Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 805 - is the most effective

This guy doesn't seem to have much strength in terms of force. So it's because he's poisonous?

What a joke.

He might be successful against other people, but Wu Jingxian was a bit unsatisfied.

But no one stipulates that only the eldest princess who guards the gate of the star field is the one with the highest spiritual power in Anweil.

This guy's knowledge should have stopped many years ago.

One thing A-Xian doesn't understand is how it was born and how it obtained these memories.

From the time these creatures entered this planet to the time they arrived here, it was only one day.

There are no traces of starships in this planet's starport, and there are no energy fluctuations from large starships visiting in the nearby star field.

This planet only has large forests and grasslands, as well as vast oceans.

Ah Xian thought of the movement underground just now. Could it be that they went directly to the ground from another dimension?

She could only think of this possibility.

"It's probably impossible to know this secret based on your brain." The golden individual looked down upon Ah Xian naked.

In its view, this Anvil is just as stupid as other Anvilians.

No wonder he was caught by the lord.

A Xian ignored its sarcasm and just decided to give it a lesson in martial arts.

Also, who is stupid?

Night Soul Grass covers the surrounding creatures with grass leaves, and even the bodies of these creatures are covered with its grass leaves.

Before the other party could figure out how to grow the leaves of Night Soul Grass on their body, all the moisture on their bodies was sucked away by the Night Soul Grass.

In an instant, these things turned into shriveled and ugly shells.

After other creatures saw this, they were completely frightened.

The leader said that the Anvil people were actually easy to deal with because the poison on their bodies could definitely restrain her.

However, they were clearly acting according to the leader's instructions, but the Anweil ​​man and the grass were not knocked down by them.

Now it's still jumping around lively.

It is they who are depressed!

They couldn't figure out what went wrong.

It stands to reason that the leader cannot be wrong.

After all, it has fought against many Anvilians, and it has the most "battle experience" among them all.

In their eyes, as long as they can knock down the Anweir people, it counts as battle experience.

On the other hand, it can also be considered that they have no fighting experience.

Only sneak attacks!

A-Xian's mental power directly crushed the golden body. Its impure golden eyes met A-Xian's pure golden eyes, and the panic inside was clearly visible.

It turns out that he is also afraid of death.

A Xian thought it was invincible.

With such strength, do you dare to despise her?

"Why don't you continue talking?" A Xian's voice reached its ears.

It was obviously full of energy, but to its ears, it sounded like the size of a mosquito.

It tried hard to listen, but found that its central nervous system was no longer under its control.

"Ha, you don't overestimate your capabilities." A Xian tied its neck with a very flexible rope.

It's like tying a balloon.

After tying it, he kicked it out. The other end of the rope was in A Xian's hand. After kicking it away, A Xian pulled it back.


Back and forth dozens of times.

The golden individual felt that his internal organs were no longer his, they were burning and painful.

This was a humiliation it had never experienced since it could remember.

It was so powerful that even Wu Jingxi couldn't resist it.

This Anvilian is just the third princess of the royal family, and she should be the last in strength.

how come……

After a dozen times in a row, it couldn't stand the pain on its body anymore.

Begging for mercy again and again.

A Xian ignored it and continued.

Since this thing had hurt her sister Jingxi before, of course she would take revenge today.

Green liquid flowed from the corners of the lips of the golden individual, which was somewhat similar to plant juice.

Ah Xian knew that this level of blow could not completely kill it, she just wanted to dampen its energy.

The reason why the mental power is fully activated and it is suppressed directly, making it unable to move or speak, is to prevent it from having the opportunity to emit that kind of neurotoxin.

The pain in the five internal organs has become somewhat numb, but it can still clearly feel the majestic and powerful mental power of the opponent.

There are no flaws at all, not even a single flaw can be seen in it.

"This, how could this happen..." It obviously still didn't believe it.

It has experienced the spiritual power of the Anvilians many times.

Whether it was those caught by the lord or the Anvilians who went out, it had challenged them and had long understood the limits of the Anvilians' mental power.

Although they don't have a clear level, there is an upper limit.

At this moment, it clearly realized that none of the Anvilians it had met in the past had reached this level of mental power.

It can probably be described as overwhelming.

It tried to support its body, but it was useless. Its body was seriously injured.

Unless it gets supplies immediately and eats more companions, it can recover the fastest.

Those closest to it will become empty shells, stuck to the ground like a piece of paper.

It didn't expect the alien plant of the Anvil people to be so domineering and a ruthless character.

The thoughts in his heart turned over and over again, trying to find a way out for himself.

When A-Xian stopped, the other party's golden eyes had turned emerald.

It was obvious that the special substance in its body had been severely lost, and it could no longer maintain the color of its eyes.

When A Xian saw its eyes, he knew that it consumed a lot of energy.

Having a chance to breathe, it stared at A-Xian with a ferocious expression: "Don't think that you are the most powerful Jingsu, others are much better than me."

Ah Xian wouldn't talk to it gently, "Tsk, weren't you confident just now? How could you now be self-aware?"

"Don't be arrogant. We haven't reached the end yet. The outcome is still a matter of debate." After it finished speaking, it vomited out its injured internal organs...

Because A Xian had been staring at it, he saw its action immediately.

He jumped away, but still held the rope in his hand.

A Xian glanced at the red object on the ground, which was the part of his animal internal organs that this guy had vomited out.

There must be a reason for this.

A Xian guessed that it wanted to completely abandon its animal part, completely become a plant, and then use the attack method of a plant.

"Whatever tricks you have, feel free to use them. I've never been afraid of these things when I've grown up." The meaning of Wu Jingxian's birth was to fight for Anvil.

After spitting out its entrails, its body seemed to recover immediately.

Plant healing methods are the most effective for the body.

"Don't you Anvil rely on the alien plant? Today, I will let you taste what it feels like to be killed by an alien plant."

As Xian listened to it, he was talking about Anweil, and he was obviously another guy who had a deep grudge against Anweil.

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