Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 892 - Return to Tianweixing

The Yu family members all stopped when they heard the sound.

They knew that this was a signal of a mission, and after a moment of silence, the room exploded.

"It's a mission. Come on, look." One of the Yu family members said.

They opened the terminal at the same time, and the same text popped up on the interface.

The mission was written on it. The text only appeared for three minutes before it was completely shattered.

These people recited it silently in their hearts several times, for fear of forgetting.

If they forget, the punishment will make them worse than death.

After everyone was quiet, the current head of the Yu family coughed a few times, and then said: "Now that the mission has come, what do you think?"

They actually have no such experience, and their current memories are extremely confusing.

It seems that there are many people's memories in it.

This results in them often not knowing what they are doing.

Therefore, they will be very nervous when the mission information comes.

Although I had a few minutes to memorize it, I was still worried that I couldn’t remember it clearly.

"It feels like we can't complete this task." said the younger brother of the head of the Yu family.

Others agreed.

"Tell me what the difficulty is." The head of the Yu family rubbed his brows.

The mission just now was for them to find a way to obtain the genetic information of the citizens of Tianning within a month.

There are three billion people on Tinian, including humans and other intelligent races.

They have to get close to each other silently to get it. After getting the genetic information, they have to kill the originals before making the clones.

Although they can do it, one month is simply not enough time.

It is quite difficult to quietly steal citizens' genetic information without alerting Tianning officials.

Before this, although the image of the Yu family was not as good as that of the Ye family, their reputation among the citizens was not bad.

If they hit rock bottom all of a sudden, it won't be helpful for their future tasks.

It still takes time to take down the entire Tianning Star and hold it in your hands.

However, it was only given one month.

One of them said gruntingly: "At this time, I cannot guarantee that the area I am responsible for can be completed 100%."

Not all the citizens of Tianning are helpless. On the contrary, the citizens of Jingsu know how to defend themselves to some extent.

Although the mental strength level does not meet the requirements for service, it is not at all.

Everyone is proficient in martial arts.

Unless they can steal genetic information from citizens in their sleep.

Otherwise, a battle is inevitable.

If there is a fight, Tianning officials will know about it.

The risk is simply too great.

They had just obtained a body and did not want to die again so soon.

This task above is too demanding.

But I dare not not do it.

Because they are people who can be replaced at any time.

After staying in that dark box for so long, thinking that they would never see the light again, no one would want to go back.

If the mission is not completed, they may not have a chance to go back.

The head of the Yu family: "Everyone should know that even if it cannot be completed, it must be completed."

Everyone else knows what this means.

"In this case, there are many people like us in the intelligence we obtained before. Should we unite with them?" said the younger brother of the head of the Yu family.

I’m just afraid that these people won’t want to cooperate.

Everyone is used to being alone, and many people no longer like teamwork.

They are a bit like wild horses running wild at the moment.

There are several families who underestimate the power of their superiors and think they are truly free.

Little does he know that all this is the price to pay for "rebirth".

They no longer know who they were during their lifetime, which galaxy they lived in, what occupation they once held, and whether they have parents or family members...

It is very likely that the weapons in their hands will be swung at their relatives.

But, there is no choice.

They want to live.

Only by living can you possibly find this answer. If you find the answer in the future and find that you have really committed such a crime, let's talk about it then.

It doesn't make sense for them to consider this at the moment, and it's more important to save their lives first.

"How to convince them?" The words of the head of the Yu family stopped the others.

You look at me and I look at you, I can’t think of a better way.

"How about we take action at night?" We can only do it secretly.

"Not even at night. Tianning Star's surveillance is too powerful, and the hiding place is hard to detect." The Yu family is obviously very experienced.

He went out at night to find some excitement, but the next day he saw his photo in a gossip section on the Tianning Star forum.

High-definition 360° without blind spots, you can see clearly.

It was clear what he wanted to do.

It almost made him want to crawl into the mud and reshape himself into a new body.

The Yu family has been arguing, and they know it is a waste of time.

In desperation, they had no choice but to try to contact several other families who knew the situation.

Ten were contacted and only five responded and agreed to act together.

