Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 848 - Doesn’t exist at all

After getting familiar with each other, you will naturally know what kind of person the other person is, whether he is trustworthy, and whether he is worth fighting together.

After Xixiu and Qing Zhixun said hello, they took Ah Xian, Wang Zichun, Bu Hete and the others, a total of more than 600 people, to follow Alivik back to the western district base camp.

Watching Xixiu enter the camp, Qing Zhixun again

After sending her a more detailed job list from Liu Ning, she got on the hover car and headed to the East District.

After learning that Xixiu was going to the Western District, Qing Zhixun asked his people to pass on information about the Western District.

On the way to the East District, Luther didn't dare to say a word. He had just been to Alivik's territory and was worried that one day he would go out to cause trouble.

The entire Liuning Fortress knows what kind of person Alivik is.

If he was targeted, he would die or lose his skin, and he didn't want to suffer for no reason.

In the past, many people who had conflicts with Alivik had their arms and legs broken.

He doesn't show mercy when he beats people up.

Moreover, he was very strong. Everyone privately estimated that only Basia, the highest officer in Liu Ning, could compete with him.

However, Chief Basia would not easily compete with Alivik.

This is a matter of the general's face.

Qing Zhixun looked at Luther's cowering look and knew that the whole Liu Ning might be like this.

Some children from aristocratic families like to fight bravely with others, but when they are actually put on the battlefield, they become very precious about their lives.

He will never kill the enemy at the forefront of the battlefield, but will run away if he hears something wrong.

It is because of this that Liuning's overall evaluation among other fortresses has not been high in recent years.

The reason why Alivik and his people were released to the West End was because they did not follow Basia's wishes.

Over time, the West End has become a fringe zone, and Brasilia will not give Alivik the chance to climb up.

Also, the information he just received, Alivik's title of colonel, was obtained by him himself from Basia.

The commander of the first district is just a senior colonel. This is impossible in any fortress.

Qing Zhixun did not break the silence on the floating car, but slowly looked at the data that had just been transmitted to his terminal, which made Luther feel very tortured.

The atmosphere in the car was more painful than going to the battlefield. At least he could escape if he encountered danger on the battlefield, but he couldn't go anywhere in the car.

He already knows Qing Zhixun's identity and understands that this is a difficult master to deal with. He is afraid that if he misses her, his life will be worse than death.

Li Yuanting and others did not intend to let him go, "Colonel Luther, who are the people in Liu Ning's East District?"

Luther almost choked on his own saliva, "They are all elites, Liu Ning's elites."

"Are you sure?" Lu Zongan was about to open Liu Ning's warrior division map.

"They are indeed elite." Luther felt that he was not wrong. Could the elite among the children of aristocratic families not be elite?

Moreover, Raisren, the soldier with the most meritorious deeds in Liuning Fortress, almost surpassing Chief Basia, is in this area.

"Then tell us about Lieutenant General Raisren." Xiquanlong's words made Luther almost want to jump out of the car.

Neither of these is a fuel-efficient lamp.

Leisren is the son-in-law of the Xiwen family. He is the second person under Liu Ning and Basia. How dare he call himself his superior?

He still wants to go home alive.

His partner is still waiting for him, and they haven't given birth to a baby yet. These people are here in Liuning, can you please stop bothering them! ! !

Also, it doesn’t sound good to criticize Shangguan. Do they understand the rules?

Seeing that he remained silent, Xiquanlong knew that this guy was timid and afraid of getting into trouble.

I want you to talk about Shangguan's character, but I don't want you to find bad things about him and his faults.

How simple it is to talk about Shangguan's great achievements or some glorious images!

This person is afraid that there is something wrong with his mind. He thinks wrongly and thinks that they don't understand the rules.

Come on, there are no fighters who abide by the rules and regulations more than them.

Looking at him like this, is it impossible to say that the whole Liu Ning is like this?

Geerhe exhaled heavily through his nose and let out a loud "snort". Luther almost jumped up from where he was sitting.

He casually glanced at Gerhe's figure, which was even more terrifying than Alivik's.

Even the combat uniform couldn't stretch his muscles, and his height was scary. His eyes widened, and he looked like a murderous god.

Among all the handsome men, a man like this suddenly appeared, which was very eye-catching.

Geerhe, who rarely spoke, had a loud voice, "Just say what you want. There are so many things, but I don't want you to reveal your boss's secrets."

Luther was even more embarrassed by what Gerch said.

He preconceptionally thought that these people wanted to inquire into Lieutenant General Raisren's personal affairs...

Qing Zhixun sneered in his heart. He was indeed a person who couldn't speak his mind. No wonder he was sent as a spearman.

With this kind of thinking, the title of senior colonel will accompany him until he retires.

After being retaliated, Luther did not dare to speak again. He realized that talking too much would be wrong.

Just stop talking.

Gerhe made a "cut" sound.

Such a naughty thing.

It’s really despising.

You can't say bad things, and you can't say good things. Are you afraid that they will pry for information?

There is something else here that Axun doesn't know about, it doesn't exist at all.

Geerhe secretly decided to stay away from this kind of stuff in the future. He was really afraid that his IQ would be wiped out by him.

Luther felt bitter.

He knew that the impression he had given these people must be extremely bad.

However, he only cared about it for a moment.

Thinking of his own purpose, he looked away.

He will not follow these people in the future, no matter what they do, as long as he can retire safely.

They look down on the best, so he doesn't have to go on missions.

Can't get hurt or die.

It couldn't be more perfect.

Luther's men thought the same as him, and the passion and dreams in their hearts had long since disappeared without a trace.

Just trying to survive.

The car was so quiet that the only sound was the sound of Qing Zhixun's fingers stroking the light-screen keyboard.

He read Raisren's information again, including his missions.

This time, he led the team to investigate the traces of the Hovians, but there was no progress, which puzzled Qing Zhixun.

In the sluggish Liu Ning, Raisren's record is considered to be outstanding.

He is known as the undefeated warrior of Liuning.

It means that he has never failed in his mission, the only time is this time.

There's something wrong with this.

With Raisren's strength, it was impossible not to detect the traces of the Hovians.

Qing Zhixun also discovered that there were several ambiguities in Leisren's mission report.

No instructions at all.

Barcia did not ask further questions.

This is the reason why the Elder Council questioned Liuning Fortress, because Raisren did not explain these doubts clearly.

Therefore, taking the opportunity to let him come to support, in fact, let him take control of the entire Liuning.

He will definitely have a battle with Barcia and Raisren, and they will not give up an inch of ground.

Qing Zhixun was thinking about how to break in and break down Basia's power in Liuning.

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