Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 866 -Has been tricked

The Elder Council has arranged for the nearest biomedical scientists to come as soon as possible to provide support.

Xixiu did not take a biologist with him before setting off, because all the information showed that only the Hovian people entered Ningkui Planet.

Star Ningkui has never issued an alarm about the entry of unknown creatures, and this was not included in all the reports given by Leisren when he returned.

Therefore, among the people who came, there were only some soldiers who had studied biomedicine.

The last time they dealt with parasites, there were no very professional people around, so they didn't know much about parasites.

They only received a detailed report after returning to Yuanri, and the assessment of the danger level of this thing was medium.

Because the previous report showed that the attack power of these things is not strong, they can only borrow the host's memory to gain the host's strength.

And only when the host dies, can the parasite enter the host's body.

But now it seems that this conclusion may be overturned.

Because Liang Jingxian and Arivik went to the place where Degu and Teli worked, they dressed up as buyers and met these two people.

Liang Jingxian compared the data with the genetic system library, and the results showed that neither of the two people had been replaced by the Hovians, and their genetic information was exactly the same as before.

Not a stranger.

And there is only one doubt in it.

Alivik and Kong Lingxue discovered that there was an abnormality in the mental power of the two people.

Their mental strength was different from that of any citizen of Jingsu, and Arivik recorded their differences.

Trying to find an object with the same mental power as the two of them, but there are no clues.

System data shows that their mental power is different from that of any other creature.

This can be seen directly from the mental power curves of Degu and Teli.

Therefore, Arivik guessed that the mental power currently in these two bodies was not possessed by the creatures that had appeared in Jingsu.

He sent the intercepted data to Xixiu and asked her if she had seen it.

Xixiu sent him a copy of the abnormal mental power she captured in the forest. After comparing it, she found that the two data overlapped.

Obviously, these things have evolved to enter the living body.

How to enter? After entering, the genetic information of the host will not be changed at all. This made Xixiu's heart alarm ring.

After the Belka people were replaced, their genetic information changed. This change was so big that it would make their mission more difficult.

She also thought about Raisin.

If this is the case, even if Qing Zhixun compares his genetic information, he will not find any abnormalities.

She sent both pieces of data to Qing Zhixun, and one copy to Chu Xuliang.

On Basia's side, she also sent it.

It's his business whether to watch it or not.

Several people frowned. It was expected that the mission would change, but they didn't expect it to be so big.

Xixiu guessed that Leisren might have been tricked as soon as he came to Ningkui Star.

That's why they never gave Liu Ning and the alliance accurate information, but kept secret all the news about Ning Kuixing.

Giving these things a chance to develop and grow, Ning Kui Star now has no idea how many parasites have caught the opportunity.

And people who travel here...

After Xixiu's information was sent back to Gaia, the Council of Elders contacted Song Jing'an, the highest official of Ningkui Star, and asked him to find out the list of people who had traveled to Ningkui Star in the past four months.

At that time, it will be up to the Alliance to connect with their galaxies and deal with follow-up issues.

This situation cannot be allowed to spread any further.

The current situation is already very pessimistic.

Qing Wenxu and Chu Xuliang estimated that among the twenty galaxies in the alliance, apart from Aura who was fighting against the Hanhai people and the Musar people, Anweil ​​who did not go out, Yuanri who had few intelligent creatures, and the Miaorun fish people. Outside of 16 galaxies, the remaining 16 galaxies may have been affected.

This amount is very large.

The difficulty will also increase.

This is likely to be the opponent's strategy.

Once the opponent launches an attack while the Alliance is busy looking for traces of these people and takes back some of its manpower, the progress of finding people to determine whether they are parasitized will slow down.

In short, the current situation is very unfavorable to the alliance.

The elders will summon the top officials of each galaxy and ask them to cooperate with the alliance guards' investigation and send local soldiers to join in, so as to ensure manpower.

If the local troops and alliance guards can handle it, don't touch the troops in the garrison and fortress.

Also, one must prepare for the worst.

During the few minutes that Xi Xiu and A Xian were waiting for the five yuan, the alliance had already made various arrangements.

Their top priority now is to catch the parasite and let biologists study it.

However, the risk of catching such a thing is very high. After some discussion, several people decided to wait for Wuyuan and Qimang to come back before letting them go underground.

Jiang Lian and Gu Peidong collected the soil and planned to give their own research materials. They had never encountered such a perverted creature.

More than ten minutes later, Wuyuan and Qimang sent back more pictures of the forest, which were gloomy, lifeless, and deathly silent.

The depths of this forest have not been visited by anyone else for a long time, but there are traces of intelligent life activity around the edges.

The two machines did not miss any details. Soon, Qimang discovered the human footprints hidden under the fallen leaves, as well as the traces of the large machines that had stayed on the ground.

Passing the picture to Xixiu, the two machines continued to move forward.

It was discovered that the trees were not broken, and the large machines definitely did not come from the stars.

Like, appearing out of nowhere.

After searching deep in the forest for thirty minutes, no more useful information was obtained, and the two machines quickly returned.

Xixiu summarized the data they found and looked at it one by one.

The trace left by the large machine is an oval-shaped mark.

Much like a giant egg.

It is likely that these parasites came to the underground of Ningkui Star.

There is no monitoring system deep in the forest, unless someone using the central intelligence network has entered here.

Only by finding relevant information from the other party's terminal can they obtain the data.

The human traces discovered by Qimang need to be verified to see if they belong to Degu and Teli.

Judging from the available information, it is very likely that it is these two people.

Their traces disappeared completely after reaching the edge of the forest, but they appeared in the surveillance video on their way home three hours later.

During these three hours, there was no trace of them in any surveillance footage.

While Xixiu was checking this information, Wu Yuan and Qi Gang changed their forms and began to dig holes from the ground.

After the two machines converted Xixiu's words into code instructions, they got into the hole and started working.

They carried high-density sealed containers, and Su Jinbao and Ona set up a shielded area where they stayed.

When they come out, throw the container in, and then remove the shielded area together.

Are they still looking for a place to build a temporary laboratory for the incoming biological researchers?

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