Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 797 - Creatures in the Soil

These robots have previously been equipped with blocking devices that can separate their consciousness from the program as long as the button is activated.

However, due to the limitations of the instrument, the peeling may be incomplete.

Once exposed to their electronic devices, these consciousnesses may invade wildly.

By then, it will be difficult for them to drain the compromised devices and machines.

It will cause a lot of trouble.

Finally, these consciousnesses were put into the shielded space Newry and returned to Gaia before being handed over to the Alliance for processing.

The mechanical bodies of Xihe and others were all melted away by Long Xingxue and his men.

After handling this, Long Xingxue sent the coordinates of the planet to Xixiu and asked her to submit an alliance query.

There is also the environment of the planet, as well as the basic data they just extracted from the prototype of Sihe's transmission channel.

These can provide some direction for the alliance. The reason why Qin Hongjun sent Xihe to such a place must have a purpose.

After Xixiu received it, he forwarded it to Qing Zhixun. It would be better if he handled the information.

No one from Jiuxing is in the Elder Council, so you can check it yourself, but the speed will be much slower.

The coordinates of this planet, after the Elder Council received the information, blocked the coordinates of the planet on the star road.

The mission came to an end for the time being, and Long Xingxue returned with the Snow Dragon Group to pursue the other star thieves.

For a time, many planets experienced such dangers.

The alliance sent more manpower.

But it's still not enough.

In addition, after the star thief abducted the children, they cruelly peeled off the terminals on them, making tracking more difficult.

The Alliance completely lost track of these children and had to expand their search.

However, nothing was found.

Long Xingxue could only wait in the starry sky with the snow dragon group, and follow him when he found traces of the star thief.

Although the method was clumsy, they managed to catch some star thieves.

Some children were saved.

For the rest, it depends on whether they can be found again in the future.

The genes of these children were entered into the missing system of the central brain.

The entry-exit management office of each planet will increase the monitoring of these genetic information.

Once similar information appears, it will be tracked immediately and reported to the alliance.

The people of the Snow Dragon Group have always been in the starry sky. Wherever there is the shadow of the Star Thieves, there is the Snow Dragon Group.

They recovered most of the children, but unfortunately some still disappeared into the sea of ​​stars.

Yuanri resident.

Some unknown creatures appeared on the planet they were observing. After data analysis, it may cause great damage to the planet.

After she reported the news, she began to prepare for going out to perform the mission.

This mission does not require too many people. She needs to screen the team members and those who do not go out stay at the station for training.

She and Qiu Shaorong had already made a new training plan overnight. She would lead the team out at that time, leaving Qiu Shaorong and Tarasha at the station to take care of other matters.

After making arrangements, 909’s application for traveling out has been approved.

Axian, Flora, He Yinlei, and newly joined Nan Hejia sent outing lists to the people who were going out this time.

Judging from the pictures taken by the central brain, these creatures are small in size, but one thing is that they are very good at burrowing into the ground.

After a while, it disappeared from the soil, and appeared again on the other side in just a few seconds.

At present, they only have this little information. This creature has wreaked havoc on the local planet's vegetation and other crops.

After the planet went through a round of hunting, the number of such creatures did not decrease, but instead showed a trend of increasing in number.

The genetic information of these things is left in the soil, and they can actually find ways to combine with each other and automatically give birth to offspring.

It only takes three days for these larvae to emerge from the soil.

After the roots of underground plants are eaten clean by them, they grow into adults.

The only good thing is that there is no news about this kind of creature eating the flesh and blood of intelligent creatures.

Because of the alliance's order, all unnamed creatures must be reported.

Because some things are hard to tell whether they have a harmful side.

The alliance also does not recommend that the planet's biologists conduct anatomy research immediately, fearing that infection will cause a greater crisis.

Therefore, they did their best to control the number of this creature.

Fortunately, such a situation has not yet occurred in the central city of the planet.

When Xixiu arrived with his people, all the forests and grasslands on the planet had been destroyed, and no residue was left.

After Xixiu and the others arrived, biologists sent by the alliance also arrived.

The two sides immediately completed the docking.

The biologist sent by the alliance this time was Xu Zhuming, who had interacted with Wei Lanshan and traveled to the Immortal Sun Alliance with Wei Lanshan.

The two sides greeted each other and got into the task.

Xu Zhuming's starship had a large laboratory, but in order not to take the genes of the unnamed creatures away from the planet, he had a new laboratory set up in the open space of the planet.

He was very cautious as he did not use the planet's laboratory, worried that the genes of these things would remain in any inconspicuous place.

In this way, even if they wipe out all the unnamed creatures on this planet, they will still leave a fire behind and resurrect.

The citizens of the planet are very cooperative. They take the initiative not to go out, leaving the space of the planet to the warriors.

The creatures they captured previously have been moved to temporary laboratories set up in the wild.

Xu Zhuming and his assistant worked in the laboratory for a day before getting some useful data for the soldiers.

He told Xixiu all his findings, "This creature doesn't look like anything special. It's similar to ordinary animals that like to live underground, but..."

Xu Zhuming frowned. He discovered several very strange gene combinations.

No conclusion can be drawn yet.

Xixiu waited quietly for what he would say next.

After a pause, Xu Zhuming looked up and said with some uncertainty: "These creatures have several very strange genes. They look more like plant genes."

Xixiu was surprised that even if they were exotic plants, they were essentially plants.

Animal genes have never appeared in the xenografts. This is not just a matter of crossing species.

"Dr. Xu, can this be confirmed?" Xixiu asked cautiously.

If this animal has plant genes in its body, will it have some of the abilities of heterogeneous plants?

Xixiu guessed in her heart.

The cause of the formation of xenografts has not been determined yet, and no one has done any research in this area.

Because there is simply no way to keep the alien plant in the laboratory for you to dissect.

Not even if it is the owner it identifies as.

They may even turn on suicide mode.

Xu Zhuming nodded, it was certain that the gene had been isolated.

However, it is impossible to determine what capabilities they will have.

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