Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 904 - Actually did it

An unknown energy suddenly burst out in the detention room, wrapping up the passage opened by the other party, and Leisren was forced to stop.

This energy appeared without any warning, like a bubble suddenly exploding in the air.

Raisren was sure he didn't sense it.

With his strength, it was impossible for him not to notice that the energy that could wrap up the passage was huge.

Moreover, the calculated position must be 100% accurate without any deviation.

This seemed impossible to him, but Liuning Fortress actually did it.

This Qing Zhixun really has two skills, but he underestimated it.

Raisren soon heard footsteps. It was the robot that heard the movement and came over.

He had lost the opportunity to escape.

If the robot that comes is a battle robot from the fortress, he can still try to win.

If it was Qing Zhixun's robot that came, he was not sure he could win.

Although no one has personally tested Qing Zhixun's strength, the strength of Anvil and human hybrids has always ranked first in the history of the alliance.

No one has broken it yet.

No one, not even Anweil ​​himself, has ever broken this record.

Therefore, Leisren has no confidence in defeating the robot created by Qing Zhixun.

However, you still have to give it a try.

The evidence of his current escape is conclusive. No matter how he explains it, the Senate will not listen.

What's more, Qing Zhixun has probably found out his identity.

Otherwise, he wouldn't know where to rescue him, and his timing would be so accurate.

Tens of seconds later.

The door of the holding cell was opened from the outside.

The person who came in was indeed Qing Zhixun's robot who looked as arrogant as him.

Its mechanical eyes scanned the surroundings, and without finding any hidden dangers, it stepped into the room.

Made a please gesture.

Resren had to walk to the designated location.

As soon as he stood still, he attacked Qing's three-year-old active area.

Qing Sansui seemed to have calculated his sudden attack and easily dodged it.

Leisren's fist did not reach Qing Sansui, but Qing Sansui twisted his right wrist with his backhand.

Qing Sansui's cold mechanical voice sounded: He didn't even look at the target of the attack.

This naked contempt comes from machines.

Leisren pursed his lips tightly, feeling pain in his wrist, which was about to be pinched off.

After being imprisoned, everything on Raisren's body was removed.

There was not a trace of metal on his body except for his terminal which was still on his wrist.

You can only fight with your fists.

Qing will switch modes when fighting at the age of three, without any emotion.

Everything is data in its eyes, not to mention that Qing Zhixun had just given it an order before coming.

If Raisren resists, he will be killed without mercy.

It will be executed thoroughly.

Leisren lost his temper after being ridiculed by Qing Sansui. He was not ready to exchange insults with a machine without the ability to think.

Jingsu has trained him for so many years, but he still has basic self-cultivation.

In this mode, Qing Sansui doesn't like to be in contact with humans for too long, and it won't get too close even to his master, Qing Zhixun.

After squeezing Raisren's wrist, it withdrew its hand.

And Raisren had been dragged to the ground restraint point by it, and the underground sensing facilities locked Raisren's feet.

It only lasted three minutes.

Although Leisren had no worries about food and clothing in the holding cell, in order to prevent him from escaping, some nutrients were added to his supplements.

It's a potion that can make people weak.

Because parasites sometimes go crazy and completely destroy the holding room, Qing Zhixun came up with this method.

It can be said that Leisren's blow just now used all his strength.

An attack without a weapon would definitely be far worse. Qing was three years old and had the same ruthlessness as Qing Zhixun.

This result was actually within his expectation.

After Leisren was restrained, Qing Sansui took him to another room.

Qing Zhixun and Lu Zongan were already waiting for him there.

Qing left him behind at the age of three and blocked the signals around the room.

He also scanned Raisren's entire body and found no hidden or built-in communicators.

After doing this, Qing Sansui stepped aside and guarded the entrance.

Looking around vigilantly, all its required programs are running in case another energy fluctuation suddenly appears in the air.

The room was completely shielded, and Qing Zhixun didn't want his conversation with Leisren to be monitored by Hovian.

