Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 851 - He dare not move

Runel glanced at the talkative Li Yuanting and wanted to give him a blow.

"The transportation is so convenient, and news can be delivered at any time. As long as there is a mission, just release the information in advance. Liu Ning's soldiers move very quickly." Runel was a little impatient.

He thought that such words would completely silence Li Yuanting, but he didn't expect this guy to say something else: "There is still an open space next to our dormitory building. It will only take a few days to build the building. From now on, we can keep in touch and promote Comradeship."

After taking a deep breath, Runel replied to Li Yuanting: "The fortress has not had so much expenditure recently and does not plan to build a new dormitory building."

"Hey, are Liu Ning so nervous?" Li Yuanting pretended to be naive.

Because the Hovians' investigation had not made any progress, the Senate had just reduced Liu Ning's expenses, and Li Yuanting had stepped on Runel's sore foot.

"This matter was not within the scope of the plan, so Bilic and the others still live in the original dormitory."

After Runel finished speaking, he quickly left with the five Bilics.

If he stayed any longer and there were still a few silent people who asked a few more questions, Runel would definitely get angry.

On the way back, several people in Bilic exchanged opinions. Lisa was the first to speak: "Adjutant Runel, Qing Zhixun is very cautious. Without oil and salt, it may be difficult for us to complete the task."

Qing Zhixun is not a fool, and there is no way he would let them into the core team. That is to say, they have no idea what they are going to do and how they plan to do it.

When Qing Zhixun gives the order, will they execute it or not?

Filia had a different opinion: "He didn't dare to move before he was familiar with Liu Ning."

Runel knew Qing Zhixun's character very well. After he went to Yuanri, he didn't have any title at that time, but he climbed to the position of major in one year with his ruthlessness in going on missions.

After the upgrade, he took drastic measures to reorganize Yuanri.

The main reason was that the highest official in Yuanri at that time had no independent opinions, and finally found someone who could make up his mind, so he obeyed Qing Zhixun's words.

It only took Qing Zhixun five years to control Yuanri. Before he left, he asked the alliance to send Xu Hesong to guard Yuanri.

In this case, even if he leaves Yuanri, no one in Yuanri can infiltrate again.

Xu Hesong is the most loyal warrior in the alliance. With him around, Yuan Ri could not be safer.

Furthermore, Qing Zhixun left the East District of Yuanri, but recommended a girl from the Xie family to take the position of the highest officer of the East District.

The Xie family is also a pro-alliance faction.

With these two people here, Yuan Rihui will be the most powerful weapon in the hands of the alliance.

The alliance wants to repeat the situation in Liuning in Yuanri and turn Liuning into a force of the Qing family, but it also needs to ask Xiwen and the Wang family if they will give it.

Runel spoke slowly: "Don't forget, Qing Zhixun has been promoted to lieutenant general, and he has the right to speak in Liuning."

He could do it when he was a major in Yuanri, but after coming to Liuning, his movements will only be faster.

Several people looked solemn and could not guess what Qing Zhixun would do.

They lacked knowledge about him.

Penniman asked: "We don't have anyone there on Yuanri, so we can't ask about the specific situation at all."

It is impossible to judge Qing Zhixun's thoughts based only on his "actions" when he was young in Gaia.

"Go back and wait for Admiral Basia's decision." Runel was determined that they could win.

The Xiwen family has been operating in Liuning for hundreds of years, and it is impossible for them to be surrendered by Qing Zhixun overnight.

What he was most worried about was actually the violence by those in the West District.

As long as this wasn't the case, he didn't think anyone could make a big splash in Liuning.

Because there is no opportunity to take advantage of.

After returning, Runel conveyed Qing Zhixun's reply and waited quietly for his instructions.

"You go down first and wait until I see him tomorrow." Basia waved his hand.

Runel returned to his office to deal with daily affairs.

It was already night in Liu Ning, and all the lights in Qing Zhixun's dormitory building were turned off at ten o'clock according to Liu Ning's regulations, leaving only the lights in the corridor.

Xixiu, who went to the West District, first went to Alivik's office after being brought into the camp by Alivik.

Their dormitory had not been arranged before, because no one from Luther, Runel or the others told Alivik that the Xixiu Society would be transferred to the West District.

So he made no arrangements.

Alivik had people quickly vacate the dormitory and arranged for people to clean it. "Aye, take Yuanri's soldiers to the conference room to rest first, and then let them move in after the dormitory is tidied up."

The Aye named by him is a woman, and she seems to be in charge of the logistics of the West District.

Aye opened the dormitory building distribution map in the West District and moved a new dormitory building out.

Xixiu asked Su Jinbao to bring someone to help them clean together. With the cleaning robot, it was estimated that it could be done in more than an hour.

Alivik was sitting in the office at the moment and had been observing Xixiu and Axian.

He didn't want to say much outside just now, but now he wanted to find out the details of the other party.

"The West District did not receive a notice from the fortress before, so please forgive me for the indifference." Alivik lowered his head slightly.

"What a coincidence, I was informed that I would be transferred to the Western District when I arrived at the camp where Liu Ning was stationed." Xixiu smiled slightly, and the joke could be heard in his tone.

Arivik knew that she probably had no problem with coming to the West District, but she was very dissatisfied with Liu Ning's way of handling it.

Either you wait for everyone to arrive and meet before arranging the area; or, just before they set off, send all arrangements through the alliance's transfer system.

But Basia didn't follow any conventional practices and found such an unreliable person to pick him up.

She held back her anger so that we could settle the score together later.

Alivik said: "How much does Major General Hong know about the situation in the Western District?"

Xixiu did not pretend to be profound, but said bluntly: "I know a little bit about what I should know and what I shouldn't know."

This made Alivik extremely surprised.

Is there anyone in the Qing family in Liuning?

"In this case, we Mingren don't tell secrets. When we come to the Western District, Major General Hong's talents will be put on hold." Alivik said without any worry.

"No, I'm here to take the mission assigned to me by the alliance. I will lead the soldiers from the Western District to find out the whereabouts of the Hovian people, unless you have no confidence in yourself." Xixiu raised his eyebrows and said truthfully .

Arivik was a little unconvinced: "Barcia will not let you go on the mission so smoothly."

Even if you go, there will be various obstacles.

"I'll beat anyone who blocks me, even Admiral Basia," A Xian said coolly.

Alivik was even more surprised, and his bearded mouth opened wider, "This..."

The people of Anvil actually hide such a violent tendency?

"We do plan to do this. Isn't this the West District's usual style?" Xixiu's words made Alivik instantly happy.

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