Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 899 -Answer given

Xixiu discovered that the environment around them had undergone subtle changes.

The most shocking thing is that Q's mental power is connected to someone unknown.

A vortex appeared around him.

This reminded Xixiu of the scene when he and Qing Zhixun fell into the artificial star.

A whirlpool suddenly appeared around it, growing from small to large very quickly.

Ah Xian frowned, this situation was unexpected to her.

Li Xianfeng had never encountered such a thing. Wu Jingyang, who was on the other end of the video call that Ah Xian had been communicating with before, gave the answer:

Wu Jingxian, you must be careful not to be touched by his vortex, otherwise space distortion may occur.

In addition, there should be a device on his body, otherwise, mental power alone would not be able to create space distortion.

Everyone knows that mental power can create whirlpools, but they also know that although mental power is powerful, it still cannot reach the point of directly breaking through the void.

It must use auxiliary technological means, so Q must have such an instrument.

Li Xianfeng vigilantly dispersed the vortex closest to him.

If this vortex gets bigger and bigger, I really don’t know where they will be taken.

This man obviously wanted to fight in another place because it was not good for him here.

He wanted to separate Xixiu from them, and then deal with Xixiu alone!

Li Xianfeng quickly made calculations and judgments, and Axian also realized this after seeing the whirlpool.

Xixiu knew it even more clearly.

She defeated the whirlpools around her one by one without letting them get bigger.

Q watched the vortex he created being dispersed, not in a hurry.

He has plenty of time.

No one else will come here.

The opponent's starship will now be surrounded by his "people".

He also imitated the other party's shielding of the starry sky. Even if there were reinforcements, it would take a long time to break through.

Just in time to try out the new shielding equipment developed by Qin Hongjun.

Q walked in the direction of Xixiu with brisk steps.

He held the spear in his right hand and placed the spear on his right shoulder. His temperament was a bit lazy and he didn't look threatening at all.

It looks like I'm imitating someone.

Axian asked the Night Soul Grass to stop Q's steps, and then asked the Night Soul Grass to drag Wu Mu to Xixiu after the battle.

She was worried about an accident.

If she and Xixiu were separated by each other, she would feel more at ease with Wu Mu around.

Q's expression at this moment was as if he had a winning ticket.

When he was still ten meters away from Xixiu, he suddenly changed direction.

His weapon stabbed A Xian diagonally. Xi Xiu was not distracted, but mobilized all his mental power.

She carefully discerned the changes around her, and when she noticed something unusual, she took action decisively.

I saw many small whirlpools appearing continuously around her, all of which were broken up by her.

At this moment, Q suddenly broke out.

Separating the places where Li Xianfeng, Axian and Xixiu were.

The three of them immediately fought back, preventing him from succeeding.

Then they quickly reunited.

Xixiu even used his best strength to directly force Q back.

Q slid for a full three meters before using his right foot to steady his body.

The blow Xixiu gave just now shocked him.

He could feel the changes in the air. Although his mental power was endless, he could not withstand the opponent's attack.

He was the most talented spiritual powerhouse, but he was forced to retreat by an insignificant human being.

His memory told him that it was impossible for humans to have such mental power.

Even though the experimental subjects injected with the M virus designed by Qin Hongjun could reach 3S in initial talent, their later development had been restricted.

It can only reach the peak of 3S at most.

It is not impossible to achieve 4S or above, but the opportunity is too difficult to get.

Therefore, Q and another consciousness agreed that it was Wu Jingxian who gave Hong Xixiu the mental training method in private.

Judging from Hong Xixiu's growth trajectory, it is likely that she got the practice method when she went to Anweil ​​to practice.

Did the Anweir people really violate the ancestral precepts left by their ancestors and inform humans of spiritual power training methods?

If this is the case, he must represent the will of his ancestors and eradicate Anvil's betrayers!

If Ah Xian knew what he was thinking, he would definitely step forward and shoot left and right.

He betrayed his ancestors first, and still has the nerve to represent his ancestors' will?

Q's mind wandered several times. After standing still, he held his spear and fought with Xixiu.

