Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 796 - It’s a torture

Long Xingxue was faster than it, and directly unloaded the system loading area on the back of its head.

Then, he put it in a special box to prevent information leakage and locked up Sihe.

Xihe didn't expect Long Xingxue to be so fast, it hadn't even reacted yet.

The reason why she sent the robot here is because she already knew that her body was damaged and she would definitely replace it with a new one!

Sihe wondered why it hadn't calculated this result before?

Before it could figure it out, the system area was placed in an isolation device, and it completely lost its ability to think.

For safety reasons, Long Xingxue separated the system loading areas of the two robots.

She was worried that Sihe could infect two systems and it would be very troublesome to deal with it.

She will definitely not use these two systems again in the future. When she returns, she will hand them over to others to extract the data and then destroy them.

This is no joke.

Who dares to use Qin Hongjun’s system?

One day he will probably know all the movements.

Xixiu had warned Jiuxing people before not to take chances.

Qin Hongjun's system is not an embroidered pillow, but a ferocious animal with full attack power.

This time she used the robot to fight and sealed the robot's system before others arrived, just because she was afraid that the two robots would be transferred to another machine through data exchange.

At that point it will be impossible to tell who is who.

Obtaining Sihe's consciousness this time is an additional gain of the mission. After we go back and let professional technicians separate his consciousness from the system, we can then model it.

You should be able to get more useful information, and perhaps make unexpected discoveries.

After Long Xingxue finished handling the robots, he collected their bodies and threw them into the space button.

He walked away from here.

Her deputy team has already arrived here. Because they received a message from Long Xingxue not to enter the starship, they have been waiting outside.

Long Xingxue sent him a voice message: "Bring me a radiation processing instrument."

The deputy team quickly understood what happened to her inside and handed the processor over to the mini-robot to take her inside.

Five minutes later, Long Xingxue appeared at the entrance of the starship.

When the deputy team leader saw her coming out, he wanted to step forward, but Long Xingxue stopped him with his hand: "Don't get too close to me first. I'm not sure if there is any residue."

After Long Xingxue left the starship, he stayed alone and watched others deal with things.

The deputy team has brought instruments to absorb the radiation on the starship. It is estimated that it can be completely processed in ten minutes.

Then, reconnecting the energy system may take some time.

The configuration of this starship is pretty good. After returning to the Snow Dragon Regiment, they can completely replace the starship's intelligent system with their own, and then it can be used as a trophy.

Long Xingxue looked at the landscape of this planet and wanted to find out why Sihe chose to build a large transmission channel here.

She downloaded all the data of the planet from the terminal and found that the northern hemisphere of the planet is basically the Gobi Desert, while the southern hemisphere is mostly ocean, without dense forests and complex terrain.

It seems that this planet has an extremely stable environment, which may be the reason why Sihe chose this place.

"Dragon Regiment, everything here has been cleaned up and it's time to return." A video message from the deputy regiment was sent.

Long Xingxue nodded and returned to his previous cold demeanor.

She took a look at the situation on the starship. The radiation had been cleaned up and the energy problem could be solved soon.

It is estimated that all personnel will be able to return in fifteen minutes.

Those abducted children were rescued in time because they were always on the starship.

Some children's bodies still showed results that were difficult for Long Xingxue and others to accept.

These children should have been injected with drugs before Sihe disembarked from the starship.

Just to see how long these kids tolerate the drugs.

Some children's bodies had suffered irreversible damage, and the medical scientists accompanying the Snow Dragon Group could not immediately find a way to relieve the damage caused by the drugs.

It can only delay the death of these children.

After all the radiation dissipated, Long Xingxue wore isolation protective clothing and visited the children.

Many fell into a deep sleep, and the children were unconscious and lying on the bed, with only the occasional slight rise and fall of their abdomens indicating that they were still alive.

Long Xingxue had no choice but to send a video message to Wei Lanshan to explain the situation here.

After all, Wei Lanshan was once the chief in this industry. She has rich experience and will have more safety methods.

Wei Lanshan's brows did not relax after looking at the data sent by Long Xingxue, "Have your people analyzed all the ingredients of these drugs?"

Long Xingxue shook his head: "There are still four whose sources have not been found, and the correct sequence of these ingredients cannot be determined."

Wei Lanshan's expression looked particularly solemn: "They didn't find such a thing in Jingsu's database?"

Long Xingxue nodded. This was the result they had screened ten times.

The database of the Jingsu Alliance contains the sequences and identification codes of all living things, including animals, plants, bacteria, and some other substances.

They even have the animal and plant sequences of the five Hanhai star systems, but Long Xingxue's people did not find them in the database, which means that these kinds of things are not produced by Jingsu.

This is the second time that this situation has occurred. Some of the tentacle creatures Xixiu and the others encountered before also have genes that do not belong to the alliance, but are products from behind the Star Gate.

This time, could it be something from that side as well? Wei Lanshan thought about this possibility in her heart.

After thinking for a while, Wei Lanshan contacted Duan Shaoguang and asked him to screen Long Xingxue's data.

Then, Wei Lanshan connected Chu Zekuan's video call and made it clear that she needed Gaia's help.

After Zhu Zekuan, Qing Wenxu, and several other members of the Elder Council discussed it, they immediately dispatched Gaia's medical elite.

The biomedical scientists in the sub-laboratory set off immediately after receiving the order from the Elder Council.

Long Xingxue only waited for two minutes before getting a reply from Wei Lanshan. Knowing that Gaia's people had set off, Long Xingxue asked the elite team of the Snow Dragon Regiment to take the children back first.

The biomedical scientists will board a starship loaded with the Alliance's most advanced medical equipment and meet up with the Snow Dragon regiment halfway.

This can buy some time for the children and relieve the children's hard work.

Long-distance interstellar travel is a kind of torture for seriously injured children.

Looking at the children whose breath was getting weaker and weaker, Long Xingxue felt powerless in his heart.

Until the deputy commander left the planet in the starship, Long Xingxue's heart could not be calm for a long time.

"Captain, what should we do with these robots?" The starship had been reorganized, and the deputy team asked Long Xingxue before the starship took off.

"Strip off all their consciousness, store them well, and don't let them come into contact with any of our electronic equipment and products." Long Xingxue was worried that he would be tricked without knowing it.

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