Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 893 - Unable to advance further

Although the various information received by the alliance is chaotic, the internal order and various transfers are operating in an orderly manner.

After Ye Zhenwei left, the Tianning galaxy was attacked by robots.

The new garrison commander was transferred from other garrison.

He is fairly familiar with the situation on Tianning Star.

He led the soldiers to fight on the front line and stopped most of the robots.

The safety of citizens is still guaranteed for the time being.

The alliance elders put the Yu family and other families under surveillance, which made their actions not smooth. People from the Qing family also discovered their secret actions.

At this point, the replicator project of Tianning Galaxy was exposed.

In the end, the alliance did not find the person behind the scenes.

All the evidence points to Ye Yunhan.

Because Ye Yunhan had hatred for these families, the Ye family's territory had been taken away. After Ye Zhenwei returned to Tianning, although these forces returned to the hands of the Ye family, Ye Yunhan was still unwilling to accept it.

So all these families were wiped out.

Although the evidence points to him, there is still some doubt. Ye Yunhan has no idea who did the experiment.

The laboratory is located in the vast desert of Tianning. Ye Yunhan's terminal has only one visit record, and it was near the laboratory.

It was obvious that he was taking the blame for someone else.

The Senate did not stop investigating the matter, but kept everything secret.

Ye Yunhan was temporarily detained. When conclusive evidence is found, the Elders Council will submit the evidence to the Supreme Court for the Supreme Court to make a ruling.

Not everyone knew about these things, and the Elders locked up all files.

However, when the Council of Elders planned to investigate further, remarks appeared on StarNet that the investigation results of the clones of the Tianning system were unfair, accusing the suspects of not being punished.

The IDs of these people are owned by Alliance citizens, and there are people in every galaxy secretly investigating these people.

They usually go to work and do ordinary jobs, so it is impossible for them to come into contact with the replicator's information.

The Council of Elders set up a special investigation team and conducted a top-to-bottom investigation. Not many people knew the news.

If it wasn't leaked from within the alliance, then it must be the person behind the incident who knew about it.

This man wanted to kill Ye Yunhan.

Since he knows this matter, this person must know that although there are many doubts about Ye Yunhan, the evidence is not enough to sentence him to death, and even the sentencing standards are not met.

The person behind it is too anxious.

After some investigation, the alliance finally got some clues.

Starting from the IDs of these people, we checked all their star network traces and the places they often visited in the virtual network.

Got a piece of data.

These people have all been to a virtual store.

The store mainly sells all kinds of weird handicrafts. After you take a fancy to the virtual network, the other party will mail them directly to you by paying the star coins.

The handicrafts in the virtual network are all scanned and put on the shelves in real life, and the restoration is 100% authentic.

The alliance cracks down on counterfeit goods very hard. Once a counterfeit product is found, the entire store will be removed from the shelves, and the seller will have his contribution points deducted.

Few contribution points will affect the application and payment of various benefits.

In addition, their various outing benefits after retirement will be limited.

Even when they apply for a house, they will be restricted.

Upon reaching a certain level, there will also be sentencing.

There is zero tolerance for the sale of counterfeit products.

Through this line, the alliance traced the IDs of all citizens who entered the store.

After comparing everything in their lives, they finally found a very obscure clue. This store was related to Ye Zhenwei's teacher Yuan Chuhong.

As long as the alliance can find that Ye Zhenwei and Yuan Chuhong are still in contact, they can find more clues.

This would allow Ye Zhenwei to leave Tianwei again, or directly monitor her.

Yuan Chuhong is Qin Hongjun's biological child, who disappeared after escaping from the alliance.

He should have returned to Qin Hongjun's hometown.

If Ye Zhenwei still has contact with him, after these clues are put together, other members of the Elder Council must give in.

Qing Wenxu joined several other elders to apply for a secret investigation team to go to the planet where this store is located.

It would take more than ten days at the earliest before any useful information could be sent back. During this period, the Council of Elders did not relax its observation of Ye Zhenwei.

Looking back at Ye Zhenwei, she knew that the alliance had not given up its suspicion of her, especially the Qing family and the Chu family, two families that disgusted her.

She thought these people were like mad dogs.