Both of them were very fast, and A-Xian could only barely see the figures of the two of them.

Only Li Xianfeng, Wuyuan and Qimang could clearly see their movements.

Ah Xian was anxious: "Senior, how about Xixiu? Can you win?"

Li Xianfeng's mechanical eyes have been following the two people. He turned off the eye closing program just to keep up with Xi Xiu's figure.

He said calmly: "At present, the two of them are tied. I just don't know if Q has any back-ups."

Xixiu's movements were fast and precise, without any hesitation.

Her character is much stronger than his before. This must be the first time she has faced such a powerful enemy, and she handled it very well.

On the other hand, the opponent who had been following Xi Xiu closely and never missed any opportunity to attack had made several mistakes in his attacks.

Ah Xian was somewhat relieved to hear this.

You can actually hear the ups and downs in Li Xianfeng's tone: "What's going on with the consciousness of this Q body?"

Ah Xian thought for a moment before replying: "It's no different from other intelligent creatures. Anvil will also make discordant sounds."

This consciousness should be that of the runaway.

They are different from the green betrayers. These people do not agree with Anvil spending such a high price to maintain the peace of this star field.

They believe that Anvil only needs to protect his own habitat, and humans and other intelligent creatures have nothing to do with them.

They should be left to fend for themselves.

However, Anvil protects this star field not only because of other intelligent creatures.

Because this is their home.

This star field is their habitat.

Anvil has thrived here for millions of years since recorded history.

Not only other intelligent creatures are nostalgic for their home planet, but also the Anvilians.

The last time some nobles in Anweil ​​wanted to go out to explore a place suitable for Anweil ​​people to live, Liu Jia and Wu Jing suddenly did not stop them because the current situation in Jingsu was indeed not optimistic.

Let these people look for it, firstly, so that they can have a way out in the future, and secondly, so that they can stop their desire to move.

Each of them is very clear about the harsh conditions of the Source Land.

Although it can be produced with Anvil's technology, the cost will be very high.

There is also an element of uncertainty.

That is, after rebirth, will the conscious babies born in the new place of origin be the same as the Anvilians before?

No one can say for sure.

Neither humans nor other species know these things. This is Anwil's secret.

After hearing what A Xian said, Li Xianfeng understood.

He emphasized his tone: "How many are there?"

A-Xian calculated in his mind: "No less than 20,000."

This number of words was calculated five hundred years ago. In the following hundreds of years, no runaways were born in Anvil.

Li Fengfeng knew to some extent Anweil's reproduction method, "Since the beginning of your people, there have been more than 20,000 fewer people. Have some of them disappeared completely?"

A Xian nodded: "After they went to the Star Gate, they used their own power to fill the restlessness of the Star Gate and calm the Star Territory."

Although the two people were talking, they were always paying attention to Xixiu's movements.

After Wumu was called back by Yehuncao, she wrapped herself tightly around Xixiu's waist.

Then, it stretched out its branches and beat Q's body hard, almost causing Q to vomit blood.

Q focused all his energy on the battle, and he didn't bring any robots.

It's because of disdain.

He himself is the most powerful.

I didn't expect to encounter an iron bucket.

The information received by others was too inaccurate. If he could not complete the task, he would have to make new plans when he returned.

The other consciousness in his body is also thoughtful. After being fused, it still has its own ability to think independently, but its power is used uniformly by one person.

It remembered that when it fought with her, the other party did not burst out with such powerful mental power.

Ten years have passed since the battle. Is it possible for a person to break through to such an extreme level in ten years?

Even with its talent, it can't even do it. How can a human body carry such a powerful force?

It remembers that it almost collapsed.

The opponent's speed is getting faster and faster, and it can't help it think anymore.

The spiritual power of the two consciousnesses twisted together and then dispersed.

People were heading straight towards Xixiu from all directions.

The mental power is like an arrow piercing the sky, and thousands of arrows are fired in unison, Xixiu doesn't care.

She knew the ebony could handle it.

