Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 814 - Ebony String Grasshopper

He Yinlei and Su Jinbao were both a little nervous because they didn't know what it meant to be hit.

Fortunately, Xi Xiu also expressed her feelings through voice.

When she noticed that this thing entered her nasal cavity and went straight to her central nervous system, Xi Xiu used her mental power to lead this thing out again.

She didn't let it invade her central nervous system.

Su Jinbao was the first to feel the sweet taste in his throat. He sent Xi Xiu a message that he was hit, and bit the capsule hidden in his mouth without hesitation.

Because he found that his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, completely out of his control, and almost made him think that his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

Su Jinbao opened his eyes wide, leaned forward slightly, and bent his legs, almost falling down.

Then, he found that his limbs began to lose control.

Sweat fell like pearls...

He knew that if he hesitated any longer, he would lose the opportunity to bite the capsule.

Because his mouth and teeth would be completely out of his control, he would feel his heartbeat accelerate, unable to stop, and then explode and die.

Fortunately, the bitten medicine really took effect very quickly.

It took only about three seconds.

The heartbeat gradually slowed down again.

Su Jinbao was already sweating coldly at this time.

He quickly opened the outer protective mask, turned the circulatory system and oxygen buttons to the maximum, and then took a deep breath.

He knew that his forehead and neck were already full of water, so he turned on the dry button again.

After a while, his body returned to normal.

In just three seconds, he had walked on the edge of death.

Fortunately, he came back.

If it was a little later, I really couldn't imagine it.

This was the first time he was so close to death.

After hearing Xi Xiu's warning and description, the others who had this phenomenon bit the capsule before their heartbeat became uncontrollable.

Like Su Jinbao's experience, that kind of pain, probably don't want to experience it again in this life.

After recovering their strength, the others said their feelings in the voice, Wu Yuan was responsible for recording and summarizing, and everyone's poisoning performance was roughly the same.

It may be because their mental power levels are very close.

Ah Xian also felt it thoroughly.

Xi Xiu didn't expect her to be so fierce, probably because she wanted to find out the symptoms when Jing Xi was attacked.

She told Wu Yuan about the symptoms of her body. With mental suppression, her heartbeat was not so fast and abnormal.

Moreover, she found that she was poisoned later than other team members.

However, she also had the extra taste in her mouth, which seemed to be a common symptom.

On the ground, they thought they could kill a few enemies and get food, but they didn't expect to find nothing.

These creatures immediately became very irritable, one squeezed another, and started to build a ladder again.

They wanted to climb up to eat.

They kept eating their own kind, which could only fill their stomachs, could not evolve, and could not get strength. They had become ants on a hot pot.

Xi Xiu looked at everyone's status and found that they had recovered. She finally let go of her heart and immediately issued an order to return to rest.

This mission is completed here.

They have obtained the best data.

There is no need to take risks again.

These things will be temporarily handed over to the combat robots.

The protective shield will be maintained.

The camp is still very safe at present.

As for the thing that coveted Wu Mu, Wu Mu tied it up like a dumpling and dragged it behind.

Wu Mu received the message that Xi Xiu was evacuating, dragged the thing with vines, and ran quickly.

It was thrown up for a while, and then fell heavily to the ground. This violent blow instantly destroyed its internal organs.

It was so anxious that it wanted to spit out the useless internal organs as an animal.

It completely turned into a plant, and this kind of injury and torture would not be so serious for it.

But it found that its body was completely out of its control. It, it seemed to be attacked by the poison of its own tribe?

But it should be immune to its own poison.

No, it’s not its own poison, but the poison of this plant.

I didn’t expect the opponent to be so cunning.

Originally, it thought that this plant didn’t look very conspicuous, and it was very likely still a juvenile.

And the juvenile is easy to deal with.

The enemy’s disguise is so realistic, it’s my fault for being too careless.

After Wu Mu entered the battlefield, it has always been a small plant, and it has not become very big.

It is very confusing.

These things have alien genes, and nine out of ten alien plants are poisonous. It thought it had encountered a non-toxic one.

It seems that it is still necessary to get the leader's memory copy, so that it can avoid some traps.

It is too late now.

The vines of this alien plant are extremely tough, and it can't break them no matter what, let alone escape.

Fortunately, not many of the same kind were taken away this time.

There are more larvae underground.

As long as they can find the energy to evolve, it will not be difficult to eat this planet at that time.

Its thoughts are very obvious.

The monitor can record the expressions of these things in real time, so that Xu Zhuming and others have more research data.

Xi Xiu took a look and wrote down their thoughts.

She also glanced at Wu Mu and found that it was having fun at the moment.

Not only is it tied to one vine, but it is also tied back with vines picked up on the road, just like grasshoppers strung on a rope. It's funny no matter how you look at it.

Those who were picked up halfway had no choice but to admit defeat. They looked at the companion who almost became the new leader with disdain on their faces.

There is deep contempt in the emerald eyes. What only makes them charge is not very powerful at all.

Before returning to the camp, outside the protective shield, Xixiu took Wumu to the laboratory and handed the long list of creatures on its vines to Xu Zhuming.

There are sedatives out there specifically made for this creature that can paralyze these things.

Xixiu also gave Xu Zhuming various data on everyone's initial performance after being poisoned.

Xu Zhuming and his assistant were very surprised to see the extremely precious information that Xixiu had obtained.

Neither of them had estimated before that they could complete the task, and in such a short period of time.

Xu Zhuming lowered his eyebrows and looked at the data given by Xixiu, "Captain Hong, thank you for your hard work."

His attitude has changed a lot compared to before, and Xixiu knows why.

But she didn't say anything, she just said that this is what a warrior should do.

Xu Zhuming heard her talk calmly, but in reality, he knew better than anyone how difficult it was.

Before Xixiu left, he only asked Xu Zhuming: "Dr. Xu, are these data enough to develop a medicine? Is there anything else we can do?"

Xu Zhuming shook his head, "Leave the rest to us. I'm sorry that we haven't been able to make greater progress before and put the soldiers in danger."

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