Although Huo Weian's overall technological level is not as good as Jing Su's, they have cooperation with Qin Hongjun and can obtain equipment from him.

Qing Zhixun admired this Hovian man who did not lose his composure even at this step.

If he could remain lurking, he might be able to control a fortress.

With his strength and his achievements in the alliance for so many years, as long as he works hard in this war and protects the alliance, his position will not be low when the alliance rewards him based on his merits.


He is a hostile force.

In all these years, Jingsu has never initiated a war.

Regardless of whether it was Inquilla or Hanhai, who had always been eyeing Jingsu, Jingsu had never attacked them in the name of protecting the safety of the alliance.

However, this does not mean that they do not covet the Alliance. On the contrary, they have caused great harm to the citizens of the Alliance.

This time, the alliance has made up its mind. If these five galaxies are still stubborn, they have no need to exist.

Lack of energy, various materials can be obtained through other friendly means.

However, these people chose a more difficult and worse way.

If it is a normal business transaction, the alliance will not refuse.

Among other galaxies, only the Huovian galaxy is on the list of severance of diplomatic relations of the alliance.

Inquila and Hanhai have some resources that Jingsu actually lacks, and it is entirely possible to establish a win-win trade relationship.

These people, however, take plunder as their purpose and spend a greater price to get what they need.

The concept is completely different from Jingsu.

Over the years, the border of the Jingsu Alliance has been disturbed by them from time to time, and there have been heavy casualties.

If it is not completely resolved, these galaxies will still invade Jingsu in the future.

Being looked at by Qing Zhixun like this, Leisren felt very uncomfortable.

As if he was seen through.

He pursed his lips tightly, clenched his fists and then released them, and after taking a deep breath, Leisren and Qing Zhixun met eyes.

Qing Zhixun's eyebrows twitched slightly. This Leisren was a big shot.

Lu Zongan pressed a button, and a chair rose from the ground. Qing Zhixun raised his hand and pointed, signaling Leisren to sit down and "talk".

Leisren didn't know what he meant, and didn't expect that he would be treated like this.

After sitting down, Qing Zhixun said lightly: "Your people can't come, and now you have two ways."

I believe Leisren can understand which two ways these two ways are without him saying it.

When the transmission channel was destroyed, Leisren understood his situation.

He hasn't made a choice yet.

Huovian will not give up on him for the time being, and he will not choose to "surrender" so quickly.

Qing Zhixun knows what he is thinking.

So, Qing Zhixun revealed some information about Leisren to Yueye, the Stone Creek family, who was in Mel.

Leisren is the son of the current leader of Huovian, which was originally a secret among the five major families of Huovian.

However, for the Stone Creek family who want to replace the current leader and take charge of Huovian, this is not a secret.

When Yue Ye was very young, she knew that the current leader had an outstanding child who was secretly arranged to go to Jingsu.

She just didn't know who the child was.

When she received the mission to go out and lurk, she also deliberately inquired about his news.

Later, her father gave her the information, and after she came to Ning Kui Star, she quietly replaced Mel for a while.

She didn't see him until Leisren was sent to Ning Kui Star to perform the mission.

His appearance had no similarities with the current leader. Obviously, he had undergone genetic surgery when he was still an embryo.

His appearance was modified.

Yue Ye did not reveal her identity, but observed secretly.

Until she found out that the leader had sent someone else here to contact Leisren.

Wanted to get "convenience" from him.

Yue Ye didn't know the conversation between him and his family, but she knew that since the leader's people had seen him, his style of doing things in Ning Kui Star had changed.

Because his mission was to investigate the problem of Huovian's lurking.

He knew that once his true identity was known to someone with ulterior motives, he would never be able to live in Jingsu anyway.

He has experienced the attitude of the Jingsu people towards the Huovians over the years.

Even he himself deeply hates the Huovians.

Before knowing this secret, he was determined to "kill all the Huovians".

Leisren didn't know Yue Ye's identity, but Qing Zhixun's words matched everything.

He knew that there was a traitor among the Huovians, and he was a person who knew the internal personnel of Huovians very well.