She focused all her attention on Q, wondering if there was any flaw.

Because she could sense that the other party's mental power was extremely unstable, which she could tell from the speed at which he swung his gun.

After the close combat, Q shortened his spear.

It's about the same length as Xixiu's long knife, and can spring back to its original length at any time.

Xixiu held the knife in his right hand, and when Q's speed slowed down, he exerted force, and the blade directly struck Q's right arm.

I don't know why Q didn't avoid it.

Xixiu was worried that he might have a back-up move, so he retreated immediately after succeeding in the attack.

Q didn't expect her temperament to be so wary.

The original plan was to deliberately sell it out.

Because he was sure that the young warrior could not withstand the joy of victory and would attack further. In this case, his opportunity would come.

Q still understands human beings.

He had only been away from the big environment of Jingsu for a few years, and he had dealt with humans before.

The other consciousness in his body is also a human being, a fool who rushes in and doesn't know how to use tricks. He has no talent.

In his memory, the Anvilians did not like to deal with humans very much.

Because in their perception, human beings are too cunning.

This young human being is this kind of person now. He is cunning and very difficult to deal with.

He also secretly learned Anweil's secret skills.

Xixiu could tell from the obvious change in Q's expression that this was another creature that hated humans for some unknown reason.

After humans came to this star field, the real wars started by humans can be counted on one hand.

The other wars were started by the five galaxies and other intelligent species.

Human beings have always contributed their modest efforts to the safety of Jingsu with those races that hope for peace.

There was only one large-scale war against Anvil, and it was initiated by humans regardless of the circumstances.

At that time, mankind also learned a painful lesson, and since then, mankind has never crossed the line again.

Xixiu admits that some humans are too ambitious, but why don't other species have such ambitions?

Since he hated human beings so much, why did he seek refuge with Qin Hongjun?

Shouldn't he kill Qin Hongjun directly and use his own strength to build a world with only Anvirson?

Q looked at the opponent who had left his best attack range with a complicated expression.

The two of them didn't say a word the whole time, but Xixiu had already guessed 80% to 90% of Q's psychology.

Q, on the other hand, doesn't know his opponent well, so so far, he has lost his advantage in this battle.

He originally planned to drag her to another place to fight alone and kill her so that he could retreat after completing the task, but he didn't expect that God's fate is not as good as fate.

Q took a look at his opponent's long sword and found out the moves for weapons like the cracking knife in his memory.

A few seconds later, he headed towards the curve to the right of Xixiu's direction.

After Xixiu saw his trajectory, she moved in the opposite direction to him.

This time both of them were very slow, looking for the most suitable opportunity to attack.

All the spiritual power was radiated.

Q felt that he had never fought with such powerful mental power.

Since arriving on this planet, his mental power has been in a high-functioning state without rest.

I actually felt a little tired at this moment.

He placed a piece of metal on his wrist in the air, half-floating, and then used his mental power to direct the weapon to cut the piece of metal into individual needle-like individuals.

After cutting, these needles automatically came to Xixiu, intending to capture the silver beads.

The silver beads around Xixiu's body gave off a dazzling light, which dazzled Q's eyes.

For her, the silver beads are her guardians, and she cannot act rashly until there is a critical moment.

Q's metal needle was cut quickly, and it was sprinkled on Xixiu like cow hair.

The ebony vines keenly sensed the changes in the air outside. It grew more vines, intercepted the opponent's metal needles, and threw them into the temporary net bag it had just woven.

Ah Xian and Li Xianfeng felt a little relieved when they saw this scene. Ah Xian said bluntly: "Should we go and help?"

Li Fengfeng did not move, and only said: "Please carefully examine the changes in the air. We have a new opponent."

A Xian raised his head, his golden eyes taking in the entire blue sky.

Something is indeed wrong.

After Q discovered that there was a deviation in his calculation results, he sent the route back to the base.

There will definitely be people over there to support you.

When he came out, he didn't bring many fighting machines. If the opponent was prepared, they would have to make a new plan.

Among the people sent by Qin Hongjun, several were powerful warriors.

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