Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 901 - Uncertainties

The resurrected Q only retained the memory of battles and skills. When his consciousness stayed in the hotbed, Qin Hongjun discovered some uncertain factors.

These factors were easily eliminated.

When Q woke up, he always felt that he had forgotten something important.

The other consciousness that merged with his consciousness was still sleeping.

He is now unable to use the mental power of two consciousnesses at all.

Q was still a little confused when he woke up. After getting familiar with it for a while, he gradually regained consciousness.

He saw Qin Hongjun and a short man whom he had never seen before.

"Are you awake? You failed in this battle." Qin Hongjun's tone was very calm, but Q's heart told him that Qin Hongjun was already on the verge of rage.

"Yes, I underestimated the opponent." Q briefly recalled the previous battle, and he did not accurately estimate the opponent's strength.

Qin Hongjun raised his eyebrows: "With your spiritual power level, you can fuse with another talented warrior and you are not able to defeat a human?"

He didn't quite believe this.

He still knew the level of Jingsu's warriors, but Hong Xixiu's strength could not exceed that of the Anweil ​​people.

Even if it exceeds, it cannot exceed too much. He is very clear about Q's strength.

This man used to be a fighter.

His strength is far higher than that of ordinary Anvil warriors, and with the other consciousness in his body, he should be invincible.

His words left Q speechless.

"That's the fact. I don't know what went wrong." Q completely ignored Qin Hongjun's questions.

He was thinking about the previous battle.

In the end, the opponent's mental cyclone defeated his body. He was wrapped in the cyclone and could not struggle out.

Finally turned into powder.

This time, he truly felt the fear of death.

That kind of panic that he knew he was going to die but couldn't save himself no matter what. Even if he was as experienced in fighting as he was, he could only watch his body being destroyed.

Fortunately, when he placed the blocking program on the other party, he disconnected the other party's equipment.

Otherwise, he will really die.

Qin Hongjun heard a hint of fear in Q's voice, which forced him to be cautious.

He glanced at Qin Jian and said, "Is it possible for humans to reach this limit?"

Qin Jian shook his head, he couldn't do it.

No matter how many bodies he copied, his mental power could not break through 3S.

After his body woke up, he injected his backed-up memories into it.

With a new body, he can adapt to all environments and his career.

This cycle continues...

Until Qin Hongjun appeared.

Qin Hongjun has also been trying to create a powerful body over the years, but the effect is really not great.

It can be done with the M virus, but the success rate is too low.

Moreover, they don't want to experience the pain of being physically tortured.

Jingsu cured the virus, mostly by relying on the willpower of the experimental subjects.

Medications are just auxiliary.

Another point is that neither Qin Hongjun nor Qin Jian likes women's bodies.

The M virus can only be used on female experimental subjects of all intelligent creatures.

If they cannot break through this point, they will not be able to find the shell they like.

Qin Jian glanced at Qin Hongjun: "Is there something wrong with your experimental procedures? Also, is this Hong Xixiu a descendant of your experimental body?"

Qin Hongjun suddenly became enlightened.

"Why didn't I think of doing this experiment as a compromise?" His tone became very happy, but returned to normal in an instant.

He didn't want to admit that Qin Jian was better than him.

He had never thought of using the genetic information of experimental subjects to make new experimental subjects before, so he never got a better blank body.

Qin Jian's reminder gave him a new idea.

But there was a problem. None of his experimental subjects survived to adulthood.

Qin Jian pursed his lips, and Qin Hongjun looked in the direction he pointed.

I remembered there was another person.

Qin Hongjun closed his eyes and slowly figured out how to obtain the genetic information of the remaining experimental subjects.

They will definitely not be able to get what Hong Xi embroidered.

There is another person who can.

Qin Hongjun opened his eyes and smiled like a fox. Everything was under his control.

He turned and went to his office, leaving Qin Jian and Q there.

At this time, Q has changed his body, which is very different from his previous appearance.

He stared at Qin Jian as if he wanted to eat him, which made Qin Jian's scalp numb.

