Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 849 - What a skill

He has to study carefully whether Raisren will be a good breakthrough.

After arriving in the East District, Luther took Qing Zhixun to his office and entered their IDs into the fortress system.

After that, he asked them to check the rules of the residence and other daily requirements, and then quickly left the place with them.

Completely different than when I arrived.

Li Yuanting looked at his back, who was rushing away as if to avoid some plague, and immediately darkened his face: "Axun, people like Luther are here just to hang around. In the entire Liuning Fortress, such people are just More or less.”

"Well, it's okay. This way it will be easier for us to deal with it." Qing Zhixun didn't care, these people were destined to be eliminated by the alliance.

"Notice that you must sort out your personal belongings and clean the dormitory within an hour, and then we will have a brief meeting." As soon as Qing Zhixun finished speaking, the others left quickly.

The dormitory number had just been sent to their terminal by the system. This area in the East District had been deserted for a long time since no one had lived there before.

They have to clean up after themselves.

Because Luther left too few robots, if they wanted to stay tonight, they would have to fend for themselves.

Unexpectedly, Basia's men were so perfunctory, Qing Zhixun took note of this.

We’ll figure it out together later.

Qing Zhixun's men were all quick in their movements. Everyone worked together, plus the management robot here, to tidy up the room before the time specified by Qing Zhixun, and check in and put away things according to the room number.

Qing Zhixun looked at the situation in each dormitory and was quite satisfied with their actions.

Liu Ning's dormitory arrangement is different from that of Yuan Ri. There are ten people in one dormitory, and each suite has four rooms. The widest one in the middle is the living room. There is a square table for ten people in the living room for video conferencing by the soldiers. .

There is a point for taking nutritional supplements and nutritious meals in the living room, which is much more convenient than Yuanri.

The bed can be stowed and the width can be adjusted. The accommodation conditions are slightly worse than those in Yuanri.

There is a constant temperature control device in the dormitory, and the soldiers' personal daily necessities are all alliance general models brought from Yuanri.

After cleaning up, the soldiers sprayed a freshener throughout the building.

After that, they sat in front of the square table according to their positions. The dormitory director of each dormitory opened his own terminal, connected to the dormitory system, and turned on the light screen.

After debugging for a minute, the light screen can be used normally.

Qing Zhixun's face appeared on the light screen.

After looking at the number of people connected to each dormitory, there are no less.

The total number of people he brought was five hundred, not as many as Xixiu.

He has some help in Liuning and doesn't need too many people.

These people were all selected by him. Their files were clean and there were no other signs, at least he had not found any yet.

After the video call was connected, Qing Zhixun told everyone the information he had so far.

He also talked about the difficulties he might face next, and he only said a few words:

If you encounter provocation, hit him back; if you encounter someone who makes sarcastic remarks, beat him directly; if you find someone who is using dirty tricks, hit him back twice as hard.

There is absolutely no mention of the consequences of doing so.

These people have been following him for a long time and know his style.

When he said this, everyone felt as if they had been given a shot of blood instantly, and their eyes lit up.

Make things happen, make things happen.

If these brats from Liu Ning are not peeled off, they will definitely not get Qing Zhixun’s true heritage, and they will not dare to say that they have fooled with him!

"Understood?" Qing Zhixun asked finally, and received a resounding reply from everyone, "Understood!"

Each team has a task, and they start taking action after the meeting. There is one team on each floor, and everyone is very conscious.

After Luther came back, Basia called him to the office and asked him about the pick-up situation.

Luther told everything he saw.

"You mean, Alivik didn't embarrass Hong Xixiu, but actually had a pleasant conversation with him?" Basia looked solemn.

Luther was sure that he saw it correctly, although he did not hear the conversation between them. "Judging from Alivik's expression, he did not make things difficult for any of them just now."

This is strange.

Barcia had dealt with Alivik and knew he was difficult to get along with.

"What about Hong Xixiu?" Basia was much more cautious.

Luther thought for a while: "I didn't find that she had any dissatisfaction with the West District."

"Are you sure you've seen everything clearly?" Basia is very doubtful of Luther's ability to observe people's emotions. This guy who is greedy for life and afraid of death will never check when encountering difficult things.

Therefore, Basia knew that he would only observe from a distance, and would not even get out of the car to listen to these people talking, let alone introduce the two parties.

"Report to the general, if both sides are dissatisfied, this meeting will definitely have a fierce fight. How can I get away." Luther replied in a low voice.

With Arivik's character, if he didn't allow others to enter his territory, he would definitely fight directly.

As for why he was willing to take Hong Xixiu into the West District without beating him, he didn't understand.

Perhaps the two parties reached an agreement in private, but he didn't hear or notice it.

The West District didn't ask anything. He already knew what happened in the East District under his nose, "You shouldn't just leave Qing Zhixun and those people there."

Luther looked aggrieved and bitter, "Admiral, Qing Zhixun's aura can be felt even eight hundred meters away from him, and if I stay any longer, they will probably pry my mouth open."

If Qing Zhixun used his mental power to force him, he would probably tell everything about Liu Ning.

This is probably not what Barcia wants to see.

"You are purely trying to make others' ambitions destroy your own prestige. Can Liu Ning as a whole be unable to deal with these more than a thousand people?" Basia didn't believe it.

I don’t believe that Qing Zhixun and Hong Xixiu can “change the dynasty” of Liu Ning with their own strength.

This is the world of his Xiwen family, and he will not allow anyone to touch his cake.

If he dares to think even a little bit, he will definitely make the other person regret his birth.

After hearing what Basia said, Luther cursed in his heart: You know how to show off your power in front of your own people, tomorrow you will see Qing Zhixun and Hong Xixiu, if you have the ability to confront them in person.

What's the point of getting angry with him?

However, although Luthor had many mental activities, he did not let Basia notice it and flattered him: "When General Xiwen takes action, Qing Zhixun will pack up and go back and forth..."

"Go down." Basia was impatient to listen to Luther's flattery and let him go directly.

Barcia asked his adjutant to pull up the videos from the West and East Districts, and found a snowflake and a busy signal. Barcia couldn't see the picture, "What's going on?"

"The other party has experts who blocked the surveillance while they were talking to the people from the West District," the adjutant said.

Basia remembered that Qing Zhixun had hacked into the terminal before, "What is the name of the person under Qing Zhixun who is responsible for network communications?"

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