Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 867 - Differentiating Parasites

Several people assisted Wuyuan and Qimang to dig out the underground entrance.

After the two machines entered the ground, while Qi Gang was swaying the mixed inhibitor, the dozing parasites seemed to smell a different smell. They moved and struggled, showing signs of waking up.

Fortunately, the inhibitors took effect quickly. These things were still juveniles, and their ability to resist inhibitors was not as strong as that of adults.

Besides, I calculated the dosage of medicine for five yuan and gave him ten times the dosage.

He shouldn't wake up for a while.

Xixiu and Axian supported the protective barrier to prevent these things from suddenly coming out.

Iminda and Alivik were able to see their real-time video, which made them sweat.

Wuyuan moved quickly. When he found that these creatures were trying to get up, he stretched out his spring arm, grabbed a few and quickly threw them into the container.

Done in one go.

There is absolutely no irritation at all.

It also needs to keep these things alive.

So the container was sealed and the oxygen production and circulation button in the container was pressed.

After Wuyuan grabbed the parasite and left, Qiman quickly sealed the hole.

The two machines work together seamlessly.

Fortunately, these things continue to sleep, otherwise the ground might be overwhelmed.

The team from Ning Kui Star that came to support was already in place, led by Thorne, who had once had a relationship with Xi Xiu.

He previously served in the Sulaina system, and later applied to be stationed in the Ningkui system.

Responsible for the defense of Ningkui's main star.

Xixiu didn't expect to see an acquaintance here. Thorne felt familiar when he saw her, but for a while he couldn't remember where he had seen her.

Seeing Ah Xian, I remembered the mission of supporting the students of the First Military Academy.

At that time, their team leader was Hong Xixiu, and he remembered the name very well.

Because this name is not common in Jingsu.

Jingsu people usually choose names from the database of the central brain, or their parents look through dictionaries in various galaxies to pick one with a good meaning.

The surname Hong Xixiu is not very common, and the name is unknown from where.

It was obvious that she was not well-liked at birth, and the name her parents gave her was too perfunctory.

Thorne stepped forward and walked in front of Xixiu, saluting and registering his number smoothly.

"Ning Kuixing is responsible for leading the team and Thorne is here to report." Thorne led his people and stood neatly.

Xixiu also saluted according to the soldiers' meeting habits, "Lieutenant Colonel Thorne, thank you for your hard work, soldiers. Let me tell you about the current situation."

After telling Thorne and others who came about the current problems they encountered, Xixiu planned to seal off this area.

Minimize infection.

I don’t know if it’s too late.

This requires a lot of manpower.

Thorne's team arrived at the right time.

Xixiu understood that this was the arrangement of the Elder Council.

After hearing this, Thorne also felt that it was a bit difficult and the scope of manpower was too wide.

"Major General Hong, if the entire forest is fenced, it will take more than a day for the robot to water the fence." During the construction period, it is difficult to ensure that these creatures do not go out.

Also, judging from the current situation, there may be some citizens in Ningkui who are infected without knowing it.

How can these people be isolated?

Just isolating this area may not completely solve the problem.

"My people are already tracking people who have been to the forest recently, as well as other citizens who have been in contact with the two managers of the nutrient factory." Xixiu looked at the whereabouts of Degu and Teli.

It made her scalp tingle.

These two work in a nutritional supplement factory. If they want to do something, it will be easy!

Ah Xian and others have obviously thought about this problem, and they may have to transfer manpower from the starship.

There is probably no time to deal with Liu Zhao's task, so they will need to investigate for a long time.

At present, Liuning Fortress has not sent them a specific mission, so Xixiu decided to follow the instructions of the Elder Council.

Xixiu and Thorne discussed it and decided to isolate the area immediately.

They can use the planet's defense measures to seal off this area first.

Send a robot over, build a wall outside the forest, separate the forest from other areas, and put up warning signs.

Thorne immediately went to make arrangements.

Song Jing'an, the top officer of Ning Kui Planet, issued orders to all departments on the planet, asking all departments to cooperate with the soldiers' work.

If anyone takes it lightly, they will be responsible for the consequences. It will not be as simple as deducting contribution points.

This responsibility is not something that anyone can afford. Once infected, no one can give an answer to the chances of being rescued.

Ning Kuixing's whole body started to move.

As a result, Song Jing'an held a public meeting and reported that unknown creatures also appeared on Ningkui Star.

Citizens are asked not to go to the edge of the forest and not to eat food of unknown origin.

The nutritional supplements produced by the factory are already being recalled. Citizens who have recently purchased nutritional supplements from this factory can return them.

The alliance will transfer nutrients from other places to help everyone get through this period.

As for the citizens who have eaten such nutritional supplements and nutritious meals, Song Jingan’s plan is to gather everyone in a temporary residence and wait for the alliance’s biomedical scientists to arrive.

At that time, professional doctors will evaluate their bodies and find ways to solve the infection problem.

This is the only way it can be handled at the moment.

Citizens who went out listened to Song Jing'an's advice and put on protective clothing, and tried to do their work at home.

They would not go out unless necessary.

This somewhat reduced the work of the soldiers and made it easier to investigate.

Ning Kuixing responded very quickly to the emergency, and the alliance was more relieved about the situation here.

Xi Xiu transferred more people from the starship. After she dealt with the forest, she went back to the accommodation to train them.

Thorn brought people and asked Xi Xiu to tell them how to identify the citizens who had been parasitized, and briefly explained what to do after identification.

Thorn himself tried this method and found that it might be difficult for ordinary soldiers to do it.

Because there are differences in the level of mental power, the mental power of ordinary soldiers cannot distinguish the mental power bands of parasites at all.

Thorn had to arrange soldiers with higher mental power levels to deal with it.

Xi Xiu and A Xian felt that it was not so troublesome. As long as the citizens who had been exposed to the nutrient in this factory were gathered together, they could find the abnormality in more than ten minutes.

"Major General Hong, how do we deal with the underground forest?" Thorn thought of completely destroying these parasitic horrors.

"We don't know the habits of this creature. To be cautious, let's wait for biologists to deal with it. They have been fed excessive amounts of inhibitors and will not wake up for a while." Xi Xiu felt that it would be difficult to destroy so many at once.

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