Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 891 - Replicants appear

The Qing family and the Chu family learned about what happened in the Tianning galaxy from these people, and immediately sent the news back to the alliance.

After Qing Wenxu received it, he and Chu Xuliang immediately opened the video call and met with these people.

Chu Xuliang looked at the people on the other end of the video. They were in a very embarrassed state at the moment.

I didn't even have time to clean the protective clothing on my body, and it was stained with a lot of dust.

Some have emergency patch patches on their faces.

Several people's arms and legs were injured. It was obvious that the firepower of the battle just now was very fierce.

Not long after these people left the Starry Sky Battlefield, they did not expect that Ye Yunhan would carry so many weapons with great destructive power.

They suffered heavy losses.

The battle that was originally thought to be without suspense ended with their defeat.

Ye Yunhan escaped.

However, they were also sure that Ye Yunhan was seriously injured.

If their starship hadn't been too badly damaged, they would have definitely killed him if they caught up with him.

Although they originally wanted to put Ye Yunhan to death, after thinking about it, Ye Zhenwei and the others could not move. Ye Yunhan was her father. It would be feasible to seize Ye Yunhan and threaten Ye Zhenwei.

These people don't understand Ye Zhenwei, and Ye Zhenwei won't worry about Ye Yunhan's life or death.

Even if they catch Ye Yunhan, they can't exchange benefits with Ye Zhenwei.

Therefore, these people did not kill Ye Yunhan the moment they surrounded him, allowing Ye Yunhan to escape.

Qing Wenxu checked the information of these people, and the families of several of them had already published obituaries of their deaths on the Star Network.

The date of death, cause of death, and even the place were clearly written.

There must be some clues in this.

He had people verify their identities.

During the identity verification process, these people said that all the people in their family are not the same person.

Qing and Wenxu were sure they heard correctly.

So Qing Wenxu asked cautiously: "You just said that those people in your family now are not the original ones?"

The other party nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "When we escaped, there was no one at home, and all of them were killed."

They also don't know why these people "resurrected from the dead". They have obviously expired and have lost their vitality.

At the moment, I haven't thought about replicating people, because this is prohibited in the alliance.

Therefore, Qing Wenxu asked people to re-authenticate the identities of these people. Judging from the genetic information, they were indeed the original deities.

As for the resurrection from the dead, they are most likely to be replicants.

Although the genetic information of the clones is exactly the same as the original one, the alliance has developed a very complex algorithm to identify the clones.

In the past, clones could not have the same memories as their original counterparts.

So it is not too difficult to identify them.

As long as they extract a memory from long ago, they can confirm it.

For now, this method should still be feasible.

Unless their memories have been backed up and obtained by the other party.

When Qing Wenxu heard this, he whispered a few words to Chu Xuliang in a low voice. Their expressions were very solemn.

Seeing their expressions, these people from the Tianning galaxy felt that there might be a big conspiracy, but they couldn't figure it out for a while.

Qing Wenxu and Chu Xuliang did not reveal the truth, but asked their people to enter Tianning with special identities to investigate these people.

Look at who they come into contact with.

Again, where was the experiment done?

There are still quite a lot of people in these families in the Tianning Galaxy. If they are all replaced, the other party will definitely have a large laboratory.

The production of replicants must be completed by professional scientific researchers.

The scientific researchers in Tianning Galaxy are capable of completing this experiment. What Qing Wenxu and the two are worried about is that this laboratory will be completed by others.

Qin Hongjun’s people.

Only Qin Hongjun has been insisting on the experiment of human cloning, and whenever he feels that his body is no longer useful or he gets older, he will change his shell.

For him, such an experiment was too difficult.

It is not impossible to produce in large quantities.

The suspicions of these people have not been eliminated for the time being, but Chu Xuliang and the two have not yet put aside all their suspicions.

It was decided to let these people follow the Qing family and the Chu family.

In addition, Qing Wenxu published their feedback information in the system of the Council of Elders.

Make it easier for everyone to talk about.

Because of the previous incident, the Xiwen family's position in the Council of Elders was removed.

Now among the members of the Elder Council, they are basically all trustworthy people.

The alliance has been purged three times. If there are still spies, it can only be said that the other party is really hiding it.

Other members of the Elder Council also felt very heavy after seeing the news.

This is tantamount to worsening the current situation of the alliance.