Qin Hongjun's body is not a pure human body, but a fusion of genes from various races, possessing the talents of each race.

As for Qin Jian, he is purely human.

The first time Q saw him, he felt that this person should not exist.

Humans, nasty humans.

Qin Jian was so stared at that he let the robot tie his hands and feet before he fully recovered and slipped out of the laboratory.

Decide to stay away from this person in the future.

Or, let's go back to the lab.

Stay where this person cannot set foot.

Otherwise, he will really kill him!

Qin Hongjun will not care about this at that time.

After Qin Jian left with his tail between his legs, Q showed a mocking smile. Human beings are as timid as rats.

He has no memory of ever being killed by humans.

Xixiu did not feel relaxed after killing Q.

When she used her mental power just now, she felt the floating feeling of being evacuated for the first time.

If there is another opponent like this, she has no chance of winning.

In addition, the feeling of killing a person is very uncomfortable.

It is different from the time when she killed Chen Yuzong.

Chen Yuzong is just a consciousness, and Xi Xiu treated him as a robot.

Killing metal and killing flesh and blood are not the same concept at all.

Xi Xiu was still stunned until Q's body dissipated.

Ah Xian ended the battle and quickly came to her side: "What's wrong?"

Xi Xiu shook her head, "I think it's too easy, his strength should not be just this."

After suppressing the discomfort in her heart, Xi Xiu began to recall the battle just now.

Li Zhengfeng solved his opponent and came here. Hearing Xi Xiu's words, he replied: "This person obviously underestimated your strength, so he was tricked. Later, when he wanted to fight back, he found that he couldn't move at all."

Li Zhengfeng collected Xi Xiu's battle data just now, and he was not sure to avoid the cyclone formed by her mental power.

The last time Chen Yuzong's metal body was crushed into various shapes by her, what would the flesh and blood body become?

Xi Xiu still felt something was wrong: "Even if I can defeat him, he won't turn into dust."

Ah Xian mentioned: "There is a characteristic of runaways. When they know they will fail, they will give up their bodies."

This answer surprised Xi Xiu, "Are they so decisive?"

Ah Xian nodded.

The consciousness of the runaways will decide where to go before they die, and some people will not return to the source land in the end.

As for where they went, how they survived, and finally found their bodies, Anweier has not tracked them down.

Those runaways who did not return to the source land are all warriors with strong mental power without exception.

Unlike another group whose mental power can be condensed into seeds after death, their consciousness will return to its original appearance.

What the Anweier people are actually pursuing is the consciousness energy body.

It's just that for so long, everyone has gotten used to the appearance of having a body.

Because this way they can breathe normally, hug each other, and feel warm.

They can have a lot of fun.

However, even if they don't go back to the source land to recuperate, with their strength, they can float in any corner and find a suitable body.

One thing is that they can only look for bodies that have not yet given birth to consciousness. Once another consciousness lives in this body, according to the rules of the Anville people, it cannot enter again.

However, the runaways no longer have these constraints, so it is really hard to say whose body they will use in the end.

This is Anville's secret.

No one in Jingsu knows this.

It is very likely that only Qin Hongjun knows.

Because he has been engaged in the research of blank bodies, just wanting to get a strong body, and then let a strong consciousness live in it.

With the combination of the two, he can get the most powerful warrior in this star field.

For the runaways, the body is something that can be abandoned at any time.

Ah Xian did not say more, because it was related to the secrets of his own clan.

Although they can survive like this, no one in Anville now is willing to wander endlessly like this.

Because it is very likely that when their own energy is exhausted, they will not be able to find a body that fits.

Li Zhengfeng also knew that this must be Anville's secret, so he did not continue to ask.

Instead, he sent her the battle data of Xi Xiu just now, and asked her to compare it with what was recorded in her terminal.

The perspective will be different.

Xi Xiu asked Wu Yuan and Qi Mang to clean up the battlefield and drag Wu Mu back.

After processing the data, Alivik and others had already arrived in a flying vehicle.

