Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 898 -Underestimating the opponent

Li Xianfeng couldn't even reach the level of Q. As for herself, she had never tested her own threshold, so she didn't know whether she could compete with this opponent.

This time, she decided to give it a try.

She clearly realized that this was the only way to capture this person.

Li Xianfeng and Wang Xiankun were fighting, and they also noticed the movement on Xixiu's side.

Wang Xiankun seemed to be aware of his intentions and had been trying to stop him.

Without giving him a chance to leave his attack range, in Wang Xiankun's view, Li Xianfeng was already a piece of meat on his chopping board.

The targeted weapons developed by the base are so easy to use, and all of Li Xianfeng's martial arts moves are loaded into them.

This allowed him to easily decipher Li Xianfeng's various moves.

Li Xianfeng also discovered this problem.

So, this guy planned to cheat.

He opened a set of actions that he made with his central brain when he had nothing to do.

It is also a program that collects the special moves of all martial arts masters in the alliance. The difference is that they added the data provided by Min En.

Therefore, his action program contains the experience of all outstanding Anvil warriors.

This is data that Wang Xiankun cannot obtain.

Just when Wang Xiankun thought he was about to defeat Li Yufeng, Li Yufeng changed his moves and fighting style.

His previous fighting style was more delicate, but now he will become more aggressive and even faster.

Wang Xiankun gasped and dealt with each move one by one. He still had some energy left at the beginning, but after a hundred moves, he clearly felt the difficulty.

With Li Xianfeng's strength, unless he also had a mechanical body, he would not be able to withstand Li Xianfeng's blows.

Li Xianfeng did not take the weapon, but directly used the mechanical arm to transform the weapon.

He turned his right arm into a large mountain axe, and hit Wang Xiankun directly on the back quickly, hard and accurately.

After being hit back and forth by him several times, Wang Xiankun couldn't stand it anymore.

He felt that his internal organs were no longer his, and there was a burning pain in his body.

Wang Xiankun had no choice but to release his battle robot and hide away.

He quickly found the repairing agent and swallowed it all in a few mouthfuls.

The burning sensation subsided a little. He knew that his organs were injured, and if he had hesitated for a few more seconds, he would not be saved.

Li Xianfeng has never been so ruthless, he has always been gentle.

Only in the final battle with the Inquilla people did he show his ruthlessness.

It was also that time that everyone in the alliance realized that their nine-star marshal was no mean persimmon.

Because of this time, the Yinqula Five Galaxy really saw that the Jingsu people also had such a ruthless side.

Wang Xiankun discovered that Li Yifeng truly looked like a "god" after getting rid of his human body.

God of death.

This was the path he had always pursued.

Wang Xiankun's mind went through hundreds of circles at the moment, wondering whether he should also switch to a mechanical body.

In this case, he might also become a "god" like Li Xianfeng.

After Wang Xiankun activated the robot, Li Xianfeng had to fight the robot again.

Wang Xiankun's robot program is extremely complex and includes various combat techniques.

However, Li Xianfeng dealt with it calmly.

Not impatient at all.

The only advantages of robots are speed and strength, both of which Li Xianfeng has no shortage of.

Soon, Wang Xiankun's robot was beaten to pieces by him.

The material of this robot's body is incomparable to his. His body was made by Anweil, and only Anweil ​​has the same material.

Wang Xiankun saw his robot turned into a lump of metal, and felt a little fear in his heart.

He didn't expect that he had been working hard for so long and still couldn't compare to Li Xianfeng.

Is this disparity in strength really just due to talent?

Wang Xiankun was very unwilling.

Li Xianfeng just looked at him lightly and ignored him.

Instead, he was left to Qimang and Wuyuan, or else Ebony.

He himself quickly went to Xixiu's side, and his mechanical eyes could see his vigilance.

Q's mental power surged, and there were not many silver beads left in Xixiu.

When he arrived, Xixiu was about to attack, but stopped after seeing his gesture.

Li Xianfeng sent the message directly to Xixiu's terminal. Seeing his gesture, Xixiu clicked it and took a look.

The text he wrote to Xixiu was a judgment on Q's strength.

