Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 914 - Disappeared Suddenly

Only Xixiu was still in full swing against the starry sky beast and seemed not to be affected.

The seven rays traveled around in its belly, creating many traps and burying destructive weapons in the traps.

Its storage space is full of weapons given to Xixiu. Some of them were small but extremely lethal weapons that Xue Fanhui developed on his own in order to save Xixiu's life.

There are also some weapons that she has specially researched for robots, one-hit kill weapons that are very suitable for "escape".

There were more than twenty places buried, large and small, and at this time, Starry Sky Beast had more or less noticed something strange in his body.

It lowered its head and tried to spit out the thing that was causing trouble in its belly, but found that it couldn't.

So, it rolled up the venom in the groove of its nose with its big tongue and swallowed it directly into its belly.

In addition, its digestive tract secretes a strong liquid that can dissolve metals.

Qimang's system gave an early warning and the liquid left this dangerous place before it entered the stomach.

Xixiu was worried that Qiman couldn't come out, so he let Yehuncao take the opportunity to grow his grass leaves into the mouth of the starry sky beast.

This guy is usually a bit lazy, but he is still very reliable at critical times.

Night Soul Grass can actually bloom. With the help of starry sky radiation, it can quickly complete the entire seed-setting process. With the help of ebony, its seeds quickly reach the mouth of the starry sky beast.

A piece of green vegetation hung on the starry sky beast's mouth.

It didn't know where this stuff came from at first, so it wiped it with its paw several times, and found that not only could it not be wiped off, but it was getting more and more thick.

The smell of plants entered between its nostrils, and only then did it realize that it had fallen into the trap of a strange plant.

After understanding it, it became less urgent.

It doesn't seem to be worried about the damage caused to its body by the foreign transplant.

This starry sky beast only thought this was a "prank" of Night Soul Grass. There were many such plants in its world.

No one is its rival.

How strong can the alien plants in this star field be?

It's not like he's more powerful than the fellows inside!

According to its understanding, it is impossible.

So it didn't pay attention to these two alien plants at all.

It's this strange vine-like plant that makes it a little annoying to no end.

Starry Sky Beast's own thoughts had already turned several corners, and Night Soul Grass started to fiddle with it after successfully occupying the position near the opponent's mouth.

Starry Sky Beast planned to remove the foreign matter that appeared in his body, and let the thing inside go out of the bamboo basket.

The faint hint of lunacy coming from his mouth alerted him.

However, it was too late.

After all, it still didn't have much wisdom, so it ignored the toxins on the Night Soul Grass.

It is poisonous in itself, and its poison can cause death in very small amounts.

Plants are no exception.

He didn't consider at all whether he could withstand the poison of the alien plant, nor did he consider whether the Night Soul Grass would mutate after so many years of cultivation by the Anweil ​​people.

The most poisonous time of night soul grass is when it has just sprouted. It can grow, bloom and bear fruit in an instant.

Maximize your own poison.

After the starry sky beast's mouth was controlled by the poison of night soul grass, the seven rays crawled out along its esophageal tube.

After Qimang was safe, Xixiu asked Ebony and Night Soul Grass to quickly return to the starship.

After Ebony stretched his vine, it wrapped around a lever used by the starship to drag objects.

With a "whoosh", it returned to the starship with the Night Soul Grass.

Xixiu asked someone to open an entrance for it. After returning, the two plants took a good rest in the lounge to replenish their energy.

Just now, the night soul grass spent a lot of energy to finish flowering and forming seeds. Now it is necessary to take a rest before continuing the battle.

After the two came back, Qimang also arrived, and Xixiu ordered the starship's intelligent system to start the fast jump program.

When they left here quickly, Xixiu saw through the monitoring system set up by Qi Mang that the inside of the target mission had been blown open.

The outside turned out to be completely motionless.

This creature has extremely strong vitality.

The weapons Qiguang buried were enough to blow up a medium-sized starship, or even a star as big as the moon in her previous life.

But this starry sky beast could still move and ran wildly in the direction of Xixiu and the others.

While shaking his head, smoke was still coming from his mouth. Just when it was about to hit it, Su Jinbao decisively threw another cannonball into its open mouth.

Pain now spread throughout its body.

The burning heat in its mouth forced it to stop. It looked around with its eyes and saw a meteorite not far away.

The starry sky beast changed direction and quickly went to the location of the meteorite, swallowing the meteorite...

No one on the starship knew why it was doing this.

Looking at it, Xixiu probably wanted to bite the meteorite into pieces and swallow it to lower the temperature in his body?

However, aren't you afraid that the residual energy inside will heat up the meteorite and make it even hotter?

Ten minutes later, a clearer picture came back. This starry sky beast was not trying to swallow meteorites to cast down fire, but chewed up the meteorites and threw them into the starry sky as weapons.

Those fine meteorite particles were arranged neatly, blocking the path of Xixiu, them and several other starships.

Separating them into five independent locations, this guy seemed to want to deal with them alone.

"Leopard, be wary of its next move." Xixiu ordered.

Her mental power has been wandering around this star field, just worried about accidents happening.

In this situation, Star Beast obviously wants to kill them.

The group is destroyed.

The starry sky beast's mental power suddenly disappeared, and Xixiu was worried that it wanted to slow down for a while before launching a big move.

There is still some wisdom in these things.

The other star beasts were more or less injured internally, but no scars could be seen from the outside.

Their scales play a very good protective role, and weapons hardly leave traces on their bodies.

Xixiu connected to Li Xianfeng again: "Senior, the previous weapon is still hanging on the starry sky beast. We can inject the potion again."

Li Xianfeng also knew that he had to slow down the movements of these ferocious beasts, otherwise with their speed and explosive power, the appearance of the starship would be easily damaged by them.

However, if you want to send the weapon to the hose connector again, you must be fast and accurate.

We can only let Wuyuan and Qimang go. Ebony is actually the best candidate, but it doesn't have the computing power of Wuyuan and Qimang.

Xixiu asked the Central Intelligence Brain to help with the calculations. After getting the best entry point, Wu Yuan contacted the Central Intelligence Brain, and the Central Intelligence Brain directly controlled the Five Yuan and Qiman systems.

Among the other star beasts, Li Xianfeng was in charge of one, and Liu Ning's battle robot was dispatched to the rest.

Xixiu reloaded new commands to his two combat partners, and soon, the five machines plus Li Xianfeng disappeared into the vast starry sky.

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