Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 935 -We are back

Xi Xiu and A Xian soon arrived in front of a small meteorite not far from the designated coordinates.

After parking the aircraft, the two people acted separately, Xi Xiu calculated the position, A Xian checked the terrain, and sent back a clearer picture of this star field.

The two people drew and finally determined a more accurate coordinate for the weapon deployment.

After making all preparations, A Xian asked Xi Xiu: "Are you ready?"

Xi Xiu nodded, and then started the aircraft again. She left the three machines, Wu Yuan, Qi Mang, and Si Xi, on the starship.

She was worried that their programs would be disordered after they arrived here, and they would not be able to recover at that time.

Only Ebony and Night Soul Grass accompanied the two. Even the central intelligent brain responsible for tracking Xi Xiu and their trajectory was so powerful that the signal was intermittent at this time.

Until the screen of the aircraft flickered and made noises, Xi Xiu and A Xian knew that they were close to that position.

Finally, the screen turned into a snowflake, and no signal from the alliance was received.

Xi Xiu had adjusted the coordinates beforehand. They had already prepared the position of their aircraft before the signal disappeared and the angle from which they needed to launch the weapons.

Ah Xian gave Xi Xiu a ready look, and then the two of them used their mental power to the fullest.

Together with the ebony and night soul grass, four mental powers spread across this star field.

The weapons were also launched as scheduled.

To be on the safe side, Xi Xiu set up a total of five launches, four shells each.

She was worried that the unknowns in this star field were too great and some shells would deviate from their trajectory.

When the mental power reached the coordinates, Xi Xiu pressed the launch button.

Sure enough, the first four shells launched deviated from the predetermined trajectory and were detonated somewhere else, a little far from the ideal position.

Ah Xian was a little nervous when he saw this, because the second round of shells that followed also deviated from the trajectory.

"Xi Xiu, what should I do?" Ah Xian's voice was a little frustrated.

Xi Xiu was very calm: "When I calculated the trajectory, I used the power of the first and second deviations from the trajectory of the shells, so the third round of shells will definitely reach the destination."

This is what she specifically asked Claudeel before leaving.

She had worried about this problem before, because in the new star field, anything could happen.

They can use the impact force generated when the shells explode to send the third wave of shells to the designated coordinates.

Claudeel praised Xi Xiu when he heard her question. He didn't expect that the angle she calculated was very tricky, but also very perfect.

After Xi Xiu finished speaking, the third wave of shells hit the estimated target location as expected.

The shells blew the position marked by Claudeel to pieces. At the same time, after the explosion, the hidden shell accurately entered the most central position of the star field.

Then, the fourth wave of shells also completed the task.

The abyss in the center of the star field, without any signs of life, calmed down.

This star field became quieter.

It seemed as if time had stopped.

Xi Xiu and A Xian could not sense where they were.

Ebony and Night Soul Grass wrapped their bodies around the aircraft, fearing that the explosion would hit the aircraft.

Their outer layer was burned into carbon by the aftermath of the shells, but fortunately they have strong vitality and can recover from this injury in just a dozen days.

After completing this task, Ebony took the aircraft out of the star field.

The smoke and dust from the explosion had not disappeared until they were far away from the star field.

After being able to contact the outside world, Wu Jingya sent a message as soon as possible, and then Qing Zhixun also connected to Xi Xiu's video.

Seeing that everyone was safe, everyone was completely relieved.

Xi Xiu was still busy transmitting data to Claudeel. Although she could not contact him in the star field just now, the basic functions of the terminal could barely be used.

In addition, she used a most primitive recorder to record the data of the star field explosion.

After handling all these, Xi Xiu and A Xian leaned on the chair and relaxed their bodies.

The string that was stretched just now has been relaxed. Although they are confident about this mission, they have never experienced it before.

Ah Xian's voice was a little hoarse: "Just now I was really worried that the weapon could not reach the designated coordinates." Xi Xiu looked at the data read by the electronic screen. When they return, Claudel should have reconstructed the image, and then they will be able to see the explosion more intuitively and clearly. "It was dangerous. I hope there will be no such mission next time. No matter how strong the heart is, it can't withstand such tossing." Xi Xiu closed her eyes and was also very tired. Just now, their mental power has been following the shells. They participated in the explosion throughout the whole process. Because the electronic equipment will be unusable for a moment, they can reproduce the trajectory of mental power at that time. The appearance of the center of the star field is displayed as a picture from another angle. When the two people rested, the electronic equipment that was already working on the aircraft began to confirm the situation of the star field. Xi Xiu looked at the quiet star field from a distance. The abyss in the center had disappeared, and it looked no different from an ordinary star field. After comparing the data before and after the star field, the electronic equipment reported the result: The star field has returned to normal. The powerful force before the explosion disappeared, and the star beast could no longer use that force to come to Siyun. Xi Xiu pressed the return button. On Siyun Star, the vortices in the sky and on the ground are becoming fewer and fewer.

Everyone knows that Xixiu and Axian succeeded.

They are concerned about their safety.

Everyone cheered until their terminal's signal lit up in the system again.

Li Xianfeng's mechanical heart also returned to its usual beating frequency.

He has been concerned about the safety of his two children since their departure.

Very proud of them too.

I had such courage back then.

Only in this way can we survive in this star field with frequent ups and downs.

After receiving the data from Xixiu, Claudius immediately started working.

Many such new star fields have been detected elsewhere in the Alliance.

As for whether these new star fields have that powerful power, we still have to send people to investigate to find out.

This task will become a reference for future tasks, and the completion rate will be greatly improved.

At the same time, it can also reduce unnecessary task sacrifice data.

Alivik felt mixed emotions in his heart when he saw the aircraft returning successfully.

He really didn't expect these two people to be so crazy.

If it were him, would he do this when he was in Xixiu's position?

Apparently he does.

However, it will be more conservative.

He would only make this choice in more critical situations.

Before that, he would kill more starry sky beasts, although it would only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

Xi Xiu and A Xian quickly joined everyone, and Wu Jingya hugged them both: "Welcome back."

Xixiu also hugged her back: "We are back, everything went well."

The tone was so light and calm.

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