Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 934 - It’s a miracle

When Xixiu left, he handed over the command of Siyun to Fan Zhengan, and Li Xianfeng would assist.

Jiuxing's people had never been on the same battlefield as Xixiu and the others before.

After a large number of mechanical warriors appeared, Jiuxing's people quickly gathered and, after consulting with Fan Zheng'an, they would take charge of one of the battlefields.

When Fan Zhengan passed the news to Xixiu, he also got the information on these robots.

They still use the alliance's terminals, their IDs are obvious, and most importantly, they have not changed their appearance.

It's just that their bodies have been mechanically transformed. These people are the citizens who disappeared from the Yuanri Galaxy.

They have decided to stand on the opposite side of the alliance. This attack on Siyun Star is their first battle, and they must win Siyun.

Transform this place into the second Yuan Day.

Appearing with the robot was Siyun's Star Master Yarosla. He had been operating here for many years, how could he be willing to give up here.

These robots actually obeyed Yarosla's command. You must know that after the transformation of these robots was successful, they were self-centered and extremely ununited and friendly.

Most of them are alone.

What interests unite them?

Xixiu had no time to think about this anymore. She and A-Xian were already close to the edge of the newborn star field.

They are waiting for the new aircraft delivered by Anvil, which can allow them to reach a place very close to the center of the star field.

Extracting star field data from there will give you greater confidence.

They didn't wait long in the starry sky when Wu Jingya, who was escorted by Anweil, arrived.

When Xixiu decided to come here to blow up the star field, he submitted an application to the Council of Elders through the central intelligence brain, and Anweil ​​immediately provided support.

Also arriving at the same time were experts from the alliance who specialize in studying the star field, led by the Moda people.

The three parties met each other.

Wu Jingya had a fairly thorough understanding of the Star Territory, and she started chatting with the Moda people.

Xi Xiu and A Xian listened carefully, and Claudius the Moda gave a more thorough explanation.

After he finished speaking, he took a serious look at Xixiu and A-Xian: "The risk of entering the center point is very high, you must be aware of it."

His tone was unprecedentedly cautious. He had read the information of Xi Xiu and A Xian in detail before coming.

Star Lord Asik and future Star Lord Sida both recognized this woman named Hong Xixiu.

Not only because of her strength, but also because of her personality and mind.

It would be a pity for the alliance if such a soldier died here.

However, he knew very well that if he left this matter to others, the sacrifice would be even greater.

The aircraft entering the center of the star field have very high requirements for mental strength. He calculated that currently only the Anweil ​​people and Ye Zhenwei, who had previously revealed his talent, could enter there.

The remaining warriors were unable to fly the aircraft to that location.

Even if the aircraft can withstand it, their mental strength will collapse when they get close to it.

Hearing Claudius' words, Xixiu and Axian both nodded.

Seeing the confidence in their eyes, Claudius breathed a sigh of relief.

Blowing up this new star field is an unprecedented test. If it can succeed this time, then if something like this happens again, the alliance will have a way to solve it.

If the outbreak of large-scale star beasts can be prevented, the Jingsu Alliance will be much safer.

Sacrifice can be reduced to a large extent, and the safety of citizens can be more guaranteed.

Claudius warned in detail about the things that must be paid attention to after entering there, "Remember not to be greedy for distance. As long as this location can be blown up, the starry sky beast will no longer be able to reach Siyun's starry sky through here."

After drawing out the location coordinates, Claudius told the two Xixiu the most important words.

The coordinates he drew are the farthest locations that the aircraft can currently reach.

It is also the limit of intelligent creatures.

You have to wear five layers of protective clothing, and you have to be mentally aware of your surroundings. If you are not careful, you will die.

The two people nodded like they were talking about garlic. Seeing that Claudius stopped making any sound after finishing speaking, Xixiu asked again: "Besides these, we will lose contact with the outside world after entering there, and all electronic equipment will be disabled by then. "If we don't seize the opportunity, the weapon will have to be detonated manually, right?"

Claudius lowered his eyes. This question was extremely heavy. If you were not careful, the two of you would never be able to recover. "Yes, so you must be careful and use all available tools to detonate the weapon."

He showed the weapon detonation diagram. They can only use the aircraft's own power to launch the weapon before the electronic device completely loses the signal.

Because it uses the power of the aircraft, and there are too many interferences in that star field, there is no 100% guarantee that the weapon will explode as scheduled.

If the weapon doesn't detonate in the end, it will have to be fired manually, which adds even more risk.

Xixiu looked at the simulation diagram and rehearsed all the actions after arriving there no less than twenty times.

It was found that if they failed to seize the best opportunity, the danger would increase.

She and A-Xian looked at each other and saw trust in each other's eyes.

Claudius explained the characteristics of the weapon to Xixiu and the other two.

The weapon for this mission was a secret-level weapon that had just left the alliance's laboratory. It was originally intended to destroy Qin Hongjun's base in the black area and blow up the black area together.

Later, Qin Hongjun evacuated there, and the weapons were never put to use after they were developed.

Wu Jingya also brought the new weapons that Charlotte and the others had just developed.

It is used to deal with the Star Gate.

After years of calculations by Anweil, Jingxi entered the Star Gate three times and discovered some weaknesses of the Star Gate.

Combining the experience left by the Anvilians in the past, they decided to use weapons to fill in the gaps when the Star Gate changed again.

Always give it a try.

Otherwise, we would have to keep filling it with the lives of Anvilians.

This is a direction anyway.

Anvil had not been able to find weapons with such high energy before. He could only use small weapons and his own mental blast to calm down the restlessness at the Star Gate.

Wu Jingya was responsible for explaining Anweil's weapons, and Xixiu clicked his tongue after hearing this.

Charlotte is really powerful, and she is indeed the person Wu Jingyang likes.

This time Wu Jingya brought a total of ten such artillery shells. They were small in size but powerful enough to completely destroy the star field.

After explaining everything, Xixiu remembered it many times and said goodbye to everyone.

The two of them drove the aircraft deep into the star field alone. Claudius and his friends kept holding their hands tightly and could not relax.

Wu Jingya was not very worried.

Ah Xian is a miracle to begin with, and Xixiu is even more so.

The combination of these two people will only produce more miracles, and she believes that they will return safely.

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