Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 808 - Not a trivial matter

On the ground, there was almost no movement from the first explosion.

Thirty minutes later, Xixiu found that Yi Mingda and the others had not come out yet, so he knew that there was a calculation deviation in the data points.

However, she did not rush, but asked the soldiers to stay in the air and wait for the movement underground.

There was a big noise soon after the second explosion.

There was a rumbling sound under the ground, and the ground collapsed where the passage was.

A huge black hole was exposed, and the creatures standing on it were instantly reduced to ashes.

After the explosion was successful, Xixiu asked the robot to immediately process the remaining energy of the weapon and channel.

This planet is inhabited by intelligent creatures, and the environment cannot be destroyed.

Later, she will leave only some soldiers to continue fighting, while most of the rest will clean up the remnants of the explosion.

They must deal with environmental issues before nightfall and not affect the lives of citizens here.

I hope that before the star rises tomorrow, the other party will no longer be able to establish a channel.

They also have to monitor what's going on underground at all times to prevent these things from making any moves in private.

This way, they should prevent more from reaching the ground.

At present, this creature has not produced other mutations, it is just imitating the movements of the warriors.

Tonight, manpower must be left to monitor and observe their movements during the night.

Xu Zhuming has not found the reason why this creature reproduces so quickly.

All we know is that they will spread genetic information in the soil. How the genetic information from both parties will meet and be conceived is completely unknown.

Xu Zhuming planned to observe carefully at night.

He sent people to place thousands of miniature recording instruments in the soil, and preliminary data will be available early tomorrow morning.

Only after finding out how they reproduce can we find ways to stop their reproduction.

Xixiu led people to clear the ground. Flora and He Yinlei were fighting, and they had been cooperating.

Flora is opposite He Yinlei and can see whether He Yinlei is being attacked at any time. Similarly, He Yinlei can also help her resolve some crises.

Soon, night fell on the planet, and Xixiu sent out a signal to close the team.

The soldiers drove the mechas back one after another, and Xixiu did not leave the battlefield until all the soldiers on the terminal returned to their positions.

At the same time, the creatures on the ground had long disappeared. They burrowed back into the soil the moment night fell.

All were gone.

When Xixiu and the others returned to the camp, the logistics team had already set up tents. After the soldiers washed up, they were on guard in batches.

Xixiu and A-Xian met and learned that A-Xian had captured the other party's leader, so he rushed to Xu Zhuming's laboratory without stopping.

On the way, Xixiu asked Axian what he planned to do with the creature. Axian said that he had stripped away its consciousness and would send it back to Anweil ​​as quickly as possible.

Now I go to Xu Zhuming's laboratory just to make a copy for the alliance.

"You mean, it once attacked the eldest princess?" Xixiu's tone became very solemn.

This is no small matter.

If this kind of creature can secrete toxins that can affect the central nervous system like their leader, then they can be said to be unbeatable on the battlefield.

"Yes, that's why I have to send it to Anweil ​​immediately." Axian pursed his lips, very unhappy.

The behavior of this kind of thing is really despicable, just like Qin Hongjun.

If you can't win, you'll resort to dirty tricks, but you can't do anything about it!

"I seem to have noticed a little bit of its toxin, but even if it's very special, it doesn't seem to be there." Only then did Xixiu know what the aura that suddenly appeared on the previous battlefield was.

"Xixiu, that's because our mental power has reached a level that others can't imagine." Speaking of this, A Xian's voice was not very happy.

Because this also proves that many people at their level will be attacked by this kind of creature.

Xixiu also thought of this.

If these things could produce this kind of toxin, then there might not have been anyone left alive on the battlefield just now.

Therefore, Xu Zhuming must step up their research, otherwise, tomorrow's battlefield will definitely be very unfavorable to them.

"I don't think their leader will die so easily." Although Xixiu was anxious, she had no choice but to exchange some of her opinions with Ah Xian.

"Yes, they can have more than one leader. For these creatures, whoever has golden eyes and golden leaves is their leader." This is what Axian observed.

After the death of their leader, although they were panicked for a while, they regained their composure in a very short period of time.

Moreover, as night falls, they must retreat.

Fighting in the dark is not good for the warriors, who also need rest.

They withdrew from the battlefield, leaving only the combat robots on guard.

After nightfall, these things all returned to the soil and went to the deepest location underground.

They couldn't catch it at all.

If the robot were to dig holes and catch them one by one, the amount of work would be too large.

Along the way, the two people exchanged preliminary views on this creature, and more would have to wait for Xu Zhuming to explain.

This time Xixiu brought over several creatures that seemed to have been upgraded and asked Xu Zhuming to compare them with the previous individuals.

When they arrived, Xu Zhuming had just finished a round of anatomy experiments.

As soon as he and his assistant left the sterile laboratory, they saw Xixiu and Ah Xian outside.

"Captain Hong, what are the gains from today's battle?" Xu Zhuming was very concerned about the progress of the battle.

"Dr. Xu, I caught a few things that seem to have been upgraded to show you." Xixiu pointed to his space button.

"This is really the best. Please come over here, I'll tell you what I just discovered." Xu Zhuming quickly went to his computing system and opened the light screen.

The above is all experimental data.

He clicked on one of the folders, which contained the data obtained in the afternoon.

During the afternoon experiment, he discovered something extremely strange about this creature.

They can completely abandon the part that is an animal or a plant.

After that, it will develop to two extremes.

If they turn into animals, they will eat meat. They are not picky, as long as it is meat, they will eat it.

If transformed into plants, they become omnivorous, eating mostly meat, but also eating plants as a supplement.

Another point is that individual plants are ten times more powerful than individual animals.

However, not all individuals can be converted into complete plants.

"Dr. Xu, these things all look exactly the same. Do they have the same mother and father?" Xixiu asked.

Xu Zhuming opened the genetic map of these things, clicked through the three thousand pieces of data he got today, and nodded affirmatively.

Then he said: "They are the differentiation of the same pair of male and female individuals."

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