Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 915 - There will be a tail

The movement in the starry sky has been displayed truthfully on the display screen. After seeing Wu Yuan and Qi Mang reach their destination, the hearts of the people on the starship relaxed a little.

This waiting process seemed extremely long, and even Wu Jingxian, who was always calm, felt that his impression was in his throat.

The starry sky was quiet, and the sound could hardly reach the interior of the starship.

After Xi Xiu stared for a while, she let others take charge, and she had other things to do.

Qiu Shaorong and others had been following her and listening to her orders, and some were Arivik's people.

Xi Xiu said in a calm voice: "After the weapons are successfully connected, everyone must act quickly, inject the weapons again, and strive to hit them in one shot. Don't let the star beasts have a chance to leave."

These beasts are currently in a state of collapse, turning around in all directions, and even the intelligent system can hardly capture their trajectory.

Not far from the current location of the starship, there are several administrative stars with intelligent creatures living on them, so they must solve the star beasts in this star field.

These star beasts must not be allowed to escape from the star field and enter the planet, otherwise it will cause incalculable damage to the planet.

The defenses of these planets are not too strong in all aspects, and these star beasts can enter their planets with their strength.

Xi Xiu contacted the leaders of these planets and told them the situation of the starry sky so that they could prepare for the battle.

She will have three teams to support them, and sent the list of people going there.

In order to prevent the people who go to support from being replaced, Xi Xiu also gave them a code for secretly verifying the identity of the people.

The central intelligent brain will assist them in verifying the personnel information to avoid being replaced by the enemy.

After doing all this, Wu Yuan has approached the starry sky beast and successfully found the interface.

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when everyone thought they could succeed, another disturbance suddenly appeared in the starry sky.

Li Zhengfeng stared at the starry sky vigilantly, and Xi Xiu also zoomed in on the area he noticed with the surveillance.

At first glance, there was nothing wrong here.

It was as calm as usual.

But Xi Xiu, Li Zhengfeng, and A Xian all noticed energy fluctuations.

It was still a unique fluctuation in the starry sky.

Li Zhengfeng thought that a small star was attracted by a large star, while Ah Xian was worried that another wave of star beasts would come. Xi Xiu held his breath and judged from the tension in the starry sky that there might be a large number of stars moving.

Soon, the system monitored that the meteorites in this star field began to deviate from the orbit and hit Xi Xiu and his team directly.

"Leopard, calculate the orbit of the meteorites quickly, quickly." Xi Xiu was anxious.

They could successfully avoid these meteorites, but if all these meteorites hit the planet not far away, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Major General, they are too fast, this is not normal at all." Su Jinbao's fingertips flew, and the keyboard on the light screen could not see his fingers moving.

Normal stars would not have such a fast movement even if they deviated from the orbit.

Obviously, these meteorites were controlled by humans.

Before this, they had been monitoring the starry sky, but the central intelligent brain did not send any abnormal information.

They all thought that the starry sky was safe, and they never thought that such a problem would occur.

Xi Xiu had already discovered that everyone on the starship saw it.

The meteorite was spinning rapidly, fast enough to catch up with the explosive power of the starship when it was warping.

"Leopard, open all the guns, including the invisible ones." Xi Xiu hurriedly gave the order.

In the starry sky.

Li Zhengfeng turned around, stared at the direction where the meteorite was coming from, and used the program to calculate the speed.

A few seconds later, he opened all his weapons and fired a shell at the fastest meteorite.

At the same time, Xi Xiu's starship also attacked quickly, with all the guns opened to prevent the meteorite from changing its orbit.

In addition, Xi Xiu asked Qiu Shaorong and Jiang Li'an to take people to the places where these meteorites would pass and enter the starry sky of the planet in advance.

Try to blow these meteorites into powder before the meteorites arrive.

Li Zhengfeng's shells were fired one after another. Xi Xiu was on the starship, controlling all the guns at the same time, and his mental power was concentrated together, not daring to relax at all.

Alivik on the ground also received this information at the first time, and he asked people to investigate the cause of the incident immediately.

These meteorites are usually very docile, swaying slowly in their own activity areas.

How could they go out of control in a blink of an eye?

These stones seem to have come alive in an instant, as if they have life.

Every planet has life, and meteorites are no exception. However, for planets that can give birth to intelligent creatures, meteorites are just meteorites.

How could they have life...

Everyone is wondering who buried such a big pit here.

The speed of meteorites moving is about the same as that of starships. If there is no human push, these meteorites can stay in this area for hundreds of millions of years.

They will not cross the border.

Even if they want to leave here to play, at their own speed, they will be destroyed by intelligent creatures in outer space.

There is no chance to reach the surface of the planet.

The situation in front of these meteorites leaving their orbits at high speed and then going to other planets is technically difficult to achieve, and there is not so much time.

Unless the people behind them are well prepared in advance, letting the meteorites "riot" at such a critical moment is to make them flustered.

Since the chaos has given the opportunity to the people behind the scenes, these people want to control this star field.

The people in the dark department quickly entered the investigation state. This matter has such an obvious purpose, and the people behind it must have a tail.

Even if there is only a little bit, he Alivik can find out the person.

The six starships have been shooting accurately, and some small meteorites were blown up by them.

There are also some large ones. After being broken into several pieces, Xi Xiu asked people to continue to divide them.

There must not be any residue.

Once there is a residue left, this star field will be dangerous if it is close to the planet.

It takes a lot of time to destroy meteorites, and the process is extremely long.

They can only retreat while firing shells.

Because they have to find the most suitable point for firing, they also have to observe whether their coordinates are suitable for firing shells.

After Li Zhengfeng solved hundreds of meteorites, he felt that he was just repeating the action mechanically, and this feeling really made him very uncomfortable.

Xi Xiu also saw his mechanical repetition on the starship, but he couldn't do anything to make him feel relieved.

After Wu Yuan and Qi Mang succeeded, they brought back the data near the star beast.

Because there was a meteorite passing by, these sky beasts swallowed it directly.

It seems that they regarded the meteorite as food and couldn't wait to fill their stomachs.

There is no food in the starry sky, and the sky beasts are already starving.

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