Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 850 -Who will follow him?

The adjutant has already checked out Qing Zhixun's person, "His name is Lu Zongan, and Qing Zhixun seems to be a master as well."

As he spoke, he found the files of the others.

Basia was surprisingly serious this time. He couldn't underestimate Qing Zhixun.

Moreover, he was able to bring over all his important subordinates in Yuanri, which shows that he promised these people great benefits.

If there is no profit, who will follow him?

By charisma?

Barcia didn't believe it.

He can't do it even with his title of general of Liuning Fortress, how can a lieutenant general do it?

It would not be an exaggeration to say that these people who came to Liuning with Qing Zhixun were the elites of the Yuan Dynasty.

It's impossible for Qing Zhixun to just talk and these people follow him like crazy.

It's easy to do it for profit.

As long as he finds a way to alienate these people and create a gap between them and Qing Zhixun, Qing Zhixun will be unable to move forward in Liuning.

Barcia thought about it for nearly ten minutes before waving to the adjutant. The adjutant came forward and Barcia whispered to him in a low voice, arranging for him to deal with it immediately.

The adjutant nodded while listening, "Yes, I will do it right away. Don't worry, General."

After saying that, he left Basia's office and gathered a few people to go to the East District.

The adjutants, the major generals who had brought Liu Ning to the stage with Runel, and the colonel quickly arrived in front of Qing Zhixun's dormitory building.

This building has been cleaned by Qing Zhixun's people and looks brand new.

The long-stalled building has come to life.

Runel stopped in the open space in front of the dormitory building, turned on the terminal to send the data connected to the dormitory building, and reported the names of himself and the visitor.

Qing Zhixun and Li Yuanting were analyzing the people around Basia, but unexpectedly they received a request to enter from the other party.

"It came really fast." Li Yuanting muttered, but Barcia still didn't show up, which surprised them.

Qing Zhixun: "Let them in."

Lu Zongan opened the protective cover of the dormitory building, which he had just made to prevent people from Liu Ning from breaking in.

Runel quickly went upstairs. The use of teleportation devices was usually prohibited in Liu Ning's dormitory building.

Qing Zhixun closed his eyes and listened to the footsteps of the visitor, with a playful smile on his lips.

Xiquanlong caught a glimpse of his appearance and knew that the fox had probably discovered something.

He listened carefully and found nothing unusual. The gap in mental power levels would be more obvious at this time.


This is a state that they cannot reach in this life no matter what.

Runel entered their office, looked around, and found that only a few core members of Qing Zhixun's team were there.

He closed his eyes quickly, thinking that no one would notice him, but Qing Zhixun and others were keen people and had discovered it long ago.

After quietly patrolling around, Runel greeted Qing Zhixun with a decent smile, "Lieutenant General Qing, everyone is welcome to join us. Please forgive me for any slight negligence."

He came here on behalf of Barcia, so naturally he spoke in Barcia's tone.

"Adjutant Lunel, please sit down." Qing Zhixun made a gesture of invitation.

Li Yuanting gave up his position.

Runel led the people to sit down.

All the people he brought were introduced.

These people will then "obey orders" directly from Qing Zhixun, and are also responsible for familiarizing Qing Zhixun with Liu Ning's environment.

They are: Major General Bilic; Senior Colonel Lisa Larson (female); Senior Colonel Philia; Lieutenant Colonel Penniman; Lieutenant Colonel Chen Jinggang.

They will bring their own team to join Qing Zhixun's team. Basia will give Qing Zhixun a total of one hundred thousand soldiers.

As for the future arrangements, we still have to wait for Basia's instructions. These are just the people who will be initially assigned to Qing Zhixun.

It seemed to Basia that he was sincere, and Qing Zhixun couldn't fault him.

Qing Zhixun said some polite words on his face, but he had already guessed Basia's purpose in his heart.

Three of these people are Barcia's direct subordinates, and the other two are probably to divert his attention.

Runel said: "These people will be dispatched by Lieutenant General Qing."

Qing Zhixun looked around at the people following Runel: "You are all elites in Liu Ning. I have just arrived here. If I don't understand something, please give me your advice."

He is better than anyone else in using official accent.

Bilic had read some of Qing Zhixun's files before and knew that he was a ruthless person. "Lieutenant General Qing is too modest. Even if you are unfamiliar with Liu Ning, you will be able to accomplish something very quickly."

This is really uncomfortable to hear. It is meant to be a mockery of Qing Zhixun's coming to Liu Ningru into a deserted place.

Gerch's fingers made a clicking sound, and Bilic glanced at it without paying attention.

He didn't believe that Qing Zhixun would let his people fight with them, old soldiers from Liuning, on the first day they arrived, not to mention that his title was second only to Qing Zhixun.

After waiting for a while, I realized that I really didn't dare. This was just a paper tiger. The smile on Bilic's lips was even more ironic.

Lu Zongan and the others saw Bilic's expression clearly, and he was another arrogant one.

After a while, let him have a taste of it, and then let him jump around for a few days.

"Oh, let me borrow the good advice from Major General Bilic." Qing Zhixun said coolly.

Bilic didn't expect Qing Zhixun to not be angry. Didn't everyone say he was petty?

Is the information wrong?

Runel had been observing and saw that Qing Zhixun really didn't care about their overt and understated sarcasm, so he would do whatever he wanted.

Then Runel said some irrelevant words, but Li Yuanting and the others ignored him.

In the end, everyone stopped talking, and there was a bit of a silence. Qing Zhixun even rushed out: "Adjutant Lunel, is there anything else? If nothing else, we have to pack up and rest."

"Oh, it's nothing. Admiral Basia is very busy right now. When he is free, he will arrange a meeting." According to Basia's character, if Qing Zhixun was not a member of Qing's family, he would probably not even meet him.

Liu Ning has not only 500 but also 200 lieutenant generals. How could he meet every one of them?

He is very busy.

"Don't bother Admiral Basia. I will report to him tomorrow after I finish packing."

There was no rule that he had to meet with Shangguan on the day he arrived. If the person sent by Basia hadn't been so unreliable, he would have been on his way back by now.

There's no reason for Shangguan to come see him, right? He should just stretch his legs.

Looking at how Basia plans to sing this play, I believe he has already guessed the purpose of the elders sending him to Liu Ning.

It is very likely that the division of labor in Liuning Fortress will change tomorrow.

As for the people he asked Runel to bring, three of them were to monitor him, and the purpose of the other two was temporarily unknown.

After hearing Qing Zhixun's words, Runel quickly replied: "I will tell the general when I get back, and I won't disturb Lieutenant General Qing's rest."

After speaking, he was about to take Bilic and others away, but Li Yuanting suddenly said: "Adjutant Runel, didn't it mean that these people have joined our team, how are we going to find them when they are so far away?"

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