Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 791 - Decided to find an opportunity

Sihe, who was feeling proud, suddenly figured out something was wrong.

Something is rapidly approaching its current location, and it has not been calculated what it is.

a lot of.

There is heat.

What could it be?

It was very sure that there was no one on this deserted star, and there were very few living creatures.


It is a fighting machine for intelligent creatures.

Sihe immediately gave the order, but found that he seemed to have become a little slow.

The order has not yet been issued.

Only then did it realize that its signal source had been interfered with, and the other party had brought a large number of jammers.

However, in the past, people from Jingsu would also bring these cracking devices, but they never made it feel like this.

Could it be that those so-called scientists in Jingsu have developed a new jammer?


No news from Gaia reached the base.

Lord Qin didn't tell them either.

Sihe found that he could not give direct orders to his men through the program in the machine body, so he immediately drew his weapon and fired a warning shot into the sky.

The weapon exploded in mid-air. The robots used their own hearing systems to judge that there was danger and stopped immediately.

When I was about to communicate with my friend, I found that I could only make intermittent electric sounds, "buzz, buzz, buzz," but no words at all.

Those who were not used to communicating through programs asked, "What happened?"

"I don't know, I don't see any danger around me." The person next to it answered.

"19, it seems to be a warning from the team leader. This sound indicates an intruder." The mechanical sound is not very nice, it is very harsh.

"84, let's go take a look?" Its tone was extremely uncertain.

Ever since I woke up again and found myself looking like this, I felt very uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, that crazy guy Sihe turned them all into machines.

regardless of their wishes.

Some people who don't like mechanical bodies have a deep resentment towards Sihe.

But no one showed it.

They have become emotionless machines. If their consciousness fluctuates, Sihe will notice it immediately.

Some people wanted to resist Sihe, and their metal shells were thrown directly into the furnace by Sihe.

The consciousness and body were reduced to ashes together.

Sihe let them see such a scene in front of everyone.

These people have been with Sihe for a long time, following him "from birth to death."

He had done all the deeds considered evil by the Jingsu Alliance, including murder and arson, and committed all kinds of evil, but in the end he ended up like this.

They are still somewhat chilling.

The remaining people hide their thoughts well and no longer reveal any different opinions.

Only then did he survive.

This time, someone discovered their traces and chased them. 19 thought it was an opportunity.

It's not sure what others think, but it wants to kill Sihe.

Then leave this kind of place and find a quiet galaxy to spend the rest of your life.

Even if it wants to look for its partner and children, it cannot find them.

Because it found that it had no memory of this at all, when it intuitively understood that its consciousness was being loaded into this body, Sihe deleted these memories.

The purpose is to make them die for it and work for it without any worries.

19 hides its thoughts well. It intends to take a look at the situation before deciding to find an opportunity.

It is still aware of Xihe's strength, so it has not taken any action.

It and 84 quickly went to Xihe's side, and the two people used their bodies to protect Xihe in the middle.

"Captain, are they Jingsu's soldiers?" 19 asked.

Xihe said harshly: "It's Long Xingxue's damn bitches~ who are chasing us."

No, she is waiting here!

Sihe kept swearing, as if he had returned to his former self.

After the system was blocked, it found that it seemed to be able to feel more things. Although it could no longer control those robots, its thinking became clearer.

Something isn't quite right.

However, it was too late for Sihe to think deeply about why this happened.

It immediately organized its own people to prepare for battle. Some people protected the transmission channel and continued construction, and some people protected the channel.

The rest, enter combat mode.

Some robots were reluctant after being released from control.

Sihe noticed it, but didn't say anything.

Once back at base, these machines will no longer be necessary.

Let the lord's laboratory re-create a new, disobedient subordinate. There is no need to keep it, giving them a chance to bite back.

Most of these robots still want to live.

Therefore, he obediently picked up the weapon and started to be on guard.

Long Xingxue's people had a very clear goal and divided into two groups. Some went to the passage under construction, and the rest went directly to the location of Xihe.

Seeing Long Xingxue fully armed, Xihe felt his teeth itch with hatred.

It learned about the relationship between Long Xingxue and Wei Lanshan from Qin Hongjun, but it didn't expect that the two were in the same den.

No wonder they are all very self-righteous.

Is Nine Stars amazing?

do not think so.

It felt that its own career could be called a glorious one. It detailed its previous life and robbed Jingsu of nearly hundreds of millions of tons of energy stones and got an excellent price.

It only took seven days to earn more star coins than anyone in Jingsu could earn in ten lifetimes.

These are all still childish.

What it is currently doing is truly something worthy of showing off and meaningful.

The people in Jingsu were short-sighted and did not understand Lord Qin's deep meaning.

With such eyes and assumptions, even it was impressed.

As for the fact that consciousness is controlled, Sihe thinks it's nothing.

It is normal for a lord, a great person who Sihe wants to create the world, to control his subordinates.

Qin Hongjun is not the only one with a strange brain circuit.

The people he recruited more or less agreed with him ideologically.

Sihe has been thinking about these things, and it is still very safe for now.

Long Xingxue looked at the shining silver machine not far away and did not take it lightly.

Wei Lanshan had passed on Xihe's information to her before, and in order to be more confident in the battle, she had been studying it along the way.

After becoming a machine, Sihe is definitely different from human Sihe.

Wei Lanshan used her system to briefly control Xihe, but she couldn't find any combat moves loaded into its program, but that was more than a year ago.

Sihe's owner will definitely find ways to perfect his robot warrior.

Therefore, Long Xingxue was very cautious from the moment he stepped on the ground.

Xihe's guards surrounded it, and Long Xingxue was unable to fight Xihe directly for a while.

The people in the Snow Dragon Regiment are all hard-working types, and they immediately entered combat mode upon landing.

Sihe's mechanical eye read the battle data of the Snow Dragon Regiment and discovered that these mercenaries who traveled through various galaxies like them were actually very powerful.

Did they spend all their time on star navigation training?

Otherwise, I wouldn't have this skill.

No matter how much experience you accumulate, when it comes to strength, talent is more important than training.

Sihe practiced like crazy in those years, but he still has a lot of experience.

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