Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 831 - What is absolute

After the soldiers came here, she saw the recent situation in the alliance. It can be said that it is very tense. The soldiers have heavy training tasks.

The three parties chatted for a while, and Susanna also talked about the planet's next plan and wanted to seek the opinions of the soldiers.

After all, everyone comes from all over the world, and each planet has different management methods. She wants to gain some experience and use it in the future management of the planet.

Xixiu gave her some suggestions and asked them to upgrade their defensive measures.

A Xian's words frightened Susanna, because A Xian suggested that they directly increase their defense measures to the maximum and make a retreat plan.

Susanna didn't expect the soldiers to give such an answer. After thinking about it for a while, she understood the key.

It is very likely that an unknown creature has come here. If the soldiers are busy and no one comes to support them, their own protection will play a key role.

As for the retreat plan, she wasn't entirely sure it would come to this point.

However, to be cautious, she decided to implement this arrangement immediately.

Since the people of Anvil said this, it meant that there was such a danger.

She would not risk the lives of an entire planet's citizens.

After being reminded by the resident soldier, Susanna planned to leave to make arrangements. Before she left, Xixiu asked Yimingda to hand over the listed things to her.

Susanna was extremely surprised. She didn't expect that the soldiers not only gave them advice, but also gave them weapons: "We can't accept this."

Suzanne decisively refused.

Thinking about it, these things are all weapons or ammunition. These things are what the soldiers need most, and they don't need to go to the battlefield. These things are of little use if they are left alone.

Besides, their planet still has sufficient weapons and ammunition reserves.

"Sir Susanna, this is the intention of the resident soldiers, just accept it." Xu Zhuming seemed to understand the meaning of Xixiu's gift of weapons.

The overall protection of this planet is not too rigorous, and the strength of the warriors varies.

These weapons can be of great help to them when they encounter a crisis.

The weapons at the Yuanri station are basically in sync with Gaia's. They are all the latest research and development, some are highly lethal and some are protective.

It is very suitable for this planet to be used for basic protection. After the battle, Xu Zhuming, his assistants and the people in the laboratory can be said to have thoroughly studied the latest weapons of the alliance.

"This..." Susanna looked at Xixiu and found a sincere smile on her face.

Xixiu said softly: "We may need it in the future. Moreover, the planet's defense capabilities still need to be improved. These weapons can increase your joint defense."

In addition, she also gave several sets of protective measures and an evacuation plan.

Hope it can be of some help to them.

Susanna knew that it would be a bit ungrateful to refuse any more, so Susanna asked her assistant to close the space button.

"Thank you everyone, the planet will remember everything the warriors have done for us, in the name of the God of the Starry Sky!" Susanna looked solemn.

The soldiers leaving these things behind means that they will definitely be useful in the future, and it also means that they will have a tough battle next.

Susanna, who had a glimpse of the crisis from this information, left in a hurry with her people.

She had to prepare immediately. There were indeed many loopholes in the planet's protection.

I thought it would be enough to intercept the star thief outside the planet, but now it seems that if there is a crisis, there will be something more powerful than the star thief.

Maybe there will be more perverted creatures coming to their planet. When the time comes, how will they resist becomes a problem.

Looking at Susanna's leaving figure, Xi Xiu sighed in her heart, hoping that this planet could escape the coming catastrophe.

Even if she can't escape, I hope the weapons she left behind can leave some fire on the planet.

In the evacuation plan, she listed the planet sending the children to safety.

Protecting children means protecting the future of this planet.

Xu Zhuming came to say goodbye to Xixiu and the others. The mission here has ended and they will return to Gaia tomorrow.

There are still many things that need to be dealt with when returning to Gaia, and this data must be handed over to the Alliance as soon as possible.

He gave Xixiu the copied data, which needed to be submitted to the station together with the mission report.

"Thank you, Dr. Xu." Xixiu took the data storage disk and placed it in his personal space.

"It was a pleasure cooperating with the soldiers, and we learned a lot this time." Xu Zhuming's attitude was much better and more humble than the first time.

Xixiu's expression didn't change much. He was as polite as before, "Dr. Xu and other researchers have also worked hard."

The researchers deserve this hard work, after all, they have barely slept a wink since they came here.

The soldiers stationed at the station managed to get a good night's sleep. The researchers had been working hard on the data without ever leaving the laboratory.

Xu Zhuming knew that the people in front of him did not take their previous attitude seriously, and now he couldn't hold back his old face.

However, Xu Zhuming still said bravely: "Sorry, our attitude was a little wrong at the beginning."

Xixiu smiled, then waved her hand, "It's okay."

The tone was gentle, and there was no hint of concern.

I have seen this kind of thing so often that I no longer get angry at other people's attitudes.

It's more important to do your own thing well, not to mention that some people just meet by chance.

Just like now, it is very likely that she and Xu Zhuming will not have any intersection in the future.

At this moment, Xu Zhuming felt that his state of mind was not as good as that of the soldiers.

If people like them are constantly being doubted by people across industries, they will probably find others to compete with before giving up.

Make the other person convinced.

Xixiu's impression of Xu Zhuming was actually pretty good, mainly because he was on Wei Lanshan's trustworthy list.

If it weren't for this list, maybe her attitude would be completely different.

"Captain Hong, what you and Susanna said just now are just guesses?" Xu Zhuming asked this question after struggling for a while.

At present, apart from Aura being stared at by the Hanhai people, it can be said that everything inside and outside the alliance is quite peaceful.

Although robberies by star thieves happened from time to time, he never thought about it deeply.

Because people like Star Thief who just want to get something for nothing have never quit the alliance stage.

New star thief groups are established every year, and some star thief groups are completely wiped out by the alliance. However, there are still many star thief groups active in various galaxies, burning, killing, raping, and committing all kinds of evil.

"Dr. Xu, nothing is absolute. I am just doing my duty to remind them to improve their defenses." Xixiu did not directly answer Xu Zhuming's question.

The current situation of the alliance, apart from the crisis in Aura and the frequent appearance of star thieves, the Hovian people's infiltration into the Liuning Fortress has not yet been announced.

As for the appearance of those unknown creatures, with Xu Zhuming's vigilance, she should know better than her what situation the alliance will face next.

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