Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 900 - Taking advantage of him

They once fought side by side, although no one knew each other anymore.

However, in his vague memory, there was still a trace of familiarity with the same kind of people.

After a long time, they came back to life in another way.

Then, we will carry up the previous banner.

Humans will never be allowed to continue to roam freely in this star field.

Nor will he become a fool who sacrifices himself and dedicates his life for humans and other living things.

Qin Hongjun was using them, so he was using him.

Until the end, who knows who will control this star field.

If Qin Hongjun got it, he would just take it back.

He already knew Qin Hongjun's lifeline.

Killing him shouldn't be a problem then, and he can reap the benefits.

A Xian and Li Xianfeng watched as the black dots falling in the sky got bigger and bigger, and they were running directly towards them.

If they don't deal with these people, there will be no reinforcements from Xixiu.

A Xian took the initiative to meet him and started fighting with him in mid-air.

This planet was blocked by Q using powerful mental power and instruments.

People who are restless can't get in.

Their instruments can't break through Q's mental barrier unless she takes the time to give command.

After Q's people arrived, he set up a blocking barrier between himself and his opponent.

In this way, he can concentrate on dealing with his "enemy".

Others can't come in, but he can go out. This is his home court.

After killing this Jingsu woman, Q decided to reward himself.

His thoughts went round and round...

Xixiu had been holding the long knife tightly since the black spot appeared, and did not dare to let go.

She knew very little about her opponent, and A-Xian's words didn't have enough time to explain it too deeply.

She just knew that the runaways were very extreme and had natural hostility towards humans.

They believe that in order for this star field to continue to survive, it must kill more humans and other viable species, and then concentrate the energy and distribute it as needed.

For the runaways, killing humans has not changed since humans came here and took root in this star field.

Therefore, the person in front of him must want to kill himself.

at all costs.

Xixiu's hand holding the knife showed blue veins. When Q's spear was about to get close to her, she ducked sideways. The ebony vines entangled Q's spear and threw it to another place.

Done in one go.

Neither man nor plant hesitated.

After Q was thrown out by the alien plant, he took out other weapons and took the opportunity to scatter a kind of powder.

Xixiu used an instrument to capture the powder in the air, and found that she had never seen it before, and there was no clear record of such a thing in the system.

Just looking at the ingredients, this powder should inhibit xenografts.

Can slow down the movement of alien plants.

In severe cases, it may even cause the heterogeneous plant to go into hibernation and may never wake up again.

This guy knew his true identity and the existence of Ebony, so he brought the potion here.

The existence of the alien plant will increase her strength by three levels. Q is very aware of the ability of the alien plant.

Therefore, the foreign vegetation must be disposed of.

It can't be killed, but it can make alien plants unwilling to fight.

Xi Xiu gave Wu Mu a ray of spiritual power to help him survive.

It won't hurt its combat system.

Q didn't expect that at this juncture, she would still take care of the alien plant.

So, this alien plant follows a human so wholeheartedly?

Just this little ambition?

What any Anvilian can do is actually be treasured by a plant.

What a shame.

After Xixiu took care of Wu Mu's matter, he took the initiative to attack again.

She directly attacked Q's right arm, but he blocked it.

After attacking like this dozens of times, Xixiu silently dispersed all his mental power, and while Q wasn't looking, he directed the silver beads to attack the back of his head.

This position should be Q's weak point, and he can't take care of it when he is busy.

Hundreds of silver beads were used, and finally more than ten successfully reached the back of Q's head.

His mental power blocked some, but not all, because it was a little late when he noticed it, and his opponent quickly attacked in front.

Finally, the embroidered silver beads scratched the skin on the back of Q's head, and blood was visible.

After the hit, Xixiu quickly moved behind Q.

Then, Xixiu discovered that his skin healed automatically without any repair agent.

The blood stains also disappeared completely.

This body has a strong ability to automatically repair itself, even more powerful than the bodies of Anvilians.

Xixiu knew he was strong.

