Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 807 -Blow up the underground passage

After A Xian and Shi Ding left with Night Soul Grass, Xi Xiu sent a robot to investigate underground.

In the picture transmitted back from the robot, she saw a very wide light hole.

There are also creatures crawling out of the hole, and the energy data shows that this is a small transmission channel.

The channel model obtained by Long Xingxue's previous interception of Xihe is similar to this data.

After finding their way here, the only thing left is to deal with the new ones. The previous ones have been determined to be dead.

However, these new ones have a steady stream of trends.

Xixiu and Flora discussed it and decided that the underground passage must be destroyed.

"Captain, leave this task to us." After thinking deeply, Yi Mingda asked to go out to fight.

After comprehensive consideration, Xixiu agreed to Yi Mingda's request.

The leaders of these creatures need to be dealt with by A-Xian very quickly.

At present, they need to block this channel as soon as possible to prevent more creatures from coming directly to the planet from here.

The rest is dealt with one by one.

Xixiu ordered: "Yi Mingda, after you go down, let the seven awns open the way, and the five yuan will be broken. Place the destruction device, set up the protective shield, and return to the ground immediately."

"Yes. We will prepare immediately."

The robot team has just sent back the channel data, and they need to calculate the weapons they need to carry based on this data.

There must be enough energy to blow up the passage.

Yimingda and the others went to prepare, while Xixiu gave instructions to Qimang and Wuyuan.

Although they can think independently, they must be given a specific value for task completion.

Xixiu has done all this, and Yi Mingda and the others are also ready.

Liang Jingxian is good at data processing. With him here, Nan Hejia is good at weapons, Huang Chuanhu is steady, and Xia Wentao is careful. With them, Xixiu is very relieved.

"Pay attention to safety and evacuate immediately after completion." As soon as Xixiu finished speaking, Yi Mingda took Liang Jingxian and others and set off.

Xixiu also sent a team of two hundred people to follow them to assist them in completing their mission.

Others did not rest, and more and more creatures came to the ground.

Plus those that are still forming underground and those that have just broken out of the ground.

The ground that had been cleaned before was densely covered with such creatures, and there was no place to set foot.

Flora and the others had been shooting. If the mecha hadn't been controlled by an intelligent system, their arms would have been disabled by now.

These creatures imitated the shooting movements of the soldiers and ejected their own people onto the mecha one by one.

Their white liquid will have a certain corrosive effect on mechas. Some warriors' mechas were hit and could only temporarily evacuate the battlefield.

He Yinlei and Flora were almost hit just now. They used their wooden hands to throw out their companions as bullets.

He can really be cruel to his own people.

Xixiu sent a voice message that there would be movement underground in thirty minutes.

Let the soldiers evacuate this area on time after twenty-five minutes, temporarily return to the air, and wait for the ground to calm down before entering the battlefield.

Explosions require a lot of energy and involve radiation.

Although there will be an isolation shield, Xixiu cannot guarantee that no radiation will leak out at all.

Xixiu sent a message to A-Xian. The blast point was a little far away from her and would not be affected.

He just told her that there would be vibrations on the ground and told her not to worry.

It will be night soon, and this batch of invasive creatures must be dealt with before dark.

Because tomorrow, there may be more of these things.

The role of inhibitors is only to inhibit their growth rate, but cannot completely kill their genetic information.

Xu Zhuming's side was not that fast.

Yi Mingda and Liang Jingxian quickly reached the depths of the underground.

The group of people's mechas all have triple protection turned on. The energy from the channel does not leak out too much and cannot penetrate the mecha's first layer of protection, which is a good thing for them.

After arriving at the place, other warriors were responsible for cleaning up the creatures coming out of the passage.

Iminda and others were responsible for blowing up the passage.

He looked around. This was the passage created by the robot before, and it was not too spacious.

There was only enough room for one large mecha to stand, and Yi Mingda immediately made a decision: "Nan Hejia and I are responsible for weapon projection, Chuanhu and Wentao are responsible for setting up the barrier, and Ajing, you are responsible for monitoring the data."

"Yes." The others immediately went to their places.

Liang Jingxian extracted some substances from the channel and put them into the system for analysis. He did this six times in total before giving the obtained data to Yi Mingda.

Yi Mingda and Nan Hejia were observing the terrain, "Nan Hejia, what device do you have on you to ensure that the weapon does not explode until it reaches the point given by A Jing?"

Nan Hejia looked at his space button, and everything inside was displayed on the panel.

Among them were many explosive devices that she had collected before. Seeing two of them, Nan Hejia pressed the extraction button and nodded to Yi Mingda, "You can use these two."

Two huge metal objects suddenly appeared on the ground, oval and silver.

An introduction to these two objects popped up on Nanhejia's terminal. Yimingda took a look and found that they could withstand the energy loss of transmission and reach the deepest point.

Moreover, it is also a weapon in its own right.

It can be detonated together with other weapons to increase the power of other weapons.

"Okay, load the weapons." As soon as Yi Mingda finished speaking, Wuyuan and Qimang loaded the weapons they carried into the containers.

Nan Hejia set the explosion time of the weapon, and Yi Mingda was observing the passage.

There was no updated data from Liang Jingxian, so Nan Hejia set up according to the previous position.

Iminda is making second preparations.

He was worried that if the opponent's channel kept changing, then the explosion point calculated by Liang Jingxian before would be deviated.

A second shot of the weapon may be required.

After making all preparations, Iminda's mecha put the weapon into the mecha's launch bay.

Everyone steps back.

After the successful launch, with a "boom", the channel was not destroyed as expected.

Because there is no energy fluctuation outside.

Their weapons were devoured.

Liang Jingxian frowned, his fingers were flying, and he was calculating the data extracted from the explosion just now.

"Yi Mingda, there was a deviation in the point just now. This channel is changing because objects are being transmitted at any time." Liang Jingxian typed in the last data.

"What now?" Iminda was calm and not panicked.

"It's absolutely accurate this time. I added the variables." After Liang Jingxian finished speaking, he sent the data to Nan Hejia.

This time the weapon was successfully launched, and the ground was filled with smoke and dust for an instant.

However, it was quickly covered by a protective shield and could no longer spread outwards.

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