Exceeding the alliance's current mental power level, it may be difficult to win today's battle.

Even he is currently unable to reach this level.

Xixiu knew that Li Xianfeng's judgment was very accurate. She would not take risks, but planned to test it out first, and then wait for Axian's Xiaodouhua to end, and join Axian's strength to fight.

This way their chances of winning will be greater.

Although she felt that she should be able to fight with her own strength, she was not 100% sure.

In the few dozen seconds that Xixiu and Li Xianfeng were communicating, Q had already finished handling Xixiu's silver beads and planned to keep her silver beads for his own use.

But he found that the Anweir people's spiritual power was attached to it, and he couldn't remove it.

This spiritual power was not even familiar to him based on his experience.

In Anweil, there are only a few specific Anweil ​​people, and he cannot sense it, nor can he remove what they have blessed.

There are only a few vague legends about the identities of these people.

Q glanced at A Xian not far ahead, with a thoughtful expression.

Isn't it those people who are back?

Now that he is back, it means that the catastrophe in Jingsu was included in the calculations of the Anvilians and Moda people.

From a more mysterious perspective, this disaster was a test for Jingsu.

Whether Jingsu can survive or not depends on the Anweil ​​people. Therefore, this Anweil ​​person must be killed today.

Q decided to solve the three problems in front of him together to save trouble.

He took heavy steps, and his whole body's aura changed a lot.

Like a devil returning from hell.

He stretched out his hand and pointed at a green plant not far away.

Then, the plant withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Both Xixiu and Li Xianfeng could sense a faint breath coming out of the air.

It is the wood attribute of the plant.

Q can not only fuse the consciousness of others, he can also extract the spiritual attributes of plants.

This is something neither Xixiu nor Li Xianfeng has heard of, and the Alliance has no research in this area.

Ah Xian signaled Xixiu and Li Xianfeng to retreat. In her memory, someone in Anweil ​​had done such a risky thing.

It is to absorb the power of everything around you and use it for yourself.

This can quickly improve your mental strength, but the price is also very high.

Extremely harmful to one's own body.

Q is so desperate that he should have a way out.

He wasn't worried about physical damage.

Anyway, for him, it's just a change to a more useful body.

Ah Xian asked Xixiu and the others to retreat because he was worried that they would be captured by Q's mental power.

If they cannot compete with his mental power, some of their mental power will be taken away by Q.

While pulling Xixiu back, she told Xixiu about Anweil's forbidden skill.

After hearing this, Li Xianfeng and Xixiu suddenly realized that Anweil ​​prohibited his tribesmen from using this skill.

Over the years, few Anvilians know this skill.

Even when faced with a crisis of destruction, they did not activate this skill.

Anvilians who know this skill will seal this memory before they die.

After coming out from the place of origin, those sealed memories will disappear.

Xixiu remembered that when she was in the Land of Origin, the consciousness babies had told her some secrets.

One of them is how to quickly improve your strength.

However, they also specifically warned her that she must use it only when it is most dangerous.

If you use it at other times, you will pay an extremely heavy price.

At that time, she wrote down the method, and specifically asked the babies how to crack it if she encountered such an opponent.

As a result, the answer they gave her was: run as far as possible!

Xi Xiu told A Xian and Li Xian Feng the information he had obtained.

Li Xianfeng's steady voice came out: "In other words, we can't win this fight today?"

Xixiu nodded.

Technically speaking, if a person plays against Q, their chances of winning are slim.

Ah Xian had another opinion: "Not necessarily. He is not 100% integrated with another consciousness. This is a loophole."

It is also their only chance to win.

After Xixiu retreated to a safe position, she closed her eyes and used all her mental power to re-perceive. She wanted to find the key.

After dozens of seconds, she suddenly opened her eyes, with bright light shining inside.

Li Xianfeng also quietly checked and found out that Q was unstable.

However, if we use this place as a breakthrough, the chance of winning is not very good.

Ah Xian plans to fight directly with his body.

At critical moments, her body is also a weapon, able to withstand the fierce attack of the enemy's mental power.