Unexpectedly, even without protective clothing, his body is still a weapon.

After pondering for two seconds, Xixiu decided to try again.

The air around her formed cyclones, flying towards Q's position like lightning.

One cyclone brought out another one, densely packed and countless.

Q frowned.

Why is this move so similar to the one he used just now? Can he do it to this extent even if he is learning it now?

No matter how noble Q is, he will now start to look directly at his opponent.

However, it seems it's too late.

His opponent does not want to divide this space, but wants to put himself into the center of the cyclone.

Use the power of the cyclone to destroy your body.

When he discovered it, he was already surrounded by cyclones.

Q concentrated on using his mental power to defeat the surrounding cyclone.

But I found that it's not that easy.

But before, his opponent easily broke through his vortex.

She could do it, but why he couldn't do it made Q unbelievable.

Because it means a possibility.

A conclusion that he really didn't want to believe.

That is, the opponent's mental power is much higher than his.

Hidden in his consciousness, if the fused consciousness could control the body, it would definitely grit its teeth.

Neither consciousness believed in their opponent, and their mental power level exceeded theirs.

The capital that Q is proud of is his own strength, but at this moment, he cannot break through the mental attack set by the opponent with his own strength.

Xixiu's cyclone had already approached Q and surrounded him.

She had improved this move, and Chen Yuzong was also defeated by this move.

It seems that Chen Yuzong inspired her.

Only then did she discover that the effect of using mental power in this way would be doubled.

Q's arm was brushed by the cyclone, and blood stains immediately appeared.

Although his recovery speed is fast, he cannot withstand too many cyclones around him.

Before he could fully recover, he was scratched again by the cyclone. After this continued for several times, Q's arm was bruised.

Bloody, blood dripped down his wrist to the ground, and black smoke actually rose from the ground.

Xixiu collected all this data and packaged a copy of Q's blood.

When the time comes, she will give one to the Alliance, one to Anweil, and she will also give one to Moda.

Mary Anne is still in Ning Kuixing's laboratory and has not left.

Let her bring the data back.

After hurting Q, Xixiu knew that this method was completely feasible.

Surrounded by her, Q could not use his mental power at all.

This is also the reason why he is clearly aware that his level is lower than that of his opponents.

There were gradually more wounds on Q's body, but he didn't care at all. Instead, he spoke with the utmost care, "How did you do it with a human body?"

The tone was the same as before, arrogant and arrogant.

Xixiu did not answer his question. No one stipulates that he must answer when others ask him.

Don't pay any attention to your opponent's words.

Q's voice continued: "Don't you feel ashamed that you stole Anweil's things? You covet things that don't belong to you. Your character is so low. It's really like a joke that Jingsu would entrust you with such an important task."

How could such a dog spit out ivory from its mouth?

Xixiu carefully directed his mental power to maintain the previous attack speed and ensure that Q could be hit hard at every gap.

He didn't want to answer such a retarded question at all, until Q reluctantly spoke again. This would be a direct greeting to Xixiu's biological mother.

Xixiu has no memory of her mother, but Wei Lanshan spent so much energy just to fulfill her wish.

This gave her reason to believe that her biological mother was a very attractive person.

Although her life was short and she never made any contribution to the alliance, no one else could bear to be scolded so harshly even though she was already dead.

Xixiu didn't want to argue with him, so she directly increased her mental attack.

Q finally felt the pain in his body. He frowned and slowly released his mental energy.

The reason why he was scolding him just now was because he intended to distract his opponent.

Unexpectedly, stealing the chicken will end up losing the rice.

The other party is not affected at all.

Instead, the force of the attack was increased.

Thousands of cyclones roared and rolled around Q, and gradually, he was wrapped in the center of these cyclones.

As long as he breaks through his defense, Xixiu is confident that he can turn him into a pulp.

The cyclone divided his body bit by bit, his palms were cut off, and his arms were missing...

Q didn't sit still.

