Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 804 -Is this a coincidence?

Except for the golden one, the two green leaves on the heads of the newly emerged individuals from the ground have all turned white without external attack.

Only the eyes are still green.

They are changing.

A Xian and Shi Ding had already arrived in front of the golden individual. After purifying the air, the Night Soul Grass was quickly spread to this location.

A Xian was suspended in mid-air, not far from it, and his golden eyes caught the opponent's golden eyes.

Suddenly, the other person grinned, smiled happily, and clapped his hands.

The applause of "papapapa" came.

After that, its sound passed clearly into Axian’s ears.

It spoke in Anwil: "Welcome to my kingdom."

The characters are straight and round.

He also made a gesture of invitation.

Obviously, it heard the conversation between A Xian and Shi Ding, and even learned it.

The information revealed in its words is that it has regarded this place as their habitat.

Even, it has become their own planet.

There is nothing special about this planet. It has neither energy nor scarce resources.

Human resources are even more pitiful.

In addition to the intelligent creatures living here, other industries are supported by robots.

A Xian is quite familiar with exotic plants. Their growth requires a lot of scarce elements.

Without these scarce elements, exotic plants will become ordinary plants and will not mutate.

Even if both their male and female lines have xenogenes, they will not grow into powerful xenogenes.

Unless, these things don't need those to mutate.

So, these things chose a planet like this?

Axian's intuition is that it's not that simple. There must be a very important reason why they want to take this place as their own.

She sent an instruction to Shiding to analyze the soil components again.

Also, Xu Zhuming just gave most of the data. Shiding has Wu Jingyang's xenogeneic analysis system, and she needs to determine what is in these things.

Ah Xian replied in a calm tone: "You want the dove to occupy the magpie's nest."

"Hmm~ You can think so." It drew a long tail tone, very confident, as if the planet was already in its possession.

While observing its expression, A-Xian thought about everything he had seen about alien plants, and whether there were any consistent cases.

The expression of this individual was very arrogant. Ah Xian had only seen this expression on Ye Zhenwei's face.

The last tentacle monster was integrated into the consciousness of Senior Anweil.

This time, I saw another half-animal, half-plant individual with Anvilian characteristics.

She didn't believe it was a coincidence.

"Would you like to come down and let us chat for a while?" The other party made another inviting gesture.

It learned all the etiquette of the alliance. In such a short period of time, A Xian recalled that no one of them had greeted anyone like this just now.

If there is one, it is at the stationed place, which is far away from here.

How do they know?

Did you learn it again?

A-Xian prefers that it has a complete set of etiquette process information in its memory.

After glancing at the golden individual, Axian decided to take it down. She needed to clarify these doubts.

After Ah Xian went to the ground, Night Soul Grass spread all around her, preventing these things from entering its territory.

The golden individual glanced at Night Soul Grass, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Axian immediately understood that this guy regarded Night Soul Grass as food.

So, A-Xian kicked the leaves of the Night Soul Grass. After receiving the signal, the Night Soul Grass shrank the surrounding area and only stayed under A-Xian's feet.

Then, there was an aura that was difficult for even Ah Xian to detect.

The golden individual did not realize that the reason why it was so confident was because it thought it had the ability to eat this grass.

It's already happening in the dark.

This grass will soon enter its hunting area.

Don't think it's harmless.

It gets a lot of memories when it's new, and it knows a lot of things.

There is much more than this Anvilian knows.

The golden individual is a talker.

It chattered endlessly to show off its strength to Axian and the others, unknowingly revealing a lot of information without even realizing it.

Or, is it intentional?

A-Xian didn't want to chat with such a strange person in a roundabout way. She wasn't very good at using clichés or anything like that. She still preferred to start the fight directly.

However, she recorded all its words and went back to analyze them for others.

Ah Xian's mental power didn't notice much fluctuation, and except for the color of this golden individual's eyes, which was related to Anweil, she couldn't detect anything familiar about its mental power.

The Night Soul Grass attack started silently, and the objects around the golden individual disappeared one by one.

It obviously noticed it, but it didn't care at all. Instead, it showed a meaningful smile.

A Xian was alert.

She carefully distinguished the changes in the air and noticed something unusual.



This guy kept talking to distract her.

Just now, something was added to the air that could damage the nervous system.

Like, some kind of toxin.

Axian communicated with the Night Soul Grass and asked it to absorb the extra toxins in the air and then return them to these things.

The ability of Night Soul Grass is not just for purification.

The atmosphere in the air suddenly became very solemn. Just when the golden individual thought that A Xian and Na Ke Cao had been tricked, he found that not only were they fine, but he himself became in a trance.

It wondered in its heart, is this Anweir man so powerful?

Even the most powerful Wu Jingxi has fallen victim to this trick.

The person in front of me is obviously just a warrior. Even if she is a princess of the royal family, she cannot be stronger than Wu Jingxi.

In this case, increase the amount.

In the air and on the ground, the neurotoxin that Axian noticed before became thicker.

Night Soul Grass became excited.

Compared to toxins, it is confident that no plant can be more powerful than it.

Therefore, Night Soul Grass added its own thing to the opponent's neurotoxin.

Shiding turned on the wind energy system.

The toxins and things on the Night Soul Grass were all over this area.

Ah Xian had covered this area with a protective shield before, but these things could not break through the protection so quickly.

Therefore, this dimension is currently filled with heavy toxins.

After a while, a large piece of this kind of thing was lying on the ground. Night Soul Grass was so elegant that it swallowed these things directly.

The golden individual looked at all this in shock and murmured to himself: "This, this is impossible, no Anvilian can escape this poison, even Wu Jingxi..."

A-Xian didn't hear the second part of the sentence, but she guessed that something happened to Jing Xi back then, and this guy knew about it.

A Xian remained calm.

With the poison of Night Soul Grass, this guy's sensitivity was greatly reduced, so she quickly restrained it.

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