Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 762 -Fell into his trap

Hearing about the Moda people, Ye Zhenwei was still a little confused as to why Fu Chen suddenly mentioned this.

She will be even more confused now.

Those eyes looked clear and clear at the moment, without any impurities.

This is completely contrary to her past.

"Dr. Fu Chen, what does this have to do with the Moda people? Am I rescued by the Moda people?" She opened her big innocent eyes, showing her weakness.

Fu Chen actually disliked this kind of conversation because it made him feel powerless.

Regarding Ye Zhenwei's question, he did not explain it in detail. He only said that he found a picture from Avran's consciousness.

He was inspired by that image.

A way to treat Ye Zhenwei was found.

The real situation is that several of the scenes after the reconstruction of Avran's consciousness data are scenes of the Moda people's experiments.

Those Modans were obviously not doing these experiments voluntarily, because they had electronic monitoring shackles on their feet.

The age is no longer testable.

The Council of Elders has contacted Moda and told Moda's current star master Asik about the matter, but has not yet received an accurate reply.

They will definitely have to check internally as well.

Ye Zhenwei murmured: "So that's the case, but it's Dr. Fu Chen's ability that makes me recover. I will definitely repay you in the future."

Fu Chen really wanted to say that you should leave as soon as you recover and do whatever you need to do.

He has no shortage of repayments.

This is his duty.

However, this cannot be said face to face.

After Fu Chen paused for a while, he told her the previous arrangements of the Elder Council: "Major General Ye, the Elders will arrange a residence for you, right in Central City. Someone will come to pick you up in the afternoon. I have prepared a month's supply of medicine. , you don’t need to take it anymore.”

After hearing this, Ye Zhenwei said: "Okay, the battlefield is where I should stay."

After saying this, she looked nostalgic.

It seems that he is very yearning for the battlefield.

She thought of her last battle, which should be considered a classic.

Thinking of this, the corners of her lips raised in a suitable arc, which made Fu Chen a little surprised.

Ye Zhenwei is very beautiful like this.

However, this kind of beauty, like a delicate flower, cannot be beaten by wind and rain.

After Fu Chen and Ye Zhenwei finished talking, they asked the robot to take her to the room.

She still needs to go into the medical bay for one last repair before she leaves.

After the robot leaves.

Ye Zhenwei's eyes sparkled, and she stared thoughtfully at the leaving robot.

The alliance's attitude towards her has changed.

This made her confused.

What went wrong.

It seems like she hasn’t done anything wrong?

Ye Zhen, who was deep in thought, lost her softness and became more aggressive.

She closed her eyes and thought about the matter from beginning to end, and found that she had met Wei Lanshan once after returning to Tianwei.

In the conversation between her and Fu Chen just now, Fu Chen didn't mention Wei Lanshan a word.

She didn't ask either.

Before she fell into a deep sleep, she remembered that Wei Lanshan had picked her up.

The alliance handed her over to Wei Lanshan.

Could it be...

What did she see then?

Wei Lanshan, is she so powerful?

She didn't believe it.

Human beings are the most contradictory and complex creatures, and their changes are within common sense.

She had calculated this.

After encountering such a big thing, shouldn't she be allowed to fully realize it?

She couldn't always be the reckless Ye Zhenwei who didn't know how to improve.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhenwei thought a few more levels.

I think the most likely possibility is that the alliance elders will find some evidence.

Her only suspect was the disappearance.

Therefore, it was Yukila and Zhang Jixing who betrayed her!

Ye Zhen opened her eyes slightly.

The eyes are a bit sinister.

Ye Zhenwei believed that it was 100% Yoqila and Zhang Jixing who leaked her whereabouts.

Originally, she didn't plan to take Yu Qila and Zhang Jixing to meet Yuan Chuhong, but if she went alone, she would be directly suspected.

Take your subordinates with you so that you can have some buffering time.

In this way, if she comes back, the alliance will have no direct evidence to prove that she went specifically to see Yuan Chuhong.

She had countless excuses. She could also say that she was just going to save her teacher, but she didn't think about his ways.

Ye Zhenwei remembered that Yuan Chuhong vowed at that time that he had a way to erase the memories of Yuqi La and others.

No information will be left behind.

When they returned to Tianwei, they indeed did not remember what happened on the starship.

While she breathed a sigh of relief, she was also a little smug.

Yuanchuhong showed her a new world, completely different from Jingsu.

Ye Zhenwei suddenly felt that he had lived completely in the shadow of the alliance for the first thirty years, without any freedom of his own.

Train, learn, train, learn.

Apart from these two things, everything else must be worked in accordance with the direction set by the alliance for her.

She has never considered it at all, even though the alliance has provided many resources and conveniences to the Ye family.

But what does that have to do with her.

She was used as a bargaining chip by Tang Yongyu and Ye Yunhan, just a pawn for the Ye family to go further.

They thought she wasn't trying hard enough.

However, even if she doesn't work hard, she is still the most powerful person in Jingsu.

She doesn't think that hard work and strength can be equated. Otherwise, how many talents will the alliance produce?

None of those warriors who missed training every day became geniuses.

No one has reached the top position through hard work.

That position was born to be hers, Ye Zhenwei, and she didn't believe anyone could take it away.

What Yuanchuhong told her was beyond her previous knowledge.

She can get the position she wants faster and effortlessly.

Why doesn't her heart move?

Daily training and training are really hard and boring.

She felt that the God of the Starry Sky was treating her unfairly.

She experienced so much pain as a child and almost died. As an adult, she had to live her life based on people's looks.

Is her suffering in vain?

Talent is not a decoration.

Why not if there is a shortcut.

To her, there is no difference between the marshal of the Jingsu Alliance and the marshal of the alliance created by others. They are both marshals.

In this case, she chooses the simple one.

No sweat required.

You can even enjoy the benefits.

Therefore, she agreed to his plan without much lobbying by Yuan Chuhong.

He plans to join forces with Yuan Chuhong to create his own era.

Now it looks like she may have been discovered.

However, she was going to play dumb.

Jae Kyung Su still has things to do.

There was an account she wanted to settle with Qing's family.

Ye Zhenwei opened her terminal and connected to the Star Network.

I found a lot of information about the Qing family.

Then she discovered that the Anweil ​​bloodline she had longed for was actually someone else.

Kyung Hee disclosed her partner and children while she was comatose.

Ye Zhenwei looked at Qing Zhixun's face that made her uncomfortable, and she felt physically nauseous.

He also remembered that he had suffered a lot of hidden losses under Qing Zhixun before.

Every time she was about to see Qing Shihao, she was stopped by Qing Zhixun.

Her impression of Qing Zhixun is very, very bad!

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