After seeing that these clones were probably related to the Ye family, several members of the Elder Council had other ideas.

They stubbornly believed that the Qing family and the Chu family deliberately sought out Black Ye Zhenwei in order to prevent Ye Zhenwei from returning to an important position in the alliance.

Qing Wenxu and Chu Xuliang wanted to take apart their heads and take a look. What good would it do to them to prevent a talented warrior from going to a position where she was qualified?

The collapse of the alliance would be a disaster for everyone.

Will they not want the alliance to survive this crisis smoothly?

These two families do not want a war in the alliance more than any other family in the alliance.

Because it means death.

If Ye Zhenwei can really stand the test, there will definitely be a place for her in the alliance.

These people didn't even think about it. Before Ye Zhenwei's suspicion was completely eliminated, they would reuse her. If something went wrong, how would they save her?

Don't be fooled by other people then, give them money back.

Qing Wenxu and Chu Xuliang said harsh words without indicating what these people were thinking, but they all understood what they meant.

Agreed to the current arrangements.

Because Qing Wenxu, Chu Xuliang, the Li family and other elders took a step back.

They all agreed that as long as there were no problems with the investigation of the Tianning galaxy, Ye Zhenwei could return to Tianwei's station.

Qing Wenxu and Chu Xuliang had no choice but to give in. They believed they could get some evidence this time.

If that doesn't work, after Ye Zhenwei returns to Tianwei, they will send people to keep a closer eye on him.

People from the Qing family and Chu family, as well as some alliance guards who had received missions, quietly entered Tianning planet using their special status as members of the alliance.

They went to Yu's house first.

Using the identities provided by those Tianning people, in the name of uniting with other forces to seize territory from the Ye family, he visited Yu Shida, the head of the Yu family.

The Qing family pretended to be Liu Jingbo, the head of another family in the Tianning galaxy.

After knowing that the Liu family wanted to unite with the Yu family, they stopped halfway and took Liu Jingbo elsewhere.

The Liu family had previously sent an invitation to cooperate, but the Yu family ignored it.

This time I came to the door to discuss.

The Liu family didn't know that all the people in the Yu family had changed. They thought that the Yu family was still the same ambitious Yu family as before.

The Liu family is just a small family, and they got a piece of the pie from the chaos in Tianning Star before.

But after Ye Zhenwei returned to Tianning, she was taken back by the Ye family.

The Liu family tasted the sweetness, and the fat they got was unwilling to fly away.

Therefore, they planned to unite with several other families whose power was taken away by the Ye family to find a way to regain the power they had previously occupied.

The Yu family is their first choice for cooperation.

Because the conflict between the Yu family and the Ye family cannot be reconciled, it is known to everyone that the Yu family wants to kick out the Ye family's ambition to become the dominant family.

After the Liu family arrived, the Yu family allowed them to enter the main courtyard.

After meeting, the Yu family was not very enthusiastic, but rather indifferent.

After Liu Jingbo, played by the Qing family, explained his intention, the Yu family said lightly: "I'm sorry, the Yu family and the Ye family are now related. For the sake of the past, you want to kill the Ye family." , I reluctantly cover it up for you, and I won’t do it again.”

Ye Yunhan did not make it public when he recognized Prajna Lan and Lin Rumei, so people in the Tianning Galaxy did not know that the Ye family had several daughters.

It is even more impossible to know that Prajna Orchid and Yu Wensheng are partners.

The Qing family who carried out the mission knew this. They also knew the Yu family's previous plan, but unfortunately it seems to have been ruined so far.

Even so, the reaction of the Yu family was too strange.

Because, from a common sense point of view, it is impossible for Ye Zhenwei to give up the power of the Ye family to Prajna Lan.

She doesn't have that kind of stomach.

In her opinion, these forces in the Tianning galaxy are indeed few and not strong enough, but she has understood that mosquito legs are also legs.

Never give in.

If the Yu family wants more power, they have to fight for it by all means.

They obviously have no plans to do so at the moment.

After hearing this, the Qing family lowered their heads and thought for a moment. All the Yu family's behavior, language and actions were different from the files they kept.

Liu Jingbo, played by the Qing family, showed a surprised look, "Yu family, Yu family's descendant, Pip, Pip, got married, Ye Zhenwei?"

His expression was spot on, he was swallowing hard and speaking with great difficulty and fear.