There was a family with several children working in medical hospitals, and they decided to start here.

Dress up as a medical staff here and take care of the patients first.

The information here is best obtained.

After getting it, he immediately gave it to the person sent by the superior.

They did not ask where the information was finally sent, it was just the same as their "birth".

Although the alliance was aware of what happened in the Tianning galaxy, it still could not find any evidence related to Ye Zhenwei.

After Ye Zhenwei returned to Tianning, she withdrew all the close guards. She didn't even use the robot.

In this way, the Qing family and the Chu family could not find anything unusual about her.

Ye Zhenwei is nowhere to be found in the online world where it is easiest to expose someone's secrets.

It was like she was cut off from the world.

I have no contact with any of my former classmates and teammates.

She had never even inquired about her former obsessed Qing Shihao.

It seems like she has matured a lot.

Qing Wenxu and Chu Xuliang thought this was Ye Zhenwei's disguise.

After his own people entered the Tianning galaxy and found the replicator, there was no evidence to prove that it was related to Ye Zhenwei.

They did not find the source of the clones. After they noticed some of the actions of the Yu family, they immediately took measures.

The Yu family's recent missions have been frustrated.

After hitting a wall several times, the Yu family members restrained themselves and decided to act secretly.

Avoid Alliance spies who they view as surveillance.

Qing Wenxu and Chu Xuliang were somewhat silent as they watched the news coming back.

The investigation did not achieve the expected results, and traces of many things were artificially erased.

Now if I check again, I can see that every aspect has been perfected to perfection.

There are still doubts.

Previously, I followed Ye Yunhan's line and wanted to continue investigating, but Ye Yunhan's reaction was super fast this time, and he, the Ye family, and Ye Zhenwei were all picked off.

Ye Zhenwei knew about the Qing family since they entered Tianning, but she didn't do anything.

No one could find anything wrong with her anyway.

Now, she has a good way of dealing with these things in the alliance.

On the surface, it was so refreshing and clean that Qing Wenxu felt that he was being too careless!

He also lamented with Chu Xuliang that if Ye Zhenwei had such a character in the past, she would probably have controlled half of the alliance's power.

Chu Xuliang agrees very much.

Now, they can only hope elsewhere.

When the Qing family in the Tianning Galaxy made a critical investigation, the war in the Tianning Galaxy broke out, and a starship attacked the star port of Tianning.

Explosions resounded across the sky.

Even people on the ground can hear it.

They felt as if the planet was shaking several times.

When the war started, the Elder Council withdrew its spies and asked the alliance guards to go directly to Ye Zhenwei, the top officer of the Tianning station.

Help Tianning survive the crisis.

Alliance guards with a mission entered Ye Zhenwei's team and fought with her.

Monitor her movements by the way.

Ye Zhenwei knew the origins of these people.

She remained calm.

With these people, we fought several beautiful battles.

They are the eyes of the Elders. She did this deliberately to change the inherent perception of the Elders.

Let those who will help her see who is the true warrior who can carry the banner of the alliance.

This trick is obviously very useful.

Qing Wenxu and Chu Xuliang, as well as Li Yuanting's grandfather Li Jinglan, agreed to the previous proposal of the Elder Council.

Fine-tune Ye Zhen to Tianwei and recognize him as Tianwei's highest officer.

Tianwei is the territory she was once familiar with, and Ye Zhenwei plans to get up from here!

At the same time, Qing Wenxu and the others launched the second plan.

Because of Ye Zhenwei's departure, things in Tianning Galaxy were somewhat loosened.

They have obtained the genetic information of nearly fifty families, which have all been replaced by replicants.

As for those who were replaced, they died.

No body can be found.

This development gave the Elders a headache. Coupled with Ye Zhenwei's high-profile return to Tianwei Station, the entire alliance focused on this matter.

Other places will inevitably be ignored.

Qing Zhixun reminded his grandfather and asked him to pay attention to the secret movements of all parties.

This kind of thing is very easy to be exploited.

Why is Ye Zhenwei so high-profile? Firstly, she wants to slap the Elder Council in the face; secondly, she wants to let the citizens of the entire alliance feel her grace.

