Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 903 - Make a way for them

Lin Changchang's skills are very sophisticated, and she calculated the trajectory with 100% accuracy.

The IQ of these manufacturing creatures is obviously higher than those Xi Xiu encountered before, and their proficiency in the starship system is also better than those before.

They know how to intercept weapons. Although the calculation results are not accurate, some weapons are accidentally intercepted in mid-air by them.

In order to prevent various emergencies, Lin Changchang directly locked the positions of Li Yuanting and others to clear the way for them.

The speed of the fighter plane is very fast, and her weapons must avoid her own people.

This situation is a great test of a person's judgment.

Although the starship's intelligent system calculates quickly and accurately, it is a great challenge for a moving starship to keep its own people safe and hit the enemy starship.

Lin Changchang concentrated all her energy. Her mental power has grown slowly over the years, but it has also reached the peak of her life.

It is within her ability to command these weapons.

She is not careless.

Nor can she.

The one rushing in front is her partner.

She will build a safe passage for him until the mission is completed.

The battle in the starry sky was fierce, and Liuning Fortress was able to handle it with ease.

Qing Zhixun was on the ground. Just after he finished watching the battle in the starry sky, Lu Zongan reported the changes in the fortress to him.

The four districts of southeast, northwest and northeast were all very quiet, and only one place had changed.

Lu Zongan turned on the monitoring system: "Axun, there was an energy fluctuation in Leisren's detention room."

Qing Zhixun smiled very proudly, "Here it comes."

Lu Zongan knew what he meant.

When they designed this trap before, it was to let Leisren contact the outside world.

With his position in Liuning and his identity in the enemy camp, these people will definitely come to rescue him.

Qing Zhixun has mastered all his information, including his mission in Ningkui Star.

One thing that is very certain is that he has contact with the Huovian people.

The parasites on his body have been transmitting messages to the outside world during this period.

What surprised Qing Zhixun and others was that Leisren was completely awake during this period.

When he knew that another consciousness lived in his body, he did not panic or resist, but accepted it very calmly.

During this period, he and the parasite had been living in peace.

Completely different from other people.

When other warriors knew that there was a strange consciousness living in their bodies, they fought desperately to regain control of their bodies.

But Leisren was different.

Leisren's expression was too calm.

Although he was not a person with many expressions, no one would not be nervous when he knew that his body was controlled by a strange thing.

This made Qing Zhixun suspicious.

He checked Leisren's files from top to bottom.

He also checked the people he had been in contact with over the years.

Since he became a partner with a woman from the Xiwen family, his movements have been very clear and simple.

There are almost no doubts.

However, it was so clean and clear that it seemed to be deliberately made.

So Qing Zhixun changed his angle and looked for a breakthrough from his brother.

Finally, he dug out a very critical piece of information.

Leisren and his brother did not have the same mother, Leisren was adopted.

Originally, Qing Zhixun could not find this information, because Leisren had contributed to the alliance and had no stains, and most people would not want to check a person's origin.

But Qing Zhixun had a different idea.

He got Leisren's genetic information from him, and immediately compared him with his brother's.

He found that they were not related.

They were separated by a great distance.

So, Qing Zhixun applied to the alliance to view Leisren's files.

He got the approval of the Elders Council.

The information he got showed that Leisren was born on Ningkui Star.

His mother gave birth to him for some reason, but abandoned him.

Finally, he was picked up by a kind person.

After all the procedures were completed, he was taken back to Gaia.

This situation was exactly the same as Chen Yuzong's, so Qing Zhixun extracted his genetic information and compared it with the records in the alliance database. He found that humans with similar fragments of his genes all went to Huovian.

The most important thing is that Leisren's genes are highly overlapped with the current humans in Huovian.

This alone directly exposed his identity.

Previously, there was a loophole in Leisren's file, and the genetic test during his service was false data.

Qing Zhixun re-obtained genetic information from him and did new tests to come to this conclusion.

There is no record of his paternal line in the file, and it cannot be found.

From this information, Leisren's identity is in doubt.

Needless to say, these files were all tampered by Qin Hongjun, and only he had the opportunity to access the database of the central intelligent brain.

Thus, it was modified.

Therefore, Leisren must be a very important chess piece of the other party.

Qing Zhixun bet that the Huovian people would not give up on him.

Therefore, in the place where Leisren was imprisoned, Qing Zhixun set up nine barriers.

One is to prevent Huovian from coming to rescue people.

Second, to obtain their channels for rescue.

Leisren's genetic information and Huovian's current head of state are father and son.

The other party will definitely come to rescue people.

"Since it has moved, let our people be careful." Qing Zhixun ordered Lu Zongan.

Since the Hovian people can establish such a transmission channel, it must be the technology provided by Qin Hongjun.

He used this method to rescue Qin Jian, and the Howian people thought that they could do the same thing again.

Little did they know, Qing Zhixun was waiting for them.

In the holding room, Raisren kept his eyes closed, and his spiritual power filled the surrounding area.

Suddenly, he discovered energy fluctuations not far from him.

Suddenly, Leisren opened his eyes, with a super proud smile on his lips.

He had been waiting for this moment.

With the opponent's skills, he could be several light years away from Liu Ning in an instant.

Even if these people knew where he was going, they wouldn't be able to catch up.

I've been stuck here long enough.

Before knowing his life experience, he worked hard for the Jingsu Alliance.

But these people, after knowing their identities, completely turned their backs.

Since they were in the first grade of junior high school, he would do the fifteenth grade.

No one can hide in the Hovian galaxy from him.

On the contrary, he will lead the Hovian people to trample the Jingsu people under their feet and crush them severely.

He would get back all the grievances he had suffered over the years. These soldiers from Jingsu were so vulnerable in his eyes.

Hovian has a chance.

And energy.

He went to survey the planets of Ningkui and found that several planets were forming energy stones.

The rest depends on time.

He will definitely take down Ning Kuixing.

In the future, Ningkui Star will be the habitat of the Hovian people, and they can live here without any worries.

Just when the energy fluctuations in the holding room were getting bigger and bigger, and when Raisren was about to step into the vortex formed by the opening of the transmission channel, something unexpected happened.

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