He bit her and wouldn't let go, but he didn't have any real skills. He thought these people in Jingsu were ridiculous.

No matter how they checked her, she was clean. Is it possible that they could open her head to check?

She, Ye Zhenwei, was waiting to see these people's jokes, and then she would applaud them properly.

Matters in the Tianning Galaxy were temporarily suppressed, and the Ningkui Star where Xixiu and the others were stationed was attacked for the first time.

In the starry sky, at the point they calculated, a large number of starships driven by robots appeared.

These starships looked in disrepair, and their movements seemed clumsy.

The consumption of long-distance transmission is very huge, and the appearance of these starships is severely damaged during the transmission process.

Xixiu led the soldiers, Liu Ning Fortress, and the local garrison of Ning Kui Star to receive these uninvited guests in the starry sky.

Just blow it up without any discussion.

These robots floated directly into the starry sky after the starship was blown up.

Their arms turned into flying wings, and after turning on the starry sky flight mode, they quickly shuttled through the starry sky.

Xixiu dispatched fighter planes to shoot these robots accurately.

Smash their bodies into the stars.

Logistics personnel will recycle the main programs of these robots and immediately block the signals.

By then, the main programs of these suedes will be sent to the laboratory, and the Alliance has found a way to extract the consciousness from these machine bodies.

The Alliance needs the memories of these robots to find answers.

There are so many robots in the starry sky, which consumes a lot of energy.

Xixiu has obtained the energy boxes of these robots and found that the energy in these robots can last for a year if they do not engage in high-intensity fighting.

The usage time of the robot energy is much shorter than that of the Alliance.

Obviously, the opponent's energy is limited and they do not have high-purity energy stones. Moreover, these energies were lost by the alliance a long time ago.

Qin Hongjun can be regarded as stealing money to fight, and it costs nothing at all.

Arivik kept making "tsk tsk" exclamations, and he said to the ANBU people: "It seems that the other party is still stingy. These robots will not be able to move after the energy is used up. Do they plan to throw away these metals after use?" "

It’s quite unlucky to follow him!

Han Fenglin was very familiar with robots. He looked at the captured robot data and analyzed it before speaking: "Vic, these robots were eliminated by the alliance, and the energy source was also from many years ago. It is already very impressive to have such power and combat effectiveness. Stronger."

This also proves that the opponent's level of transforming robots is quite high.

Arivik said disdainfully: "You are trying to embolden other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige."

After saying that, he fired a round of fire, beating the oncoming group of machines to pieces.

He then stretched out his mechanical claw to sort out the robot's main program and threw it to logistics management.

He moved quickly and kept fighting at the front, defeating more and more robots.

The overall record of the warriors in the Western District was good, and the warriors led by Xixiu over Yuan Ri were no less impressive.

Overall, they held on to the first wave of attacks and did not give the robots a chance to enter the ground.

When they reached the atmosphere of Ningkui Star, they were stopped by the protective shield.

These robots thought they could easily break through the planet's protective shield, but they didn't expect that they encountered an iron plate this time.

Ning Kuixing's protective shield is so strong that it can even absorb the robot's body. Then, the ground and the starry sky shoot at the absorbed robot at the same time.

These robots were quickly shot into sieves, sparks were emitted, and the unique mechanical sound of the robots was heard, "When in danger, the body will be damaged to the tenth level."

The main program is still giving instructions, but their mechanical arms and hands no longer listen.

Ning Kuixing's battle situation was transmitted back to Qin Hongjun's terminal. He changed from his previous irritability and became very calm.

Several of his men were anxious.

But no one dared to speak.

Only the androgynous human next to him dared to tell the truth in front of him.

The rest of the people didn't want to move their heads yet, but this battle also allowed them to see Jingsu's current strength.

There are still two brushes.

Different from the intelligence given by the families they had incited to rebel against, this time Jingsu was remarkable in terms of response, dispatch of troops, distribution of materials and weapons.

Qin Hongjun's men were silent, and a low-pitched voice sounded: "I promised her that I would deal with this person personally."

"Oh, you're the only one with the real eyes." Qin Hongjun raised his eyebrows, with a playful tone, and continued: "Q, you should know her true identity, right?"

