Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 830 - Let everyone spend money

Xixiu and the others have successfully completed their mission. They have been busy since arriving here, and now they finally have some free time.

They walked beside the plot where plant seeds had been sown. Citizens who came to take care of the saplings saw them and greeted them warmly and said words of thanks.

Everyone expressed their sincere gratitude to the soldiers, because they understood that they probably would not be able to blow up the underground passage just by relying on the power of their own planet.

Even if it can be destroyed, it will cost a lot, and there is still a gap between their technology and the latest technology of the alliance.

If it hadn't been blown up, more creatures would have come here by then.

The consequences could be disastrous.

Moreover, these things eat all the forests and grasslands, destroying the environment and ecosystem here.

In a short period of time, their planet does not have that much power to quickly restore the forest.

Xixiu greeted these people with a smile, watched them take care of the plant seedlings, and even participated.

This is also a very rare experience for the soldiers.

Except for Tarasha, who came from the agricultural star, none of them had any experience in planting.

And the little planting experience that Xixiu has is because he has grown flowers, plants and vegetables before.

After arriving here, I only studied which plants here are edible.

The only plant ever grown was ebony.

Jingsu's planting and the planting in her previous memories are completely different concepts.

Jingsu's plants can be sown on the first day, sprout on the second day, and reach one meter high on the third day.

It completely violates the growth laws of plants.

When they were planted, they used a growth-promoting nutrient solution.

If they wanted to, they could plant thousands of hectares of forest in a week.

Moreover, it can grow neatly and tall in one month.

In Jingsu, there is no environmental problem that cannot be solved unless the planet dies completely.

On the one hand, they are depleted of energy, and on the other hand, they will evacuate because the planet has become an unstable and dangerous "planet" with frequent volcanoes and earthquakes.

Xixiu looked at the sprouted plant in front of him and introduced the nameplate with the date of planting and the reason why it was planted.

The deeds of the soldiers were clearly engraved on the nameplate, and the forest had a new name: Light of Athena.

Meaning, the brave warriors brought light to them.

Ah Xian touched the two leaves of the sapling, as if teasing the night soul grass.

These two leaves are very similar to those on the heads of the Faithless, but not as green. Now the sapling is still tender green and looks softer.

"This is the color of life." A Xian whispered.

Ebony was wrapped around Xixiu's wrist, and he stretched out his vines and carefully touched the plants on the ground, fearing that they would break if touched.

Rang Xixiu almost laughed out loud, "Ebony, they are not that delicate. Although they are not as good as you, they are still very tenacious."

Ebony scratched the top of his non-existent head with a vine, stretched out two vines to make a hand spread, and the Night Soul Grass took the opportunity to jump onto the palm woven by its vines, and fell asleep leisurely again.

Xixiu never gets tired of spending time like this, "In the future, when we grow old, we will plant a large area of ​​plants and flowers like this, and we will definitely be in a good mood every day when we wake up."

Axian thought about it in his mind and found that it can indeed make the mood more beautiful, "There is a large open space in front of your house, plus mine and Axun's, it is estimated that the nine pills and ten tripods, plus five yuan It will take three days to cultivate several machines in Qimang. I am afraid that it will be too wide and difficult to manage by then. "

Xixiu thinks it shouldn't be the case, "Well, I can make money and hire a robot to do it. There are smart machines that specialize in garden management."

"Okay, I'll help you when I'm free, don't worry." Ah Xian assured.

After watching for a while, the two people returned to the camp. Xu Zhuming was waiting for Xixiu in the office area of ​​the camp. The leader of the planet was saying words of gratitude to him.

The expression is very sincere.

Seeing that Xixiu and the others were back, they both stood up and greeted Xixiu and the others.

The supreme leader of this planet is a woman, not a human but another intelligent race. She said to them in a soft voice: "Thank you very much for the support of the soldiers."

After speaking, he bowed deeply.

Xixiu and the others did not accept this gift. This is what they should do. When they embark on this road, it is their responsibility to protect the citizens of the Alliance.

After the three parties exchanged pleasantries for a while, the planet leader directly entered the topic: "I came here because I was entrusted by the citizens. Everyone prepared some gifts for me to bring over, and told me to hand them over to Captain Hong personally."

The planet commander had several space buttons in her hand. She knew that the soldiers might not accept them, so she pressed the object list button of the space button.

The light screen showed the items in Newry in the space, all of which were food, nutritional supplements, daily necessities, and decorations.

The citizens also knew the rules of the soldiers, so they did not prepare anything too expensive.

They are all beautiful and practical ones that craft warriors can use to decorate their rooms.

Nutritional supplements can change their taste. These gifts show that the citizens are very attentive.

Xixiu politely and politely accepted it on behalf of the soldiers, and on the return starship she let Imingda go out.

In addition, she planned to ask Iminda to estimate the value, and then leave weapons of equal value to this planet.

There was a decent and gentle smile on Xixiu's lips: "Thank you, Chief Susanna, and the citizens of the planet for letting everyone spend money."

Susanna breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Xixiu didn't push her around.

"Compared to the hard work of the soldiers, what we have prepared seems insignificant." Susanna looked at the soldiers stationed happily.

Since their planet was immigrated, no foreign citizens have visited it.

Firstly, they are not a tourist planet and there are no interesting attractions. Secondly, their location is too remote.

There is no transit star nearby, and some starships will not come here at all.

This time, unknown creatures would appear on their planet, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Fortunately, the central brain sent a warning message in advance, and fortunately they were vigilant.

The most important thing is that they did not expect that the soldiers at the station would already be here before they could react.

This speed surprised them all, and they thought that the alliance had some latest technology that could reach them directly.

Later I learned that each team at the station would be responsible for the dynamic monitoring of a planet.

This team discovered the anomaly on their planet immediately.

It only took them an hour from discovery to team departure, and they rushed over as quickly as possible without stopping on the road.

Suzanne thought about the news she received later, "Thank you for taking care of our planet."

She knew that soldiers' time was very tight and their daily training was extremely heavy.

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