Because there is only one way to become relatives.

The Ye family has only one daughter.

Apart from this, the rest of the Liu family did not do what he wanted.

If this were the case, it would be unwise for the Yu family to give up the power of Tianning Star in the eyes of the Liu family.

Ye Yunhan's daughter is not so easy to control. Ye Zhenwei's temper is not that good. Even if the other daughters' tempers are stronger than Ye Zhenwei's, they are not much better.

The people of the Yu family felt that the Liu family was being sarcastic, but fortunately they didn't care at all.

After talking about Yu Wensheng and Prajna Lan for a few words, he looked like he didn't want to communicate anymore.

"Liu Jingbo" wisely planned to leave.

The Yu family sent out a seeing-off robot to send Liu Jingbo and others out.

Before leaving, the Qing family and the Chu family looked at each other and saw the signal that the mission was completed in each other's eyes.

They just found a way to put super mini monitors among these people.

Hopefully this new surveillance will have some effect, so that at least they won't become headless flies.

The Liu family left the main courtyard of the Yu family, where someone was waiting to take them out of the Yu family's territory.

After Liu Jingbo and his party left, they went directly back to Liu's house without stopping.

The real Liu Jingbo was also brought back together.

On the way, the real Liu Jingbo already knew the conversation just now in Yujiaen.

He was very puzzled and asked: "Why is the attitude of the Yu family so different before and after?"

The Qing family and the Chu family did not answer too clearly. They only said: "Maybe they have lost their desire for power."

They could see that these clones of the Yu family were designed completely according to the other party's will.

Why the Yu family no longer fights for power can only be said that the master behind them is the Ye family.

A slave will naturally not rebel against his master.

Because the Yu family was so different from before and after, even the Liu family was suspicious.

Liu Jingbo still didn't believe that the Yu family had been in camp for so long and wanted to take Tianning star even if they wanted to give small families like them a small profit, so they would give up like this.

If you don't get the benefits, will you be willing to do so?

Liu Jingbo didn't believe it.

"You already know the reason." Liu Jingbo is still very smart.

These people used his identity to enter the Yu family, which was because they had doubts about the people in the Yu family.

The Qing family and the Chu family don't want to answer this question because they haven't found conclusive evidence that these people are clones.

Even if there are still bones of the real Yu family, they won't find them so quickly.

The Liu family provided convenience for the Qing family, the Chu family, and the alliance guards, allowing them to stay here temporarily and go out under the identity of the Liu family.

The Alliance guards discussed with others and planned to explore Tinian's laboratory.

With so many clones, the experiment was probably completed on Tinian.

Tinian has three large laboratories and six small laboratories.

Nine in total.

Checking each one will be very slow.

But neither they nor the alliance had any better way.

After the Liu family left, the Yu family whispered, "Will anyone see the difference?"

They are actually worried that their identity will be exposed and they will be in a lot of trouble.

If the mission is not completed, they are not far from death.

In their memory, death is a terrible thing.

The other Yu family members were also worried about this. One of them said: "Look for an opportunity to kill the Liu family, otherwise we will be in fear every day."

"Is it that easy?" Others didn't believe it.

Although the Liu family is small, their children are still quite strong.

"What else?" It was difficult for them to agree on their opinions.

After these pseudo-Jade family members successfully accessed their consciousness, they obtained a small part of the Yu family's files.

Nothing major has happened to the Yu family recently, so the data of these Yu family members in the virtual network is a bit blurry.

"Otherwise, find an opportunity to kill them!" This is the most convenient way.

The replicants of the Yu family who were still like blank sheets of paper nodded ferociously in agreement.

As long as they talk about murder and arson, the excitement in their bones will be instantly ignited.

"How to kill?" one of the Yu family members asked.

"This is not easy. How to kill these family heads and their men before, it will be the same this time." He was sure to finish them all.

The head of the Yu family shook his head: "You will expose your secrets like this. The Yu family has been doing things to enhance its reputation. If this happens, all the previous efforts will be in vain!"

He couldn't bear to part with the project he was running.

Neither this nor that will work.

They couldn't figure out the reason for a while.

The Yu family members all sat in the living room with their chins propped up, each expressing their opinions.

Most people prefer the previous approach.

When the decision could not be reached, their terminals showed an incoming message.

It’s really painful not to save the manuscript... I’ll just take a look at it and revise it tomorrow.

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