The man called Q, judging from his dress, was clearly the Q that Xixiu and Qing Zhixun met on the virtual network.

Q Gujing Wubo glanced at Qin Hongjun, "It doesn't matter if you know, she has nothing to do with me."

As an experimental subject, apart from the fact that he was really strong and could fight with him, there was nothing worthy of his concern.

Identity is something that cannot be taken with you in life or death. He has now looked away from it.

Since merging with another consciousness, he has found a new world.

Qin Hongjun knew that Q was extremely conceited, so it was just right. It was time for him to go out and accept some setbacks, otherwise he would not be able to grow up.

"In that case, let's set out with Wang Xiankun, and remember to do it beautifully." Qin Hongjun raised his hand and pressed the task assignment button.

"Well, there must be good news." Q said and left.

After moving here, he actually liked the environment here better.

This exposes him to the light of the star and makes him feel alive.

Not the walking corpse in the dark underground ice city.

Qin Hongjun was actually very unhappy when he saw him leaving with extremely elegant steps.

I made a decision secretly in my heart.

When Q comes back, he'd better give him a big gift.

He really doesn't like this kind of character.

Followers, as long as they have strength.

There is no need to have a temper or judgment, just be a tool quietly, how nice it is.

He has always designed his men in this way, and the birth of Q was an accident.

Therefore, he wanted to straighten out this accident.

Don't let him become someone else's tool.

At the junction of Jingsu, Xueyu, and the Xianri Alliance, a starship with an ordinary appearance and black body suddenly appeared.

As soon as this starship appeared, it was noticed by the central brain.

It has been hit one after another recently, and it doesn't understand how its monitoring ability has become so weak, so it has been monitoring the movements in all directions of Jingsu.

It also researched new transmission methods.

Anvil gave it a piece of data before, which was a model that uses internal radiation in dark areas to transmit data, which inspired it.

It thinks it can use this model to monitor the entire Jingsu star field.

This will be tested.

This starship entered its monitoring range without any chance of dying.

The central brain held his hands and silently memorized the other party's coordinates.

Opening the database, I found that the identification of the starship's main active area had been registered in its system many years ago.

When I pulled it out, I saw that it was a private commercial starship belonging to the Wang family.

He usually carries some passengers and delivers some supplies to his family.

But now, the internal structure of this starship has changed a lot in its scanning system.

It is no longer the internal structure of a commercial starship, this structure already belongs to a military starship.

However, the Wang family did not report it.

Failure to report to the Alliance that they had changed the purpose of the starship.

The central intelligence brain also checked this star field and found that the Wang family did not have a private star in this direction.

So, where did this starship come from, and which galaxy is it planning to go to?

The central brain decided to monitor the ship for the past few days.

Worried that the opponent's starship system would discover itself, the central brain secretly marked the starship so that as long as it was still within Jingsu's star field, it could be traced.

Wang Xiankun was on the starship, sitting on a comfortable blanket made of the fur of the giant star beast, and sighed with satisfaction: "I haven't enjoyed this kind of treatment for many years."

Since his consciousness was successfully stripped away, he has not entered any body.

This person will be walking outside in a human body, and everything will look strange and interesting.

Q looked at his look and sneered in his heart. He thought that this kind of person was too satisfied with the immediate enjoyment and could not achieve anything big.

Luxurious enjoyment will dull a warrior's fighting spirit, and indulgence in pleasure will lead to disaster and progress.

Therefore, Wang Xiankun's strength has not increased over the years, so he implanted a martial arts chip in his brain.

It combines the strengths of each family.

At that time, the battle will be activated directly.

Wang Xiankun thought he could defeat his opponent with one move.

Q felt that his innocence was very similar to that of his old self. At that time, the other consciousness in his body did not know the heights of the world.

Think talent is everything.

In his opinion, such people are extremely pitiful because they will never be able to advance again throughout their lives.

Wang Xiankun patted his side and said, "Come sit here and let's talk?"

Q only moved his feet slightly, but did not sit down. He still stood.

"Say it, I can hear you." Q's voice was like snow in the snowy area, without any warmth.

"I heard that you are very strong, why don't we try a few moves first to get a feel for it." Wang Xiankun suggested.

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