Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 809 - Already have a clue

That is, they have the same parents, and these things are sisters to each other.

There are no males among them.

Xixiu is a little bald. Since there are no males, how do they reproduce?

Xu Zhuming saw the "fuck" expression on Xixiu's face and understood what she was thinking.

He clarified her confusion: "Some of them carry genetic information from the paternal line, and some carry genetic information from the maternal line."

As they travel through the soil, their genetic information falls into the soil.

That's why they keep scurrying about underground.

Ah Xian twitched his brows fiercely, and like Xi Xiu, felt that the reproduction methods of the creatures encountered so far were too difficult to explain in a word.

None reproduced normally.

"Now that their breeding method has been found, have the circuit breaker measures been found?" Xixiu asked a little eagerly.

She was worried that more creatures would come out tomorrow. It had already been a tiring day.

If the same thing happens in the future, they won't be able to complete the killing mission in seven days.

"I already have a clue. I still have one night. I will find a way before the stars rise tomorrow." Xu Zhuming is still very confident in his own strength.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Dr. Xu." Xixiu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

Axian made a copy of the consciousness she caught and asked Xu Zhuming to hand it over to Gaia's experts in the fields of neurology and mental power.

She also brought this individual's body back and gave it to Xu Zhuming.

"Dr. Xu, please take a look at the difference between this individual and the others." Axian put out the things in the space button.

This individual is obviously smaller than the others, and the golden leaves on its head have lost most of their color.

With his eyes open, he could only find a hint of gold, which he couldn't tell without looking carefully.

Xu Zhuming stared at this individual for a long time, "You mean, this is their leader, and it knows many things in its consciousness?"

A Xian nodded and briefly explained the process of fighting it, including, "It can secrete a toxin that specifically attacks the central nervous system."

Ah Xian's words forced Xu Zhuming to be more cautious, "Okay, I understand. I will experiment immediately. It will take about two hours."

After saying this, Xu Zhuming turned around and returned to the laboratory. This was the first time he encountered an individual that could produce toxins that could attack the central nervous system and attack without anyone noticing.

It's a big challenge.

After Xu Zhuming returned to the laboratory, Xixiu and Axian left with the data he gave them.

There are preliminary methods to prevent this thing from reproducing, but they are not perfect yet.

In addition, Xu Zhuming also isolated a never-before-seen substance from these individuals.

This substance requires specific conditions to react.

Because no specific conditions have been found, Xu Zhuming raised a question mark.

A-Xian watched and communicated with Xixiu, "I didn't find any impact on Night Soul Grass after eating these things, and I don't know if there are any potential dangers."

She was still very worried about her alien plant. This was the only alien plant that actively wanted to be with her. The other alien plants despised her so much.

Yehuncao is not afraid of being bullied by her, and the two have worked together very well for so many years.

Already inseparable partners.

"The ebony mouth has a picky mouth and no lower mouth. They are not afraid of their white liquid ebony, nor are they afraid of night soul grass. There should be no big problem." Xixiu reassured Ah Xian.

If there was a problem, Wumu would have probably swatted the Night Soul Grass away long ago, and how could he let it stay with A-Xian.

"That's right." It was quiet at night, except for the "click-click" sound of leather boots.

"The mecha shell corroded by their white liquid has been repaired, and Xu Zhuming's laboratory has found targeted protection methods." In tomorrow's battle, even if they are hit by these things, the soldiers will not have to retreat.

Along the way, the two of them were talking about this kind of creature. When they returned to the tent, Flora and the others had already fallen asleep.

This shows the intensity of today’s battle.

Although not much physical strength is used, shooting requires a high degree of mental concentration and consumes a huge amount of mental energy.

After returning to the tent, Axian handed the things to her guard and asked her to take the things back to Anweil ​​overnight.

Wu Jingyang had already sent someone to meet him, and the meeting was already halfway through.

Xu Zhuming didn't know about this matter.

A Xian did it quietly in private.

Only Xixiu knows the reason.

When it comes to Anweil, Axian has always been cautious.

After doing all this, A Xian lay down on the bed.

Jingxi’s message was sent at this time: Ah Xian, please send me a few more pictures of this creature.

Ah Xian had only posted a few long-range photos of this kind of thing before, but since he was busy fighting, he didn't post anymore.

Jingxi knew that she would be free now, so he immediately sent her a message.

Ah Xian sent all the close and distant views captured by his terminal to Jing Xi, leaving a message: "Sister, do you have any impression of this creature?"

But he got a negative answer from Jingxi.

Jingxi recalled all the things he had experienced since leaving Anweil ​​and the strange people and things he met. He didn't remember that he had seen such a creature.

"In this case, when Dr. Xu's data comes out, I will send you the neurotoxins they secrete, and you can feel it again." A Xian could only use this method to remind Jing Xi.

"Okay." Jingxi agreed without even thinking about it, and he didn't worry about the expensiveness of this kind of thing causing her harm again.

After returning to Anweil, her mental power has been extending backwards due to her breathlessness.

Things are different now.

She is confident that she will not be tricked again.

"Are you sure it's not the thing behind the Star Domain Gate?" Jing Xi was worried that the other party was hiding his aura.

They can know the smell of the creatures behind the Star Realm Gate by smelling them.

A-Xian wasn't sure because she didn't smell the Star Gate, nor did she have the skills to discover that such a thing had the Star Gate skills.

And, they imitate all the time.

The doubt lies with their leader.

Since it had seen Jingxi before and successfully attacked it, and Jingxi had no impression of this creature, it was very likely that it had not looked like this before.

This answer can only wait until Wu Jingyang builds a model of its consciousness, and then let Jingxi figure it out.

Anvil has once again raised its defense level.

Jingxi asked the guards to find all her records after leaving Anweil.

Plan to connect with Wu Jingyang.

Find the person who attacked her in the first place.

As long as they are not the creatures behind the Star Gate, the Alliance will definitely find a solution.

Jingxi still recognized the strength of the alliance, "What do the biological researchers say?"

Xixiu answered Jingxi's question: "Currently, the paternal and maternal lines of this creature have not been determined, only their mutated appearance has been found."

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