Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 832 - Soft tone

Xu Zhuming probably just wanted to be sure that there would be a war in the alliance, and Xixiu couldn't give him a definite answer.

Because she didn't have the final say on this matter.

In her position, this matter cannot be said, and it should not be said.

They had no exact information about when Qin Hongjun launched the war.

I just know that there will definitely be such a battle.

Sooner or later.

She is a soldier, her position has been promoted to colonel, and she needs to be responsible for what she says.

Xu Zhuming probably also knew that this question was not very authentic, so he quickly changed his direction: "I have analyzed the unknown creatures that have appeared in the alliance in the past few years, and found that many of them are related to the star beasts at the Star Gate."

After a pause, Xu Zhuming added: "One of the interesting things is that these things are not like finished products, but more like experimental products, so their skills and talents are only top-notch, and only the ones among them can be used. A skill.”

The implication is that the warriors are still able to handle the skills of these creatures.

If it's a finished product, that may not be the case.

After hearing what Xu Zhuming said, Xixiu pondered for a while and said: "Dr. Xu, what you mean is that the other party released these semi-finished products in order to obtain more accurate data, and then adjust some of the finished products. Skill settings?”

Xu Zhuming: "That's understandable."

Xu Zhuming opened his terminal, and the data on the light screen was what he had compared.

From the perspective of biological evolution, these things need to find food every time. To be precise, they need to find energy that allows them to evolve.

This is probably an experiment.

The people who have studied these things are not very clear about the conditions under which this kind of creature can evolve.

"Another point, of course, is just my guess. Judging from the skills currently displayed by these creatures, all the skills may eventually be attributed to one kind of creature." Xu Zhuming expressed his thoughts.

He felt that telling these people in front of him might be a very right choice.

From the fact that they could complete the warning in such a short period of time, he knew that the strength of this team was number one in the entire league.

Although they are young, they have rich combat experience, are calm on the spot, have courage and strength, and have a fighting spirit.

Xixiu asked cautiously: "According to Dr. Xu's data, if this kind of creature is developed, what kind of intelligent creature will it be based on?"

I hope it's not the one she guessed. If so, the people of Anvil will have to go through a brutal battle again.

"It's probably the species with the extra six genes." Xu Zhuming looked at Ah Xian, the answer was already very obvious.

Using Anvilian genes and Anvilian bodies as carriers, the finished product will be unrivaled.

Xi Xiu and A Xian looked at each other. If Xu Zhuming's guess was true, then Qin Hongjun used the body of a broken man as a carrier to mix all these skills together.

If the strength of the dishonest person could be preserved and used again, what level would the finished product of the experiment reach?

Xixiu mentally sketched out the appearance of a strong opponent he would encounter on the battlefield in the future, and found that he could only come up with an unlikely creature.

A Xian asked Xu Zhuming a question: "Can we use the system to simulate this kind of creature based on the existing data?"

Based on the appearance, skills, characteristics, etc. of all the unknown creatures that have appeared so far, a model can be made based on the biological system, which may not be too far from Qin Hongjun's design.

After all, the system he is using now comes from the same original code as the central brain.

I have to say that this is a very bold and risky experiment that goes against biological evolution.

People like Qin Hongjun, who have no ethical bottom line, will not consider any other factors.

Xu Zhuming shook his head: "I can't do it at the moment. At most, I can only make a sample that is somewhat different from the other party's design."

Although the central brain can be used to help, everyone's thinking is different, and the final gap will be huge.

"Dr. Xu, how likely is this?" With Xu Zhuming's strength, Xixiu thought he should be able to have accurate data.

"More than eighty percent." The number Xu Zhuming gave was the result of his many calculations.

Xixiu knew that he must have synthesized the unknown creatures that appeared in various galaxies in the alliance, so the possibility he speculated was very high!

Xixiu said "thank you" to Xu Zhuming.

With his reminder, regardless of whether it will be in this direction in the end, it is enough to make Anweil ​​and the alliance be more vigilant.

Xu Zhuming also said some other things, among which there were several issues that deserved great attention, and Xixiu took note of them carefully.

After finishing the conversation, Xu Zhuming quietly hurried back to the alliance with his people on the starship they came from.

The news that he came here to perform a mission has not been leaked. After returning, he will go to the Council of Elders. In order to ensure that his whereabouts are not detected, his starship always bears the emblem of a commercial starship.

This mission actually discovered Anvilian genes in the bodies of unknown creatures. This is no small matter.

It deserves the attention of any biologist. He was a little worried along the way, fearing that if he ran into a star thief, the mission would fall short.

Fortunately, they were blessed by the God of the Starry Sky and returned to Gaia safely and handed in their mission.

After Xu Zhuming left, Xixiu and A-Xian did some analysis on the speculation he proposed, and believed that the possibility was really high.

The Breakers hate Anvil and will stop at nothing if someone suggests they can become more powerful than the Anvilians.

Defeating the Anweil ​​people has become their obsession. For such a long period of time, they have not counterattacked Anweil. It is probably not because they have no strength, but because they are unable to counterattack.

The number of their clan may be greatly reduced, and they will not have the strength to return to Anvil.

In addition, Anvil blocked their genetic information, making it impossible for them to enter the Anvil star field.

After the withering of the faithless people, they met Qin Hongjun many years later and hit it off immediately.

"For this question, I asked Jingxi to check the history. Only she has the key to the archives." Axian opened the light screen, tapped a few words, and contacted Jingxi.

She and her friend Qing Heming were cruising in the star field of Anweil ​​and were currently settling on a star. After seeing A Xian's message, Jing Xi frowned. Seeing her expression, Qing Heming walked over and pointed with his finger. The belly smoothed the wrinkles between her brows.

"Don't frown, there's nothing that can't be solved." Qing Heming's tone was very gentle.

"Well, it's just that this incident involves a piece of history that Anweil ​​doesn't want to mention." Jingxi told Qing Heming about that past event in a gentle tone.

After Qing Heming heard this, he discussed it with Jing Xi and decided that the two of them would rush back immediately and leave someone else to cruise here.

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