Just like when she first appeared in the league, she was the brightest star.

Both Qing Wenxu and Chu Xuliang had to admit that Ye Zhenwei's move was very beautiful.

However, neither of them let down their guard.

This deepened their suspicion.

If what happened on Tianning Star was not done by Ye Zhenwei and the Ye family, who else in Tianning Star would be so capable?


It is impossible for Qin Hongjun to come in person.

This series of events left the Senate feeling exhausted.

The First Military Academy brought some relief to the Senate at this time.

Lu Shouyi decided to let the soldiers graduate early and join the alliance guards directly under the jurisdiction of the central intelligence brain to assist in processing work.

After the warriors joined, the Elders heaved a sigh of relief, and the Alliance Guards were no longer short on manpower.

Although it is tiring to bring new people.

But the guards were still full of enthusiasm.

Just when the Elder Council felt that things were a little hopeless, the parasite on Xixiu's side had its final result.

Bian Linchun found a way to extract the parasite's consciousness and successfully performed surgery on Degu.

Let Degu return to his usual appearance.

As for Te Li who gave up his self-awareness and handed over his body to the parasite, Bian Linchun had no choice.

This man's heart is dead.

His desire to live cannot be activated.

There are also many infected people who have this situation. After consulting their families, the league put these people into temporary hibernation.

Wait until the alliance has a better solution, and then extract the consciousness of the parasite.

As for those people who have been affected throughout the alliance, they also have final clues.

The number of people infected is huge.

Even more than the league can afford.

This time the parasite caused considerable losses to the alliance. Some people who could have worked at their posts gave up after being infected.

The Alliance needs to find people to continue their work. The war has broken out and supplies for all parties must be ensured.

This link cannot be suspended.

Otherwise, there will be problems in the operation of the alliance.

Here at Liuning Fortress, the infected soldiers are waiting for the arrival of Bian Linchun's team.

Leisren fell into sleep for some reason. To be precise, he suddenly became dormant. Except for his breathing and pulse, he looked like a corpse.

Qing Zhixun placed Leisren alone in a closed room to simulate the living environment of a parasite.

Instead of using a sleeping cabin, he used an ordinary medical cabin, which had enough nutrient solution to maintain his body's daily needs.

In addition, all the Hovians who had sneaked into Ningkui Star were found.

The Hovians who sneaked into other galaxies also obtained accurate data, and Alliance guards secretly arrested them.

From the Hovian people's mouths, Qing Zhixun learned about the Hovian people's plans.

Xixiu is reminded to pay attention to safety and not let anyone you don’t know approach.

Qing Zhixun speculated that there would probably be several fights specifically targeting Xixiu.

The imprisoned Hovians did not forget to inquire about Xixiu's whereabouts.

They really want this answer.

Several copies of Xixiu's movement trajectory were also found in the Hovian people's terminals.

Even her details are there.

Logically speaking, although Xixiu is already a major general, there are not many major generals in the alliance.

Why just stare at her?

There is no other reason for this, Qing Zhixun doesn't believe it.

The most likely thing is that death will be dangerous, and each of these people intends to have someone support them before they die.

Ah Xian felt very nervous after hearing Qing Zhixun's analysis. Who wants Xi Xiu to die so much?

Except for Ye Zhenwei, she didn't think twice about it.

But Ye Zhenwei couldn't come by herself.

The person behind her should be able to complete this assassination mission for her.

Xixiu knew the seriousness of the problem and was not careless. No matter where she went, she would carry her escape space bond with her.

Ah Xian looked at the calm sky of Ning Kui Star and asked: "Killing and beating, that's all. Why does she always want to kill you."

Xixiu shook her head. If she could understand Ye Zhenwei's brain circuit, she would be a genius!

"Perhaps if we have a chance to meet on the battlefield in the future, I can ask." Xixiu thought that he would definitely meet Ye Zhenwei on the battlefield in the future.

According to the information Jiuxing just obtained, there are many clones appearing on Tianning. The families of these clones have had issues with the Ye family.

He also took over the Ye family’s territory.

Ye Yunhan didn't have the brains to plan this, and Ye Zhenwei probably didn't either, so there must be someone behind them.

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