Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 815 - Set a trap

Xixiu raised his head and glanced at Xu Zhuming and his assistant, "Then I'll leave it to you all."

The tone is very sincere, and the scientific researchers have worked very hard. They have not slept a full night since they arrived here.

He has been working hard on the experimental bench.

The current progress is slow indeed because it is too difficult.

Before this, all the toxins that appeared in the Alliance that would attack the central nervous system were different from this poison.

It is equivalent to having no foundation. They have to start research from scratch, conduct various experiments, and observe various data. The workload is very heavy.

Xu Zhuming knows the importance of developing medicines better than she does. There are still many larvae growing underground, and these things must be removed as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the underground of this planet will be contaminated by the white liquid on these things, and it will take many years for the environment to recover.

After leaving the laboratory, Xixiu walked back with Wumu. As if asking for credit, Wumu wrapped the vine around Xixiu's wrist and shook Xixiu's hand with the vine, as if he was going to praise me.

Xixiu stroked the tip of Ebony's vines and praised it: "We Ebony are the cutest alien plants and the most capable warriors."

Ebony's action made her previously tense heart relax.

During the time when the soldiers were being attacked, she was worried the whole time. Only those in this situation could understand her anxiety.

She was worried that there would be an irreversible situation, so even Five Yuan kept carrying its medical bag.

Once a crisis situation occurs, it can be rescued immediately.

As for whether it can be rescued, we have to work hard, right?

Fortunately, she warned in time and quickly discovered the signs of being tricked.

Fortunately, Xu Zhuming's medicine is very effective, otherwise...

Back at the camp, Yi Mingda and the few who stayed behind immediately went to find Xixiu.

He and Flora had already made the model of the trap according to Xixiu's instructions.

Yi Mingda opened the terminal, enlarged the model, and asked everyone to take a look. Any changes that needed to be made should be made immediately. After the changes were completed, the robot could be sent over.

Xixiu and Axian sat and looked at the trap on the screen.

Iminda chose a very broad plain, where he planned to plant some fast-growing green grass, which would grow into a grassland in about a day.

For these creatures, who are now desperately short of food, this place is nothing short of paradise.

They will definitely come straight here.

Iminda has made traps both underground and above ground in this grassland.

Isolation doors will be installed around the grassland underground, and then robots on the ground can deliver chemicals that can kill them underground.

He also arranged a killing move on the ground.

These things will definitely flock to you.

It was Xixiu who asked him to release the copy of their leader's consciousness.

For those individuals who want to become the new leader of the pack, this is an irresistible temptation.

Xixiu looked at his arrangement and felt that there was nothing wrong with it. She set up a few more places where copies of consciousness appeared.

When the time comes, the warriors can kill each other separately instead of facing all their opponents at once.

After Xixiu finished operating on the light screen, he looked at everyone: "Does anyone have a better way?"

Su Jinbao: "Here, some buildings may be needed to place the copy of consciousness."

These things are not complete fools. Some of them have more considerations after experiencing this battle in the morning.

Xixiu nodded, "Just build some prototypes, as long as you can fool them."

It was too complicated and time-consuming, and they didn't bring that many building materials.

Flora made some suggestions for improvement, and then they discussed who would be responsible for which area.

Each of them has a task. Each person leads a team and stays there.

The trap will probably be completed early tomorrow morning. Plant the grass seeds during the night and keep using growth agents. You will have a green grassland early tomorrow morning.

Iminda has already done this work. He took some people to cultivate the ground.

Everyone is driving mechas, and the scene is very funny, but the speed is really fast.

The mechas had a variety of weapons, all of which were used by the soldiers to prepare the ground.

Although I have never done it, there are videos and data on the Star Network. Download them, put them into the smart system of the mecha, and press the start button, and the mecha will fly.

Iminda sent this scene back, which made the soldiers happy for a long time.

On this day, Xixiu and the soldiers had been making preparations, and she was responsible for leading the team to build the prototype.

They referred to the appearance of Xu Zhuming's laboratory and asked Xu Zhuming to cover the outside of his laboratory with an invisible barrier.

Tomorrow morning, when these things emerge from the ground again, you will see the fake laboratory.

It was late at night to do all this.

The grass on Iminda's side has grown gratifyingly. Even in the dark night, you can see a large area of ​​green under the light.

He and his people stayed there, and there seemed to be a slight sound coming from the ground.

These should be the creatures that started wandering around after returning to the underground.

Or maybe he was looking for food and smelled the scent of green grass.

Soon the sounds disappeared.

Over at Xixiu, the soldiers have been put into the clothes of laboratory researchers.

The lights were on all night.

Those things must have whistles watching, and they'll be waiting here tomorrow.

The soldiers responsible for the outflanking went to the starry sky to rest. Their task would be very heavy tomorrow.

Xu Zhuming didn't say anything after learning about their actions, and just asked others to speed up their progress.

The soldiers fought so hard, they also had to show some results.

The assistant also worked hard, he felt that he was about to find the breakthrough point, but he was just one step away.

Xu Zhuming knew that with the current progress, they might not be able to develop an antidote.

At most, they could only develop inhibitors to slow down their growth and drugs to kill their genetic information.

"Doctor, what should we do? We are always going around in circles." The assistant was also anxious.

The antidote is related to the lives of the soldiers. If they still have no progress tonight, there may be a lot of casualties in tomorrow's battle.

He felt really useless at this moment.

Xu Zhuming rubbed his eyebrows: "Let's try it again by ourselves. If it doesn't work, I sent the data to Moda before, and there should be a reply."

If they really have no way, they can only put their hopes on the Moda people.

His mentor is a Moda person. Although he has returned to Moda Star, his mentor will still accept his questions.

I hope it's in time.

Hearing this, the assistant was relieved a little. With the help of Modar people behind them, they should be able to speed up the progress of developing the medicine.

However, they can't relax.

Another group has completely developed the medicine to inhibit their growth rate and has put it underground.

From the current observations, the expected effect has been achieved.

These things no longer grow quickly, and the growth rate of the larvae has also slowed down.

Only the adults are not affected.

The medicine that kills their genetic information should also be available tomorrow.

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