Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 790 - Wanting to get something for nothing

The deputy team also knows how cruel the opponent is. After dealing with them for so many years, these star thieves have long lost their humanity.

If not, why would you do such an evil thing?

The benefits of the league are really very good. As long as you work hard, you can survive and live well anywhere.

There are always people who want to get something for nothing.

As for the drugs that were injected into the children, the medical scientists on board the ship had already found some clues.

However, the source of the drug has not yet been found, only the harm that all its ingredients can cause has been determined.

Based on the component analysis alone, these drugs are enough to cause death. Moreover, if you cannot survive, your death will be very painful.

It can be seen from the bodies of the children they found that these children were curled up, their hands and legs were in a state of spasticity, and they had long lost their human shape.

Their facial features were also twisted together, and they suffered terrible torture before death.

"How could there be such a cruel person?" The deputy team leader was beyond words to express his sadness, and the innocent and lovely faces of those children appeared before his eyes.

In the photos and videos, children are carefree, reading, training, and spending their days happily with their parents.

But in the blink of an eye, they lost their lives.

"To a certain extent, Xihe is no longer a human being. It is just the consciousness that survived his death." Long Xingxue did not think that the consciousness loaded into the machine body could still be called "human".

These things have long lost their humanity.

Many consciousnesses probably don’t know where they were born, their previous identities, what they have done, and who are the important people in their lives.

They become them.

The difference of one word, in Long Xingxue's view, was already a leap of species.

Those consciousnesses forced to become immortal robots have probably forgotten their former identities and the meaning of their existence.

Become someone else's tool.

Once the two sides confront each other, Long Xingxue will not leave any room, because these people will threaten the safety of the alliance.

There are many warriors in the alliance, but there are more ordinary citizens. Although all people can fight, how can ordinary people resist the attack of immortal robots.

When the deputy captain heard what his captain said, he understood it after a moment's thought.

This was the first time they encountered an immortal robot, although Xixiu gave them a lot of information.

However, fighting against immortal robots yourself and watching other people's fighting videos are two completely different feelings.

"Captain, with Sihe's strength, are you sure of victory?" They had heard of Sihe's name.

Long Xingxue smiled extremely elegantly. She looked down at her hands and said, "This time, I want them to never come back."

During this mission, Xixiu told her that if there was a chance to annihilate them all, they should never leave a single person alive.

Otherwise, they will come back again, and everyone will have to deal with it, and they will be in a hurry.

She continued: "In addition, I would like to inform everyone that during the battle, each person must carry more than thirty blocking devices to prevent the opponent's consciousness from escaping."

They have to solve some hidden dangers this time.

Sihe must be captured, and these people cannot be allowed to have the opportunity to harm children again.

"Yes, the notification has been sent out." The deputy team immediately sent a message to all members.

There are more people in the Snow Dragon Regiment than in Xihe. In terms of combat strength, the Snow Dragon Regiment has an advantage.

At this moment, the border of the vast sea.

Sihe circled around the unknown star field and returned to the star field of the Jingsu Alliance.

He was feeling complacent that Long Xingxue had not caught him.

After arriving at the coordinates, Sihe asked his men to park the starship on a deserted star.

Judging from the energy fluctuations in this star field, there has been no sign of a large starship sailing here for three days.

So Sihe was very relieved.

He stopped here to see where Long Xingxue had gone.

Have you ever been introduced to a strange star realm by him?

To his disappointment, Long Xingxue did not appear in any star field.

When he was sailing in the unfamiliar star field with his fleet, there was no news about the Snow Dragon Group that went to the Unnamed Star Territory. Now he doesn't know where he went.

But they somewhat reassured Sihe.

After checking the early information, Xihe immediately ordered his men: "Go, quickly build a large transmission channel, and we will go back directly from the Desolate Star."

Sailing takes too much time.

This time I came out firstly to catch some talented Jingsu dolls, and secondly to experiment with new transmission channels.

He, Sihe, would never take a meaningless job, even if it was for that person.

He was a little excited when he thought about the latest technology. Once this experiment was successful, they could go straight to Gaia.

Go wherever you want.

The whole of Jingsu, to them, was like a deserted land.

At that time, people in Jingsu will have their heads cut off in their dreams.

Upon hearing his order, his men immediately took action.

They unloaded the materials from the starship and began to build it in an orderly manner.

These people are all machine bodies.

After Xihe tasted the sweetness of the machine body, he made everyone in Xiwei into immortal robots.

No one was consulted.

These subordinates were stripped of their consciousness in their sleep, and when they woke up, they no longer remembered their identities and names.

Although they didn't say anything at this moment, there was a voice in the depths of their consciousness that kept mumbling to themselves.

When I wanted to hear it clearly, there was no sound again.

Based on their intuition, they feel that they are not originally like this.

But I can't find the problem.

On the deserted star, the people of Sihe are building rapidly.

This scene came from the starship hidden near the coordinate point. Although Long Xingxue didn't understand why Xihe stopped at the Desolate Star.

Before, she thought there would be a fierce battle in the stars, but in the end, she still had to go to the ground.

"Everyone, raise the shielding signal to the highest level and move forward quickly. In addition, those responsible for the blockade must be wary of their sudden disappearance." As soon as Long Xingxue finished speaking, the forward team entered the surface of the desolate star.

This planet has no atmosphere and is not suitable for intelligent life to survive. It can only be used as a transit star.

Everyone put on protective masks, drove stealth fighters, and quickly sneaked in.

The soldiers responsible for the blockade put an invisible barrier on the outer layer of the entire desolate star.

As long as someone wants to leave, whether they quickly establish a passage to leave or leave in a starship, they will be stopped by this barrier.

Long Xingxue also entered the ground.

The soldiers' terminals transmitted real-time footage of the other side's construction.

Robots are fast.

In just five minutes, the prototype of the channel has come out, and the rest is filling.

Sihe is very satisfied with the progress.

If it were before, how could its subordinates have such speed per second?

Within a month, such a large passage could not be built. But now, after changing the body, the prototype was built in just five minutes.

It seems that his decision was very correct.

Sihe was a little proud.

Later it will have to experience the power of the super channel.

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