao Fortress, and Tianao Fortress transferred people from Tianwei garrison to fill the gap.

Many people left Yuanri garrison this time, and basically they applied for transfers after forming a partner.

Those who came to Yuanri were old acquaintances of Xixiu and others, Nan Hejia and Liang Jingxian.

Since they went to Tianwei, they didn't learn anything from Ye Zhenwei, and they were always excluded.

They were a little discouraged.

They didn't expect such a turn of events.

They knew Xi Xiu was also on New Year's Day.

They could show their skills there, and meet up with their good friends.

Maybe, they could go on missions with them in the future, if they could join Xi Xiu's team.

On the way here, Nan and Jia kept praying in their hearts, hoping to have this luck.


Ye Zhenwei finally woke up in Gaia. After Fu Chen gave her the last physical test, he removed the sedative from her body.

Ye Zhenwei regained consciousness.

She was still a little stunned when she opened her eyes.

She intuitively felt that she had never been here before, because she had no impression of it in her memory.

Later, she thought about it and realized that she had exhausted all her mental strength in a battle in Tianwei and almost died.

Unexpectedly, she could still wake up.

It seems that this is in a medical laboratory in Jingsu.

Her consciousness had been dormant, and she felt scared only after waking up.

She thought she would not survive, but she did not expect that the God of the Starry Sky would still favor her.

Fu Chen had been observing Ye Zhenwei after she woke up. This was the task given to him by the Elders.

It was not certain whether this Ye Zhenwei was the original or had a "core" replaced.

After waking up, Ye Zhenwei had been cared for and rehabilitated by robots, and still needed to spend two hours in the nutrition cabin every day.

Three days later, Ye Zhenwei recovered completely.

It must be said that this time Averlan's consciousness gave the alliance a new breakthrough.

Ye Zhenwei's body was much stronger than before.

She became very quiet.

It might also be that there were no acquaintances here.

She did whatever recovery project Fu Chen arranged for her.

She did not say it was hard.

She did not mention anyone or anything.

After recovering, she found Fu Chen and told him that she wanted to leave.

Fu Chen was extremely surprised when Ye Zhenwei opened her mouth. Although he had not been in contact with her many times, everyone recognized Ye Zhenwei's arrogance and impoliteness.

However, Ye Zhenwei changed drastically when she woke up. She became gentle and polite, and would ask questions first before doing anything.

Watertight on the surface.

Fu Chen has been following Wei Lanshan for so many years, and his eyes can be said to be quite vicious, but he doesn't understand what kind of medicine Ye Zhenwei sells in his gourd.

He can only take advantage of the situation.

At this moment, Ye Zhenwei was sitting in front of Fu Chen, holding the cup elegantly, taking a sip of the hot drink, and mouthing Zhulan: "Dr. Fu Chen, thank you for saving your life. Whenever you can use me, Ye Zhenwei, , you just have to say it, and Ye Zhenwei will do his best."

Although it was quite polite, Fu Chen only felt awkward.

It is impossible for a person to completely change his personality after just one sleep.

Some words and deeds are engraved in the bones and there are still traces to follow.

Fu Chen calmly replied to Ye Zhenwei: "I just did my duty. The technology that saved Major General Ye was not mine."

Hearing Fu Chen's words, Ye Zhen raised his eyebrows in surprise and said in disbelief: "Are the top talents in the league so humble?"

Fu Chen smiled and said, "Major General Ye thinks highly of me. To be top-notch, Moda is the best in the league."

Even Wei Lanshan, who has been in the biomedical field for so many years, can only look at the back of Moda people.

Moda people don't care about fame and fortune.

They only do what they think they should do and will not harm the alliance or innocent people.

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