It was already past eleven o'clock at night when I got home, and I realized that it was already close to twelve o'clock when I was lying in bed.

This situation will continue for another week.

So, I’m sorry that I can’t update tomorrow. When this week passes, I will obediently start saving my manuscripts again next week.

While working overtime, the girls in the office got together and asked for a name.

I said something: We have become men, and we work tirelessly all the time, so we might as well let the five men take over...

Then, the group name really became Gojo Hanzi^^

No matter what the future holds, this job is actually very meaningful.

I hope that book friends from all walks of life who are working, studying, or starting a business will be safe and well during this period at the end of the year!

It is ten minutes past ten in the morning when I type these words.

Good night everyone.

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