As soon as he landed, Alivik asked hurriedly: "Are you all not injured?"

Because the other party blocked this place after entering the planet, they had not been clear about the situation on the ground just now.

Alivik tried every means to break the other party's shielding measures but failed.

It was not until more than three hours later that they found that they could suddenly monitor the ground of the planet.

Only then did they see the picture of three people standing, and Xi Xiu connected to the signal channel of the starship after a while.

He was already halfway there.

Xi Xiu replied to him: "It's okay, intact."

So Alivik returned.

On the way back, the three people didn't talk much and sat quietly.

Xi Xiu was already very tired.

The same is true for Ah Xian.

She can be said to have used all her strength in this battle, and the combat machines made by the other party can be said to be quite terrifying.

If the other party also sends such combat machines to participate in the future battlefield, it may be very difficult for Jingsu to win this war.

Li Zhengfeng is a mechanical body, there is no such thing as fatigue.

So Alivik can only judge from the expressions of Xixiu and Axian. They are so tired, which shows that the battle just now was very fierce.

Xixiu and Axian dozed off on the way back, and the sound of the aircraft parking in the warehouse woke them up.

After only two seconds of daze, Xixiu came back to her senses and got off the aircraft with Axian, Li Zhengfeng and others.

Xixiu said as she walked: "Colonel Vick, call everyone for a short meeting later, connect to the ground video, and let all the captains participate."

The opponent came for her this time, and the purpose was very clear.

If the opponent did not complete the task, he would definitely come again.

Next time, there will definitely not be so few people.

Alivik hurried to make arrangements. All departments on the starship were in order and did not panic during the few hours when Xixiu could not contact.

They fought back all the attacks from the other side. Although some fighters were lost, fortunately only personnel were injured and no one died.

Xixiu quickly washed her face, went to the bathroom to change clothes, and threw the combat uniform into the disinfection machine for sterilization, and then handed it over to Sixi for processing.

She rushed to the meeting room.

When she arrived, the others were already seated, and they all stood up and saluted when they saw her.

The worry on everyone's face was obvious.

Xixiu smiled at everyone, and they felt relieved.

"Everyone, please sit down." Xixiu walked to her seat, turned on the terminal, and projected the data from the terminal onto the light screen.

She quietly tapped the keyboard of the light screen, and the others kept watching her movements.

Until the video appeared.

Everyone's heart was lifted again.

The video was very long, and Xixiu fast-forwarded several times. When it ended, everyone was worried for her.

Fortunately, she is strong.

If it were anyone else, they would have died today.

Xi Xiu looked around and saw their expressions, "As you can see, we met a very strong opponent on the ground, and his strength can be ranked among the top few in Jingsu."

Arivik was very interested in the identity of this person, "Where did this person come from?"

He didn't seem to have any data on this.

Is the other party hiding too deeply?

Xi Xiu popped up Q's profile.

It was very short.

There was only one code name: Q, and Xi Xiu's estimated mental power level.

There was no other information.

Arivik and Jiang Lian looked at each other. They had never received this information. If the other party had appeared in Jingsu, they would have had news.

"You don't have to worry about it. He has never appeared in the city of Jingsu." Xi Xiu simply told everyone that she had met Q in the virtual network.

The loopholes in the virtual network were later repaired by the central intelligent brain, and Arivik's people did not meet Q in it.

Their intelligence was aimed at the real world, and they did not think of inquiring about information in the virtual world.

Now it seems that information in the virtual world is also very important.

"His mental power level has reached this level, the instrument can no longer detect it." Buhete shouted.

Fan Zhengan answered this question: "Our instrument can detect up to 4S."

And the level marked by Xixiu has exceeded this number.

After they figured out the key, they all looked at Xixiu.

Since Xixiu can defeat this person, then her mental power level must be higher than her opponent, otherwise how could she crush the opponent with mental power?

Alivik stared, and his red hair stood up.

Everyone else looked around and saw their own expressions in the eyes of the people around them.

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