Xixiu made a decision quickly, "Senior, I am in the middle, you are on the left, and sister A Xian is on the right. Use the fastest speed to hit him until he goes crazy."

By now, Xixiu was certain that the consciousness Q merged with was Ye Zhenwei's.

As for where Q obtained Ye Zhenwei's consciousness, it was probably the one that the other party backed up from Ye Zhenwei's body when she disappeared.

There is another possibility that this consciousness is Ye Zhenwei himself.

The one who went to Tianwei is the backup.

When Q merged his consciousness before, Xixiu recorded this mental power fluctuation.

I plan to send it back to the alliance after the battle is over, so that the alliance can free up its hands to deal with this problem.

The alliance should have Ye Zhenwei's mental power records, and the results can be obtained by comparing them.

Because no direct evidence was found, the Council of Elders finally agreed to fine-tune Ye Zhen to the Tianwei station.

Tianwei is the energy galaxy of the alliance, and its importance to the alliance is self-evident.

If Ye Zhenwei really has contact with Qin Hongjun, or has completely surrendered to him, it would be very unwise to let her stay in Tianwei.

Li Xianfeng looked at his surroundings and saw a large rock on the left side of Q.

He can use it as a cover and try to create an illusion for Q, and then he can directly attack his rear.

Even if his speed is very sharp and he detects it immediately, he is confident that he can still cause some damage to Q.

After Xixiu's words, the three people ran wildly in the direction of their goals.

Q didn't panic at all when he saw three people joining forces, as if these three were already top-notch beings in the alliance, but in his eyes they were just tools that could be chopped into pieces in one go.

He slowly opened his hands, flattened them, palms upward, closed his eyes and released all his mental power.

In the air, his spiritual power is everywhere, like a net that has been opened.

Wait for the fish to take the initiative to get in.

All he had to do was close the net.

Xixiu was in the middle position and quickly entered the range where Q's mental power was strongest.

She also released her spiritual power, covering her body from top to bottom.

Q's mental power can only revolve around the outer layer of her mental power.

It did not directly destroy Xixiu's consciousness area as he had expected.

On the contrary, he found that he was a little unsteady on his feet under the combined strength of the three of them.

The mental power that attacked him first was very pure, and very similar to the trajectory of the Anweir people's mental power.

Q rolled his eyes and looked at A-Xian. The mental power just now seemed to have no effect on her.

In Anvil, only the eldest princess has such strength, but Q knows what the eldest princess is like.

This blond-haired Anvilian with golden eyes is still underage, so there are many things she probably doesn’t know.

Q decided to take her down first.

When he turned the focus of his mental attack to A-Xian, A-Xian's mental power all hit Q like a majestic rain.

A-Xian's attack speed reached his limit, and Q found that he had underestimated his opponent.

He was surrounded by three different spiritual powers.

Taking advantage of this free time, Xixiu found his silver beads again.

He attached his mental power to the silver beads and rubbed them gently.

When these silver beads were attacked by Q before, the mental power remaining inside the silver beads resisted and disappeared without a trace.

Xixiu plans to make some again later and keep them for later use.

Li Xianfeng successfully bypassed Q's left side and went to his rear position.

Seeing this, Xixiu changed direction and filled Li Xianfeng's position.

In this way, the three people surrounded Q, and it was up to him to see who was the fish.

Q didn't even raise his eyes, but his mental output was even stronger.

The three people in Xixiu put away all their carelessness and suppressed it with all their strength.

The three people formed a fighting barrier, and Q maintained a high-intensity battle, which gave Xixiu and them a chance.

Q tried his best to absorb the power of many plants and turned it into his own use.

Xixiu knew his intention and thought of a way to capture Q's mental energy that was not being used on the battlefield.

Although not much, these mental powers are enough for Q to obtain external information.

Q didn't expect the other party to be so decisive.

He re-evaluated his opponent's strength in his mind.

The opponent picked one out of three, and he was the only one.

There has to be something ruthless.

Q suddenly changed the direction of his body, jumped into the sky, and escaped from the place surrounded by three people.

Suspended in mid-air.

Looking down at these three people.

Then, Xixiu keenly noticed something was wrong.

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