He should be a spy who came to Ning Kuixing to perform a mission, but he didn't expect that the Huovians were all spineless people.

Leisren was very disappointed with his compatriots.

"What's the point of you telling me this. I have never lived there. For me, Jingsu is my home." Leisren opened his eyes and looked around.

He once thought that this was his home, he had a partner and children, and all his efforts were worth it.

However, this Ning Kuixing mission overturned his life.

Qing Zhixun smiled, not expecting Leisren to be so inconsistent.

All his whereabouts in Ning Kui Star have been checked out. The change is so obvious. Do people think they are all fools?

Or does he think he has covered it up perfectly?

Qing Zhixun directly opened it and said: "Before going to Ning Kui Star, everyone would believe what you said. Now it is different from the past. In the face of these evidences, you can keep denying, but it will not do you any good."

Leisren saw the picture projected by Qing Zhixun on the light screen, including the conversation between him and the Huovian people when they came into contact.

He closed his eyes, as if he didn't intend to communicate anymore.

Qing Zhixun closed the information page and opened a video directly in a pop-up window. The innocent and cute laughter of the child came out.

Leisren suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the screen in a hurry.

The three in the video are lively and cute. The oldest is already ten years old, the second one is also eight years old, and the youngest one is just learning to walk.

These three children look exactly like him, like twins.

Lei Siren looked at Qing Zhixun, his teeth chattering, and shouted at Qing Zhixun: "Children are not guilty of this crime. Jingsu's law stipulates that."

Qing Zhixun clasped his hands in front of his chest: "Jingsu's laws and regulations protect the citizens of Jingsu."

The implication is that the alliance no longer recognizes his children as citizens of Jingsu.

"Moreover, when you Hovian people killed people from Ningkui, did you ever think that there were children among these people?" Qing Zhixun said coldly.

Tsukino and other Hovians killed the most vulnerable children in the family in order to succeed in hiding.

There is no consideration for the lives of these children, they only act according to their own will.

Raisren felt that he was placing all the faults of the Hovians on him, but he refused to accept it.

"I didn't do this and it has nothing to do with me. You can't blame this fault on my family!" Leisren yelled again.

Qing Zhixun opened this video not to blackmail him, but to remind him that he still had children in Jingsu.

If he still wants to be able to see his children in the future, he should cooperate obediently.

I didn't expect Leisren's reaction to be so big. Do you think he wanted to threaten the child's life?

Leisren underestimated him too much.

"Leisen, I am reminding you that every word and every action you take should be preceded by your own child." Qing Zhixun's tone was very unhappy.

However, Leisren didn't believe it.

"Can someone from Jingsu be so reasonable? Are you trying to use your child to force me to submit?" Leisren felt that he had seen through Qing Zhixun's tricks.

Qing Zhixun didn't want to explain any more. Leisren's partner and children had been sent elsewhere by the Xiwen family.

It can be said that when Raisren's identity was announced, his children became a burden to the Xiwen family.

It's still the kind that can't be thrown away.

It is estimated that he will be sent back to Hovian soon.

Once the two sides go to war, these children stranded in Jingsu will be sent to the battlefield by the alliance to negotiate various payments with the Hovians.

Leisren also realized that he was too impulsive just now, and he clearly didn't want to say that.

But still can't help it.

"What conditions do you have?" Leisren spoke with difficulty after struggling in his heart.

Qing Zhixun threw several important questions listed before to Leisren: "If you can help us get the information above, we will send your partner and children to a secret place, and the alliance will give them to you. There is a way to survive, provided that you have no record of killing Jingsu citizens."

Judging from the information he obtained, Raisren did not participate in the killing of Jingsu citizens and also contributed in the battle.

The league affirmed his achievements, but after the incident was revealed, it has stated that it will no longer record his achievements.

Merits and points are cleared.

From now on, he will no longer be a citizen of Jingsu.

The child can be taken away by him.

As for whether his partner would be willing to leave with him, Qing Zhixun couldn't comment.

The first conversation was not a success.

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