He activated the backup of his consciousness and transmitted his consciousness back to the hotbed through the network he had just set up.

Xixiu only intercepted a small piece of data, which overlapped with what he had obtained before.

Q is a noble person with a special sense of crisis. He will retreat immediately if he finds something is wrong.

Before his body collapsed, he left a message: See you next time, I hope you can still laugh like this.

Xixiu knew what he was referring to.

It's just that he already knows all her fighting techniques and routines.

Next time I fight, I won't have this kind of "good luck" again.

Qin Hongjun was still surprised to see Q's consciousness reappearing in the hotbed.

He is very aware of Q's level and strength. Otherwise, Q's body is also a good weapon. How could he lose his body without it?

After Q's consciousness returned to the hotbed, Qin Hongjun went to the laboratory.

There was a researcher there who was not very tall and wore sterile clothing.

The short one saw Qin Hongjun and taunted him directly: "Is this the invincible and powerful warrior you call?"

Without even figuring out the other party's true strength, he felt that he would be able to win over him.

As a result, none of them could get close.

Qin Hongjun scolded him: "You might not be able to enter that planet even if you try to point it out."

"Tch, you think everyone is you, except fighting." Qin Jian did not expect that he and his other consciousness could communicate so calmly.

Initially, I wanted to kill this consciousness because I didn’t want it to become a stumbling block for me.

Unexpectedly, after he left, he completed all his previous plans and exceeded them a lot.

Qin Hongjun stopped talking and found Q's consciousness.

Qin Jian still had a blank body in his hand. After finding it, Qin Hongjun said, "Do me a favor and put it in."

Qin Hongjun processed Q's consciousness data and copied his previous battle data before giving it to Qin Jian.

After Qin Jian was rescued by him, he has been helping him with experiments in the laboratory.

Since his arrival, Qin Hongjun feels that many of his projects have made breakthroughs.

Qin Jian is really talented and knowledgeable.

It has not been abandoned for so many years.

After arriving at the laboratory, Qin Jian first made himself a blank body.

He was tired of copying himself over and over again, but the strength of his body did not improve.

Unlike these newly made bodies, you can inject whatever genes you want into them.

As long as the body you get is strong enough.

He realized that he had a lot of backups, and even Qin Hongjun might not be able to find them.

After regaining his freedom, he will find a way to get it all back.

Naturally, the little Jiujiu in Qin Jian's heart could not escape Qin Hongjun's eyes. He was very familiar with himself who once shared the same body.

"I have added several variables to this blank body, so the fighting speed will be faster." Qin Jian looked at the map of the new body and immediately came to a conclusion.

"Okay, let him kill that woman after he has integrated his new body." Qin Hongjun did not believe that the second generation of Q would be inferior to the previous one.

He has improved many things. This body will be a warm, explosive human weapon.

During the few minutes that Qin Jian and Qin Hongjun were talking, Q was completely awake.

I also heard some of their conversations.

Q remained motionless and listened to everything that happened between the two of them in private.

Neither Qin Hongjun nor Qin Jian noticed that he was awake.

Qin Hongjun: Where do you place the loopholes in this body?

In order to facilitate control, Qin Hongjun loaded a program into each blank body.

No matter how high the level of mental power entering the body is, it cannot be detected.

I will just think that this thing grows naturally, and after a long time, I will become accustomed to it.

After hearing this now, Q deeply despised these two people who only looked at immediate interests.

As for the location where the program was placed, he had already found it.

Qin Jian's voice reached Q's ears, "You are so cruel. If they know this, will they still sacrifice their lives for you?"

Qin Hongjun snorted: "Their memories are gone, how can they still tell what is in their bodies."

Qin Jian didn't want to refute, this understanding might be arrogant.

He didn't know that there would be some other minor problems after his consciousness changed his body.

For example, memory loss, slow reaction, like to fight, even to the point of fanaticism for fighting.

It wasn't until there was a "buzzing" sound in his ears that Q felt that he was alive again.

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